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Everything posted by LeonBox

  1. Just got a Mindstealer Sphiranx and am looking forward to some utterly implausible Oldhammer-style fearbomb attempts with -2 bravery from the Sphiranx, -2 from Mask of Spiteful Beauty, Craving Stare and the full suite of Slaanesh bravery spells. Will it work? Not as long as command points exist, but it'll be a laugh to try anyway.
  2. I'm 100% happy to be wrong on this, as had my reading been correct, it would have made a strong ability very weak.
  3. The ability says "if an enemy unit is destroyed by an attack made by that Hedonite unit and there are wounds that remain to be allocated to that enemy unit from that attack, heal up to the same number of wounds allocated to that Hedonite unit." (Emphasis mine.) It seems pretty clear to me that you only get the benefit of a single attack, which limits it unless you're using a Keeper and kill something with impaling claws.
  4. With Glutos' command ability on Archaon, how were you handling the healing effect? As written it seems to indicate you can only regain excess wounds from the single attack that killed the model/unit you were fighting.
  5. This is a nice, fluffy list that looks like it would be an absolute blast to play. It's a shame we don't have any mounted mortal heroes to complete the almost-wholly mortal list here. Of course, as you point out, it's a bigger shame you can't realistically field this list.
  6. Damn. I still don't have any of my new models (I live in China and it's moving slowly here) but it's sounding less and less like I'm gonna have a good time with them. I guess I'll prioritise building Glutos and the Slickblades since they sound like my best competitive options.
  7. What do people think about running Bladebringers on Seeker chariots as mobile Slickblade support? They can more or less keep up with them, they have acquiescence for re-rolling ones on the Slickblades' targets, and they can use their locus to prevent pile-ins on the Slickblades. Also (correct me if I'm wrong) but wouldn't they get a look out sir from the Slickblades?
  8. I wouldn't say so. Outside of the (recently nerfed) Epitome and Glutos, we don't have any casters with bonuses. And yes, a lot of our spells leave much to be desired.
  9. Let's assume that a Slaangor warscroll re-write is off the cards for now. What kind of point reduction would it take for them to be feasible? Or are they fundamentally broken?
  10. Is it 100% confirmed that the Everchosen subfactions are still allowed? They've completely disappeared off the Azyr app and my old lists that contain them are now invalid.
  11. I think he means the Exalted Speed Knights battalion, rather than the Cavalcade. The one that allows D6 units from the battalion to move 6" before the start of the battle.
  12. Absolutely spectacular work on Sigvald! Can't wait to hear the lore you work up for him.
  13. My man running Slaangors! Haven't seen anybody else run them yet. You said they weren't great, but were they as bad as you thought they'd be? Did you find the lack of speed on the footsloggers was an issue?
  14. It's sorta baffling that those not using the gilded sword profile don't get double attacks with their claws (as I believe someone mentioned upthread). The warscroll even takes the time to differentiate between singular and plural claws but it's the same number of attacks regardless?
  15. If they take the spellcasting Mathlann dude though, he gets re-rolls to all casts and unbinds, so he's a pretty potent counter to a lot of our spellcasting capabilities. Who are your ambush targets for the Lurid Haze ability? I assume the Chaos Warriors are there for screening purposes -- who are they screening for? Also why 2 Enrapturesses? Shooting tends not to be so great against IDK.
  16. I'm beginning to think we need a FEC-style "add a model's wound characteristic value to its movement characteristic" spell. Siggy and the LoP are decent but that movement (and no run/charge, and losing the run & charge command trait from Godseekers) makes it hard to justify including them in any list that wants to take advantage of our speed.
  17. Hey guys, I'd like to get your tactical input on dealing with the fishy elves. They're as fast as we are, they (almost all) fly, and they've got that brutal turn 3 Always Strikes First ability. What are you go-to tactics for dealing with them? How do you handle the updated turtle?
  18. I think Seekers, whilst a little expensive, are great for tying up heavy-hitting shooters. They'll die, sure, but they'll hopefully keep some flak off your Keeper for one vital battle round whilst they do so. Their high bravery means they ain't running even if they lose 4 models, too.
  19. Does anyone have some good recommendations for marauder proxies? The official models are ugly as all hell. I was thinking Bloodreavers but they lack shields and have Khorne imagery all over them.
  20. Interesting hearing all the different takes on Glutos -- seems some people swear by him whilst others don't really consider him worth it. Not seeing all that much of Siggy either.
  21. The spell description says "bravery characteristic" so I think it goes against the modified version, since modifiers generally say "add/subtract x from the [trait] characteristic..." Yeah that's what I meant. Ambushing with 3 is a whole different kettle of fish to ambushing with 1.
  22. Who were your priority ambush picks, and who did you have ambush if you only got 1 of the d3 units?
  23. Does anyone know who's actually responsible for writing new rules, and whether or not there's some sort of overarching guidelines that they all need to adhere to? For instance, there must surely be some kind of rubric for determining how new models are to be pointed.
  24. Fantastic idea. It makes so much more sense that aimed attacks would cause MWs rather than the fantasy equivalent of spray-n'-pray. Regarding a unit shooting into the combat it's in -- maybe the "quick to fire" rule could make a reappearance. Throwing axes, javelins etc. can still be used if you're in combat, but big heavy weapons like longbows and handguns cannot.
  25. Shooting clearly needs a rework. I played WHFB for a long time before coming to AoS, and I was baffled by the lack of modifiers that apply to shooting. It also makes fly more of a liability than anything else most of the time, as you have zero chance of hiding fliers from shooters. Our meta is casual as hell and very tiny, and I'm almost always facing a Sylvaneth player with 3-4 units of Kurnoth Hunters who snipes every single one of my support heroes out by turn 2 at the latest. Battleshock is also utterly useless right now. I've seen a few suggestions for a forced retreat throughout the thread, which I think is a great idea. Even the current rule is fine as long as there's not such easy access to battleshock immunity. Break tests could make or break you in WHFB if you didn't properly prepare for them. I'm not saying that AoS needs to be more like WHFB (I like how much faster it is) but it shouldn't have a key mechanic that's basically a non-issue 95% of the time.
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