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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. GW is hyping our new Hedonites, by the way of sensory deprivation. Well, the models are among the best GW has ever produced and artwork is very good. I do believe that hero and unit stats and rules will be quite good too. So, let us wait a little more, we will know where we stand as faction soon. @Popisdead Yeah, I am the guy asking for BL novel dedicated to Hedonites. I have read all the short stories of AoS that focus on Slaanesh, Garden of Mortal Delights included. A very interesting story and I do recommend it.
  2. Tall Vampire Lady or ****** Snakebody Morathi?
  3. Article says that, true. But that is not a English definition of word pretender. Host of Pride?
  4. Sigvald is not a Pretender. Pretenders see themselves as successors to Slaanesh. In Golden Son story, the moment that twin headed snake appears and orders Sigvald to march alongside Glutos to Excelsis, he obeys instantly. Even if he and Glutos were on brink of murdering each other a moment before. They should have made completely new Hosts. Also, I am now really suspecting that Hedonite rules will not change as a whole in any meaningful way. We will just get some beautiful mortal miniatures. I hope tomorrow proves me utterly wrong.
  5. I love the fact that first Halfling in AoS is wearing BDSM clothes and is a follower of Slaanesh. Of course, Halflings will have new copyrightable name for their race.
  6. Honestly, as someone who was a fan of Orion in WHFB and has read the Dark Harvest book, Kurnoth coming back would be magnificent. When I read his monologue in Dark Harvest, it is truly chilling. He is a deity of Green Mother Earth...red in tooth and claw. His moral question offered to protagonist of the book is really challenging one. To be blunt, I think Kurnoth would be one deity that Chaos worshipers would be literally scared shitless of meeting. Avatar of the Hunt centerpiece would be amazing. Kurnothi elves are, hands down, probably the most interesting concept of elves in AoS for me.
  7. Allegiance rules would be good, to gauge the way where new Hedonites are going. I have to say that I am still hoping for a Black Library book or two dedicated to our faction. And in Slaanesh name, let them actually win one instead of losing like in every short story.
  8. We will see in day or two. That being said, you are most likely correct in your prediction. GW will want to sell the mortals and the rules for daemons are probably not going to change in any meaningful way. Shame about Fiends, I love their sculpts.
  9. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/08/join-a-sect-to-transform-how-your-daughters-of-khaine-fight/
  10. Quite. I love that those two mutant ogors or whatever they are, are shown as more than merely melee powerhouses that drag the palanquin.
  11. Honestly, it is amazing. After years of waiting for new Slaanesh mortals, the only true God of Warhammer universe, our divine mistress Slaanesh has blessed us!
  12. Good question. They say 11 units. I reread your listing. You listed them all, Lord of Pain was only new model not listed. Maybe they made a mistake in counting?
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/08/6-reasons-youll-be-captivated-by-the-hedonites-of-slaanesh-battletome/ Beautiful.
  14. Beautiful models and beautiful artwork! Rules previews in days to come. Amazing, I am dying to know rules of new models and old too.
  15. I only now realized that there are actually two variants of Exalted Steeds of Slaanesh. The first one have spiny dorsal fins covering their back to tail. The second one have purple mane covering their back and a blonde tail. Example in art and models:
  16. Myrmidesh as battleline? Possibly. They could run with Sigvald, after all, there is something of the Mirror Guard in them. Symbaresh would work good with Syll'esske host from lore aspect.
  17. My wallet is ready for extreme excess.... When will we get a 360 view option on official GW website?
  18. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/07/sunday-preview-devotees-of-divine-excess-and-murder-collide/ Enjoy!
  19. I should have clarified, I love glass canon playstyle. Not just in GW products, I do play Legion of Everblight in Warmachine/Hordes. It is lore fitting for us to be glass canon faction. That being said, I would like to build a Hedonite tank list. Something based around Glutos, Myrmidesh and Slaangors maybe? The Decadent Wall-shield?
  20. The Hedonites appear to be going in the direction of very elite glass canon playstyle, perhaps even more than before.
  21. We will get our new range, I am just hoping that rules are good. I am mildly worried that some units will be left irrelevant or made irrelevant. Fiends, possibly Slaangors. Twin souls? Hammer? Painbringers? Anvil? Also, I think that playing without Sigvald or Glutos will be rather difficult.
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