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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. I am sorry but who are u to judge peoples motivation for saying what they say. I also want to point out the timmy reference. I'm ok with defending my stance on what i think about a product and my reasoning behind it. But dont question my personal life. U dont know anything about me or others here. What u think is good value may differ from others. U have a bunch of subscriptions and some people just cant afford things like that. U also have your right to have your opinion. That being said, this topic is about trying the app and we should get back to that part of the discussion. I think the app now is mediocre at best. So far i like the online army builder the best out of the 3 they made recently and it is by far the most low budget one. While the app shows all some promise it isnt there yet imo.
  2. Let me get this straight. I have to pay more money than ever for a new battletome. Pay for all kind of content that is available on youtube for free. Warscrolls that used to be free for years. Armybuilder that used to be free. People asking for painting vids? Never heard of youtube? Compare a few animations to netflix that has maybe thousands movies and series? Putting new models behind a paywall and feed fomo? Cant be negative towards this? (Could be forgetting some more reasons)
  3. I will do this. Hope im not the only one XD.
  4. While it has been a fine quality of life thing that we could use free warscrolls for a few years we are going back to the age of books it seems. I dont see any reason to pay 55 euros a year to use an army building app i already have to buy the rules for. Pen and paper works just as fine. I guess i u really want a "free" model and also play 40k and u like to watch things that are free on youtube it could be worth your money.
  5. Warscrolls are useless without abilities. Doesnt really help anyone imo.
  6. Could this mean that warscrolls stay free and the rest become locked. Like azyr was? I could be wrong, havent used azyr for a while. Rules behind a buying battletome wall and army building behind a warhammer+ wall.
  7. I dont know whats better. Paying for warhammer+ and get access to everything or having to buy all books for all armies so i can use the app. I guess we have to wait and see.
  8. So they double paywalled the digital rules? U need the battletome and warhammer +. Seems fair XD lol. I do like the app so far. I can see things that could be still be improved but it runs smooth. At least on my phone and its not by any standards a new phone.
  9. Army Name: Bonesplitterz Army Notes: Test Army Faction: Orruk Warclans Army Type: Bonesplitterz Subfaction: Icebone Battlepack: Pitched Battles Points Limit: 1000 pts General: Wurrgog Prophet Grand Strategy: Hold the Line Units Wurrgog Prophet (General) Battlefield Role: Leader Command Traits: High Priest Artefacts of Power: Amulet of Destiny Spells: Glowy Green Tusks Points Cost: 150 pts Savage Orruks Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 165 pts Savage Orruks Battlefield Role: Battleline Points Cost: 165 pts Savage Big Stabbas Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 80 pts Savage Orruk Arrowboys Battlefield Role: Other Points Cost: 145 pts Skitterstrand Arachnarok (Ally) Battlefield Role: Behemoth Points Cost: 200 pts Wardokk Battlefield Role: Leader Points Cost: 80 pts Total Points: 985 pts Valid: Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App Used the clipboard function from the app for this. I needed to get used to seeing all allies in the list building options though. I could use all the artifacts and spells but couldnt see the rules from the battletime artifacts and spells. They required me to buy the tome.
  10. Guess it will take a while to do this for all armies XD. Does anyone know a good Bonesplitterz tournament list so i can compare the 2? I got these points from the generals handbook 2021 for now. For the big stabbas i counted half a box because someone could build 2 big stabbas and 10 savage orruk from a box. With the new points.
  11. Found this on tournament lists but its a bit outdated. https://ageofminiatures.com/warhammer-army-cost/ It tells us that on average the cost would be £350 for 56 models. When i have some spare time i'll try to make an average cost list for an army. I wonder if it gets close to this guys conclusion.
  12. Changed up my first post and added some examples.
  13. I guess i'm just curious at this point. I started thinking about this when i started buying into 40k orks and noticed that i could buy 2 other armies by the time i get to 2000 points. Some armies are really more expensive than others. I guess i'm trying to figure out why and if its really true at all if calculated in a proper way. Edit: I changed to first post a bit because my english is really bad
  14. That would be true if u are running a tournament list. I'm actually not interested in that part of the game. I am more a collector i guess thats plays a game of AoS or Warcry a few times a year. Also rules and faq updates can drastically change what would be a tournament list would cost for an army. Maybe an army average point to cost ratio would be the way to go.
  15. Hi all. I am wondering what the points per "insert currency" ratio would be for all armies. Can any sources be found with information on this subject? My guess is that it'll be the most elite/ low model count army that will be most cost efficient but i could be wrong. Lets do some quick calculations. The SoB are low model count but are around 350 euros for a mega gargant + 4 baby gargants gets around 1200 points. Ogor Mawtribes gets me a Stonehorn + 4x mournfang and 2x ironblaster for 165 euros and almost 1000 points. Bonesplitterz come in could buy me 40x savage orruks, 1x wurrgog, wardokk and big boss for 129 euros for 1000 points That makes SoB twice the cost of the Ogors. The Bonesplitterz are cheapest while also having the highest model count of the 3. So less models isnt everything in this case. So what does this mean? I dont want to count Start Collecting boxes because they are more an added bonus if i already want to buy the contents. They are often changed or removed from the store and limits what i want to buy. I also dont want to include boxed sets like dominion for sure because those are limited runs. Lets just count normal unit purchaces for now. I think adding all units from an army and getting a point to cost ratio doesnt represent what an avarage army would look like. Some armies have loads of characters that i'll never all buy. But i think an army avarage is the closest i can get. How would u calculate the best point per "insert currency" ratio for an army? Help! (I changed this post a bit because my english is really bad sometimes)
  16. For some reason i thinks its Soulblight, it looks kinda like batwings + gargoyle sword combo.
  17. I"ll get the 2 new ally Troggoths for sure. It will be fun playing some new troggoths just because i can. As a bonus i can also run them along gordrakk and some orruks. I like that they are giving destruction some more options. The release of Kragnos also shows that they intend to mix things up imo.
  18. I like to buy the books for my main armies although i dont like the new prices at all. I like to read stuff about the armies i spend a lot of time on. But i did like the free warscrolls for using them as allies or just to browse them before buying into a new army. It would actually give me less motivation to buy models from an army i dont already own. I think i wont be the only one.
  19. Wouldnt i be to slow with a footslogging list + Gordrakk? What do u all think about 30 savage orruks + marshcrawla for a +1 to hit + gordrakk + 2x 5 brutes? Maybe add a some kind of hammer, a mirebrute maybe, or would i need something else like a killbow or 2?
  20. Thanks that is really usefull. What would u do with the weapon option of the 10 brutes? If i can i want to dodge buying older ork models, just because i already own these since fantasy and could really use something new and shiny for the army. How would u rate the undergrounds warband options? Edit: Also would anyone mind if i use the old ork warboss bsb as a warchanter? Dont know the size difference to be honest.
  21. Can i ask someone how big a Warchanter is compared to the old big boss bsb? Does enyone own these 2 models? I want to try and run one as a Warchanter. Thanks! https://miniset.net/files/set/gw-99120209013-1-0.jpg
  22. Please help me so i can focus on building a fun army for this edition. It doesnt need to be competitive, just a legal list thats not complete trash is fine. What would be the best thing to do with these models with the new rules? To be honest i dont really know where to go from here. What would u add to these models? I am thinking about adding a unit of Brutes because i think they look awesome. So that will probably put me in the big waaaghhh corner. These are the models i own currently. I could also ally in almost any gloomspite gitz model. Leaders: 1x Godrakk/ Boss on MK (needs to be included) 1x Wurrgog Prophet 1x Savage Big Boss Units: 20x Savage Orruks with 1 or 2 units of Big Stabbas or 30x Savage Orruks. I was about to remodel these anyway so they can be any kind of Savage Orruk. Thanks!
  23. I'm actually glad if it is smaller than it appears. I dont like models getting bigger all the time. Imo it would look better in an army if its not huge we already got the bird/ gordrakk/ gargants and kragnos. I thinks about the size of a dankhold troggoth.
  24. Does the marshcrawla buff only orruks or all units? Cant seem to find the rules. If so, he will go straight into a troggoth list for gloomspite gitz with some upgrades. Does someone have info on its warscroll?
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