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Everything posted by Gitzdee

  1. Would this guy be boosted by anything in a throggoth lists if i ally him in?
  2. Also if i'm not mistaken they used to be monsters in fantasy. Dont really know what changed this.
  3. Its only fair, all the gloomspite gitz throggoth also arent monsters. (although i still agree with u)
  4. Its probably a distraction carnifex for the kruleboyz. Not important enough to kill and killy enough to be a threat.
  5. Does this mean i can use the troggoth in a gloomspite gitz troggoth list? Dont know how this works in 3.0. If so i will buy him and replace the orruk with squighopper riders. (forgive me for only having access to paint at work)
  6. I guess its wishlisting because those battletomes are in need of a 3.0 update. Nighthaunt is missing from that list though XD.
  7. It seems like we have the same style of painting for the most part. May i ask if u use washes? I am starting to question using washes or at least use it less because it dulls the color of the model if i try to go for a higher contrast paint job. Also where can i find something on blacklining. I've not heard of this before. I have like 2 to 4 hours a week to paint, i've been busy with a black coach last 2 weeks and i think i have at least another 2 to go XD. It is actually hard for me to lower my standards for painting but i really want to put some color on my pile of shame.
  8. While we are on the topic of painting standards i have another question. What are your standards for a tabletop ready model or unit? I am trying to figure out where the sweetspot is for me. I am taking way to long painting my armies imo. Although it is also because my skills are lacking for what i am trying to accomplish. I am horrible at blending colors and i have to put the time in to learn that skill at some point but i just cant find the time between work and having a daughter thats only 2 months old. I am thinking about spending less time on the details of basic troops and put some work into leaders and behemoths. I've also read something about saving time using the focal point of a model and concentrate on details there and less on the other parts. In a way i have been gatekeeping myself XD. I think i have to change my mindset of what is tabletop ready. Do u paint your armies using different standards or do u all paint them up to be the same level?
  9. Is Gordrakk getting reboxed? He's no longer available online.
  10. Somehow i feel like he was meant to be a chaos model. Then they remembered they already have Archaon and Belakor. Dont get me wrong i love that destruction got some love but i just dont get it from a designers perspective.
  11. I actually am hoping we get more access to shooting with the ranged options of the kruleboyz in the big waaagh.
  12. If this is the case i would like someone to explain to me why destruction got a random centaur god. The only things i can think of right now is that they had something else planned and they shoved it into destruction last minute. Or they just needed something to introduce dragons and had nowhere to put him and then shoved it into destruction. It just feels like they copy pasted him into the Excelsis battle. Edit: Or we have a lot more beast goodness commin our way this edition. Might have to steal the mannaroth idea XD.
  13. To be honest i have seen 11 year olds with a better smart phone than i have. I get your stance on this but they are already putting things behind a digital paywall and that doesnt strike me as childfriendly either. I cant see many parents giving their children a subscription to warhammer+. I dont really support the way things are shaping up to be now digitally but it might open some doors for future content.
  14. For the casual hobby part u should do whatever u want. If u want to join a tournament just meet the requirements to enter that tournament. Everything else imo is people making other people feel bad about their minis to make themselves feel better. I just cant wrap my mind around why someone would give a negative comment on another players minis if not asked directly. And if u like to play against someone with only high level painted minis thats also ok and good luck with that. People look for different things in this hobby and thats fine.
  15. I do like the physical aspect of this hobby aswell after a day of working behind a computer. But the problem for me is missing out on many rules. Yeah i can find them online but i dont have it all inside one battletome that i can brind to the table. Like with the broken realms rules or white dwarf releases i dont have access to the newer gloomspite gitz and nighthaunt rules within the battletome.
  16. While i agree with most of this i cant help but tell u of what GW did to my orks and goblins army that i painted and converted to all look as one army. They put the savage orruks i had in their own battletome and then put them into orruk warclans. They got rid of my regular orks and grots. They made gloomspite gitz where they used the spiderfang, nightgoblins and rivertrolls and added a whole new range of models to go along with it. The giants got their own battletome now. I wouldnt rule out the possible drastic changes to ones army.
  17. Because destruction got a random centaur god added to their list without any models to go along with it. I think he looks really out of place. Would it be awesome if we could run him along some beastman, yesh i think it would. Also their mindset is not that different from the kruleboyz. I still think gw wont ever move them to destruction but i get where people get the idea.
  18. I would like this but i think a lot of chaos players would ragequit if that happened.
  19. We should tell gw about this and they can do a limited edition Space Marines one with girlyman on the cover. It will happen for sure! Ok all kidding aside. I do think they need to up their game with the apps. The reason imo with people looking for 3rd party stuff is that their own stuff just isnt good enough. They can try to make all content illegal but they will never get rid of all fanmade stuff. And i think fanmade content just adds to their popularity. They should focus on just being better and people will be drawn to them for quality content. Isnt that how we ended up here anyway? Quality minis.
  20. They are already doing this in the form of faq's and white dwarf releases. And what about new models that arent included in a battletome. Sometimes it is already outdated after a month or 2. Slaanesh got 2 battletomes in 2 years.
  21. I am a sucker for this kind of thing. I played mtg for close to 15 years. I and my wallet would be doomed XD. Edit: They could even do guest artists like John Howe or Alan Lee. They would make them tons of money.
  22. Could even use this concept for warcry and other upcomming things. They could even do booster packs with different art pages so people will trade them to create a better community. It would also be a wallets worst nightmare. It already makes me feel nostalgic. Me: *opens pack* Someone else: Yeey i got a foil Gordrakk page ! ! Me: *looks inside pack* nooo not another deathrattle skeleton
  23. Looks like something Chaos Space Marines or a Blades of Khorne warband.
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