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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
  2. Well now y'all just confusing me! 🀣
  3. I'm sad that in the predictions and wish listing no one seems to be mentioning mixed species Cities warband anymore 😒 Have we given up hope?
  4. I believe there's rumoured new Vespids for for the Tau via Kill Team.
  5. Skaven are too cowardly to get on with Khorne. Tricksy scheming Tzeentch could be a match. But maybe the Bird dude and the Rats are a bit too alike and realise they cannot trust each other?
  6. Even worse for IDK players, GW do release a new model, but they make it for Stormcasts 😒
  7. So the next question here is how did they then scale them down pre-CAD?
  8. Wow, as a kid in the 80s I loved Warhammer, but had no idea the skill and talent of the designers, just took it all for granted!
  9. Sorry if it's a really daft question. But when models were sculptured by hand (as mentioned in the article), were they sculptured at the size they will be cast at? Or sculptured bigger and somehow shrunk down for production? Miniature painting is skilled enough, I can't imagine actually sculpting something detailed that small. (And how on Earth then did they manage the original Epic models?)
  10. We could do with a separate thread where we copy over all of Whitefang's reactions and comments so they are all together in one place.
  11. I'd guess the issue the 40k and other stuff doesn't have the same potential to dominate and derail the thread as the Old World does. (I'm glad that a) the mods are actually way more flexible and accommodating than over in Bolter and Chainsword and b) we are getting a TOW section here on TGA, which is afterall actually a Mortal Realms forum.
  12. Warcry and Underworlds are set in the Mortal Realms and their units get AoS rules.
  13. It was for the limited edition version. Which somehow apparently sold out before the pre-order went live .. I for one can't wait to find out what happens and who wins when Horus and the Emperor finally have thier punch up.
  14. When Sigmar's crusades succeed there'll be joyous queuing across the realms.
  15. executives in GW came to conclusion that bigger & flashier models are the best way to drive profits. They can charge as much or more for a single hero than a whole unit ☹️
  16. The estimated queue time system on the webstore is totally broken. It's jumping about all over the place, got as low as 11 minutes, now back to around half an hour. No idea Belthanos was going to be quite this popular!
  17. Were does Skaeth and friends fit into AoS lore and narrative? Edit: sorry, just realised you answered this in the post I quoted. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  18. Yes, I was thinking about this, but was unsure what to say in the not the spoiler thread.
  19. Fair point. But I'm wondering if @Whitefang told us about Kurnothi not necessarily being Fauns and Centaurs because they are preparing that non animal based Kurnothi is what we're going to get. Which would actually be cool (maybe something like Darkoath vibe but for Kurnoth rather than Chaos). Just as long as we get the half animals too.
  20. It entirely depends on what you mean by 'Kurnothi' As @Whitefang has pointed out in the past, Kurnothi are just followers of Kurnoth, and we already have those.
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