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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. Hopefully we can successfully apply Hanlon's Razor here.
  2. Didn't the WarCom short story hint at some kind of warpstone powered mech or power-armour? 😍
  3. Really hope it's an unintentional coincidence.
  4. Aleguzzler/mancrusher/chaos Gargants are a cross GA kit. Hobgrots could be a kit that represents different units in different GAs. Maybe a Chorf auxiliaries upgrade sprue?
  5. And hopefully for the leaker too low res to give away thier identity.
  6. Or it could be model from a unit on an individual sprue for use as a miniature of the month like they did with a Votann and a Rotmire and probably others.
  7. How did I miss that? I knew they announced Dwarves as the next faction, but didn't realise the box was revealed.
  8. Have they revealed the Dwarfs box contents yet?
  9. Not sure if it makes a difference but Alarielle's beetle and Belthanos's grasshopper are actually magical sprite things rather than actual physical giant insects so don't think they really need rationale anatomy. Rule of cool rules, especially for magical beasts. But I do like your thoughts and ideas. If beast type people are going to be represented by a Kragnos faction then i think Sylvaneth won't be getting Kurnothi in the way I'd hope. But the plants and bugs theme is definitely a great way to go. Also, replace the Wyldwoods with something scarier and angrier looking.
  10. There are, and they look great. But I don't think that means they are long term safe in AoS though.
  11. Dryads, if they do get a resculpt, will likely get a re-naming as well to a unique Games Workshop name. They may also just fade back to the old world as there is both Tree and Spite Revs as infantry. Also not confident about Treelords staying in AoS, they are the other kit from WHFB with a non IP'd name.
  12. Sorry, I've missed something, what's the new Gryph people are talking about?
  13. Normal size angry humans? Still makes no sense to me that there's not Destruction humans. Abandoned by Sigmar and an alternative to the Dark Oath?
  14. Ok, so it turns out the countdown was for the wait to join the queue. Now I'm in the queue with the progress bar but no numeric estimate of wait time. Edit: just realised the count down timer was until 10am local time.
  15. Call me old fashioned, (and please don't just direct me to The Old World) but it's a shame there's not more cooperation between Orrucks and Grots in the Mortal Realms.
  16. I had to go and check they weren't mentioned in the purge article. Do any of the KO gunships count as artillery?
  17. Queue on the webstore this morning. It has an I'm not a robot thing. And the countdown is in minutes and seconds this time.
  18. And Skaven have the green laser and the green gunk thrower.
  19. Its certainly how I felt about many people's response to Wanderers removal from Cities 😥
  20. Beasts and Sylvaneth merger in Destruction?
  21. I'm surprised at the Branchwraith being removed. It's been for sale without rules for ages and I'd assumed it was waiting for transfer over to Wood Elves.
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