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Everything posted by EntMan

  1. What time are the videos/announcements today likely to go up on WarCom?
  2. Link to Bolter and Chainsword thread with leak pictures should you want it: https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/381969-dark-angels-leaks/
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you wonderful TGA folk who celebrate!
  4. Christmas is now as good as confirmed! Just go to wait 'til tomorrow for the official reveal.
  5. Those new Eldar do look good. Remind me of the classic Eldar from Rogue Trader days 😀
  6. Oh yeah, I'm in now and you're right. Spacecast Eternals scouts in the killteam box. Also a bunch of nids from the launch, now available as individual units.
  7. Odd, just went to browse the webstore and the queue system is in effect. Is there a big release pre-order today I've forgotten about? Seems too last minute to be Christmas shopping what with the final delivery dates all passed.
  8. They had to write it, rather than say it because they are actually a Silent Person!
  9. Freeguild handgunners/crossbowmen and Sisters of the Watch were sold with both round and (presumably left over) square bases until their recent removal from Cities. So I wouldn't totally rule out getting both base types in and both system compatible kits.
  10. I mean, we used to have a great kit where you could make males or (non sexualised) females...
  11. Is it not going well? I'm not up to date on it at all.
  12. Not strictly undead (like AoS ghouls), but we could do with werewolves.
  13. Updated Dark Elf dragon? But for which faction?
  14. There's not much more "off white" than mummies wrapped in old bandages.
  15. I'm pretty sure that's right. I saw #43 in a shop at the weekend, but am waiting for mine from Forbidden Planet, release date 20th December I think.
  16. Taking me too literally! 🤣 I just meant mini versions of Kragnos's species.
  17. If we assume this isn't horse legs but something more natural/wild such as deer legs, ae there any other factions (in any of the WH settings) it could fit in apart from Sylvaneth/Kurnothi or Beasts of Chaos? Is there room for baby Kragnoses in any of the destro factions?
  18. While the spider incarnate watches on from a discrete distance...
  19. Belthanos was awesome, but actually not all that Kurnothi (considering they are his herald or whatever), basically a stick man on a giant bug.
  20. Definitely hoping it's Kurnothi. As it's two hooves off the ground it's got to be a centaur in motion. 'Cos if it's a faun or a satyr then they're halfway through falling over!
  21. I mean, perhaps, as there's lots to say about the Old World, we might give it a dedicated thread? 😉 https://www.tga.community/forums/topic/24482-warhammer-the-old-world/
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