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Everything posted by Feii

  1. Dont know dude. IDK being a top tier army since their release? Same goes for DoK. LRL are at least an A tier army. Half of the BR books is about them and they are moving the narrative forward the most. They have the most Gods, Lore time and consistently the best rules. calling SCE primaris is just cringe and false at this point.
  2. I think most people find the core game rules (with some terrain shenanigans) invredibly good. The models are the best in the world - not a hyperbole. The only thing that lacks this game are proper army rules - which is not a problem in other GW gane systems. (There isa huge difference betwren something outdated and releasing a new battletome that has the same problems as some codexes in 40k that are 3 years old and outdated) If you did a veil of ignorance thought experiment and chose an army at random and knowing this game you would most likely not play this game. - on top of that filter out elven factions and this game’s army balance is attrocious. Not to mention that elves having better rules leads to more sales and that will shape how this company schedules the future releases. Elves will become primaris of this game but at least in 40k they were able to fix them at least power lvl wise.
  3. It is very sweet of you but I meant to write QC but for some reason didnt. Oh well at least I can pretend it wasnt wrong 🤓
  4. When a sylvaneth flute boi hippie vines have almost the same profile as a slaanesh twin avatar with their staff.... idk the models should have cost more but had more ambitious rule. Very bland.
  5. When a sylvaneth flute boi hippie vines have almost the same profile as a slaanesh twin avatar with their staff.... idk the models should have cost more but had more ambitious rule. Very bland.
  6. Spending depravity on different things than summoning is an amazing idea. Depravity points should be the allegiance ability but rewards should be different options imo. In the lore there are war bands that do not use any demons when they raid. Spending it on buffs and spells could be amazing. Maybe lock summoning to make them be able summon only daemonettes in smaller numbers etc.
  7. Can we talk about that 1 attack on their spear??? What.
  8. I asked the leaker about a subfaction and he said that too - well, there might be something for kragnos in the kruel boyz battletome though they worship him after all
  9. How many uninspired slaanesh spells can we create? Slaanesh spellore should be about exploiting your opponents. I feel like they should be a spell with a medium range that forces targetted unit to fight the nearest enemy if it is in the range etc. Something akin to mind control/luring your enemies to fight for you for a little bit. Situational but flavourful.
  10. We can never get a better game if there isn’t an underlaying design philosophy. power level is contextual but if GW writers dont have any kind set of rules while designing battletomes there will be always DoK/Hedonites moment.
  11. You know a proper battletome would have a subfaction where demons and humans can share their boons. You know like that one flavourfully amazing Syll-Eske faction that is all about symbiosis between mortals and demons hmmmm wasted potential makes me so sad and melancholic.
  12. It is really weird that Slaanesh apparently cannot be good at casting spells anymore because of reasons. GW doesnt know what to do with slaanesh rules wise so Im just gonna wait 2-3 years till the next battletome. Shame Dont know why a god that called dibs on the elves is bad at magic. Children of slaanesh are worse casters than gobbapalooza.
  13. Its not even about the complexity. Vampires got lazy rules and some feel bad rules which shouldnt be happening. I dont want to play an army that makes me feel bad while building lists and playing the game. Why would I do that? I want to spend my money but understand my frustration when armies I love get the short end of the stick in the development. (I already play 2 armies that are bottom 3 in the 40k and SCE casual list so I am not some kind of a power gamer) I guess Im buying fetchlands and RL cards instead of getting into more armies this year 😩
  14. 3.1 will fix it! Oh wait wrong developer I dont trust companies to fix something or to make something bad amazing in the same development window. It seems like people at GW didnt have enough time so they went with a super conservative and a gunshy route. Shame.
  15. Also I think her AoE healing is a bad rule in a meta where your whole units just die. I guess her ability doesnt bring back slain models if you overheal.
  16. I would much rather have exciting rules that sometimes break than boring rules. I think the new Blood Knight rule/kastellai rule is an amazing example of that. Same goes for megagargants rules. in an ideal world GW would just FaQ online rules.
  17. Still the power level of soulblight is good but some of the decisions are feel bad rules that have no place in modern game desing and anybody who wrote them should feel bad. Lauka Vai and avengori rules that they lose themselves in the battle seem like some nice fluffy rules but then you read the lore and understand that they missed the mark. Lauka Vai shouldnt have the rule, she is able to restrain herself and sooth minds of her brood psychicly over great distances. Another thing is that she doesnt get casting bonuses when in the lore she could melt mortals with her psychic gaze and can restrain multiple avengori lords. Fluffy guy in me is sad that she has inadequate rules lore wise and competitive guy in me tells you that not being able to choose and stripping of my agency for almost no payoff is one of the worst things a game designer can do his players. Sure give enraged avengorii lords random movement attack everybody around at random cannot cast spells or use CA but they should turn into megagargants and more power level wise in that turn or just let me choose. Have you seen the kastellai dynasty relics? One of the unique subfaction relics is worse than a realm artifact and locked behind once per battle. I firmly believe that if you did such a ****** job in any serious workplace your boss would be talking to you what is the problem with that kind of performance.
  18. Those two models really dont make it for me IF their role is that they are supposed to be the avatar of slaanesh. Too plain for that imo. Their scepters suck too.
  19. Guy was translating it to english from italian. So a good catch I guess
  20. No subfaction for kragnos in the book. Some BoC cost changes. Slaanesh twins 260 and 280 in their cost apparently. 275 for the revenant. And the last sylvaneth part is a battalion for 120 thats all 3 points for them.
  21. alleged leaks - take with with a grain of salt if it is not allowed please delete it mods Kroak is apparently 18 wounds no shrug same rules except the one New below.
  22. I think people just want to talk about anything release related but we are 2 days before (24ish hours for NZ) a big release and the end of the BR narrative and we got no tangible previews for it since monday? Really enjoyed how they handled SBG battletome with daily articles. people dont have anything to talk about and ate really hyped so they go off topic. It is a shame.
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