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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. You can probably take them as enhancements if they no longer have point costs.
  2. I generally don't keep harping on it, but @Whitefang back me up, who we can now definitely confirm has inside knowledge of 4th ed, literally said that Beasts will soon no longer be playable in AoS. And Whitefang did indeed back them up (through reactions). IMO, the evidence is against Beasts staying, as sad as it is.
  3. If Bravery gets replaced by Objective Control, OBR will likely be good at it, and Zombies weak. So I would not worry too much about that.
  4. In my personal experience, the coolest, biggest guys were always the one with the highest bravery. Underpowered units like grots, rats and normal humans were usually the ones that suffered. In fact, they got doubly hurt by both having worse bravery and losing higher numbers than elite units.
  5. The stealth reason for this is probably to save money on translations again. It's why they use symbols for Warcry and Kill Team, and in warscroll cards. But hopefully it also makes rules easier to read at a glance.
  6. IMO, melee weapon ranges were a mechanic introduced to capture something like WHFB's number of fighting ranks in AoS. But, at least for me personally, I don't think that implementation was ever very fun. It was always fiddly to measure ranges from individual models, as opposed to just looking at your unit and going "spears -> 2 ranks fight" like in WHFB.
  7. Yeah, same with weapon ranges, honestly. WHFB is a game that lives by its complex combat resolution, because the primary way to score is kill points, so combat (both the fighting itself and resolution math), movement and relative positioning of units need to be very detailed and nuanced. AoS is a game of area control (and recently battle tactics), so all these things can be simplified by a lot, since the mayor decisions are not just about taking points-efficient engagements and preventing your opponent from doing so.
  8. The terminology was confusing before. "This unit has 5 wounds". Intuitively, does that mean it has 5 HP, 5 max HP or taken 5 points of damage? This is the kind of thing that established players don't notice after a while because you just get used to it. But it is a point of friction that is worth removing for newcomers. Also, literally every other game just calls it health.
  9. Appears to be point adjustments for the Mortarch Regiments of Renown and a bit of cleanup that makes rules work like you would assume they work.
  10. Fun video. I think the point about GW sending out a cease and desist against the sale of Chaos Dwarves is interesting. I personally believe in the Chaos Dwarf dream at this point. The evidence has really been mounting over the course of the last edition.
  11. I feel like removing their warscrolls from AoS or putting them into Legends is the way to go. The spotty availability of the models introduces an undesirable pay-to-win component to AoS if any of them ever turns out too good. Between range rotation and the fact that some warbands like Sons of Velmorn have still not seen individual releases, I think it would be better to just cut these awkward warscrolls from AoS entirely.
  13. Get them out of the game, TBH. We only have one and that's not enough to justify a whole subsystem. Maybe just turn it into an endless spell that can fight and rampage like a monster. Or just delete it, honestly.
  14. Incarnates don't even get a mention in the recap of 3rd edition. The disrespect!
  15. I don't even want to say that the new Cities units are especially hard to paint. I think if you have some painting knowledge and a plan, you can paint them pretty quickly. I was actually somewhat positively surprised with them when I painted my dudes. For somewhat established hobbyists, it's a very doable army. If you have the experience, I think you can feel secure starting Cities right now. Especially the Spearhead box, which we know will get support and actually be playable on its own in 4th. But I think for beginners, they would be difficult to paint. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to attempt to paint them using the normal GW approach. I remember getting defeated by painting 20 skeletons when I started out, and they are literally the easiest thing in the world to paint, haha.
  16. There is no real barrier to this. GW released 3 new factions plus Sons of Behemat in 2nd ed. In 3rd ed, their big releases were mostly expansions and refreshes (Kruleboyz, Cities, FEC, S2D...), but there is nothing stopping them from releasing two or three new armies next edition if they feel like it's worth it.
  17. Good thread! It will probably be useful to a lot of people in the lead up to 4th. My general advice would be this: Actually wait until the new models and rules are released. I know you are hyped about the game and want to start now, but delaying gratification for two months will help you make decisions that you will be much happier with long-term. Buy armies for aesthetics first. It's the most important thing for long-term enjoyment of the Warhammer hobby. Don't buy into factions or models just because you are getting a deal: If you only kinda like Stormcast, don't start a Stormcast army just because they are cheap. If you only kinda like Liberators, don't buy 20 of them because they are on sale. As for your specific questions: All three of these armies are probably good. For Stormcast and Skaven, you should for sure wait until at least the contents of the new starter box are known before making any big decisions. If you want to get started now, you can get Yndrasta and the other units from Dominion very cheaply on ebay, to the point where I would personally not even feel bad about them becoming "obsolete" in the next edition. For Cities, I would only recommend them to people who have some experience painting and have an idea of what painting a horde army means. You are easily looking at 60+ models in a normal Cities list, and they kind of demand a somewhat clean paint job, unlike Skaven. I know that if I had started with Cities as my first army, I would not have finished more than one unit of Steelhelms before quitting. But your mileage may vary. If Cities are the army you are most excited about bar none, then start Cities.
  18. Apparently, you don't get to score a battle tactic if you take the double. Which is pretty significant, at least at high levels of play. That double better be worth 2 VP.
  19. There were some pretty stark power differences between factions at the start (win rates as low as 30 and above 70 percent) and I believe a lot of armies lost a bunch of options they have had for a long time. The indexes were just notably lower quality than the previous codexes. IMO, AoS is in a good position to avoid most of that, though. Simply because the system has a lot less legacy rules it is lugging around.
  20. At the same time, there has got to be a way to improve the core battalion system. It currently feels super clunky to use and more than half of the battalions see literally no play.
  21. I'm just really happy that humans can finally be shown in trailers now that Steelhelms exist. I have to say, they actually have a pretty distinctive silhouette, as well. I think over time people will really be able to recognize them as "typical AoS" at a glance.
  22. It means "If you choose to double turn you can’t score a battle tactic." as per @Whitefang back me up
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