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Neil Arthur Hotep

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Everything posted by Neil Arthur Hotep

  1. I don't see any reason to assume this right now. If anything, I expect Dispossessed to stay until they get updated models.
  2. Some of those images got compressed to death. Can you upload them somewhere else and link them here?
  3. Level 1 Crook - Level 35 Hitman - Level 100 Boss That's how Sigmar's mafia works
  4. My personal preference would be wheels, but I would expect a walker. I think that design is more established in the artwork so far. However, I think wheels would go better with the medieval aesthetic of the new Freeguild.
  5. The original cities of Sigmar all have a founding Stormhost that mans their associated Stormkeep. In the case of Anvilgard, it is the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Usually the city name matches the Stormhost (Hammerhal has Hammers of Sigmar, Vindicarum has the Celestial Vindicators...). Anyway, in AoS, everyone is from everywhere. No (sub-)faction needs to be constrained to just one Realm.
  6. Liberators, Judicators, Prosecutors and Paladins are probably the most in need of an aesthetic update, so that would make sense to me.
  7. It's a cool idea. I think this kind of thing would have been perfect for Warhammer Fantasy. But I kind of also feel that Cities dwarves are not really about tunneling and mining in that way. They live with humans and elves in normal cities, after all, not burried deep inside a mountain hold. I think the question which kind of war machine would be right for Dispossessed (and I definitely agree they should have one, a really cool one that truly tells you what Cities dwarves are about) hinges on the story that the designers want to tell with their reimagining. The new Freeguild have their big shields, because they want to "bring the city walls with them". The Cogfort is another perfect illustration of that idea. The question is, what do city dwarves want? What are they like? Right now, they are just WHFB dwarves, so we don't really know. The oval base seems right to me. I have built and painted two Mortek Crawlers, and they are on that base. It seems very appropriate for a big war machine that has a bunch of crew hanging out on it. I think the difference in scale between a Cogfort on that base and a Steam Tank would feel right.
  8. I for one clearly remember Khorgos Khul Ascended being on the Fruit of the Loom logo, right next to the cornucopia.
  9. It's not like I dislike it, but it feels like that's not really the identity of the Dispossessed. Kind of close to Kharadron again, with their transport ships. And it kind of feels like a Cogfort should be garrison-able, as well.
  10. Not saying I am against it, but I currently can't imagine a good way to differentiate the two. If humans get a Cogfort in the next update, what should dwarves be getting? Their current niche are the Gyrocopters, but expanding on that feels like stepping on the toes of Kharadron Overlords. A tank would be cool in isolation, but between the Steam Tank and Cogfort, I don't really see how another medium-sized tank would fit the army. I think a Dispossessed war machine would need to fill a completely new niche. Mech suits maybe? They already have stuff like the Steam-Piston Plate-Mail and Piledriver Gauntlets in the lore. Dispossessed are the builders of Cities, so maybe war machines that develop out of construction equipment would be cool for them. Or maybe something like a mobile anvil of doom on a steam machine chassis would be a way to go? It would tie together their rune magic and technology themes.
  11. Had a game against Kruleboyz yesterday. First game post-battlescroll. They are a tough match up for me, since the strength of my list are good shooting, magic and saves, but they bring anti-shooting, anti-magic and mortals. I knew this would difficult match, and it ended 21-19 for Kruleboyz in the last battleround, which is a score I can live with. I am not going to go through the game in-depth, but I had a fun interaction I want to write about. My opponent was trying to push a big unit of 20 Gutrippas on the point to the right. You can see him inch on it just enough to capture it. I had a counter-charge order on the Hurricanum and counter-fire on the Tank Commander on the right. So here's what happened: I counter-charge with the Tank Commander. My opponent uses Unleash Hell with a unit of Boltboyz that are in range. This triggers my counter-fire, which you can do any time a unit becomes the target of a shooting attack. So I got a full round of melee and shooting into the Gutrippas, and I even managed to stay in Hurricanum buff range for it. The aftermath: More than half a unit lost in my opponent's charge phase. Had I remembered to foil his Inspiring Presence with my command core, it might well have been a total wipe. I have said it before and I will say it again: The Hurricanum/Steam Tank Commander group is really strong and feels super fun to play. Other small points: I got my Command Corps into combat with Engage the Foe and the Whisperblade did 8 -3 rend wounds to Gobsprakk, which was pretty sweet. For the first time, my Fusiliers survived long enough to get their reroll off, so I finally got the 3+/3+ rerolling hits shooting phase everyone dreams of. Sadly, I rolled badly on the wound roll and still did pretty low damage. Fusiliers did OK this game. They did an OK amount of chip damage and their Return Fire coverage made my opponent shoot less than they would otherwise have. I think even without mortal wounds they potentially have a role, but they need to come down in points to be really worth taking again. Zenestra failed 3 out of 5 prayers. lol
  12. Whisky Sour and his nemesis, Lord-Imbibor Negroni.
  13. Whatever, nerds. Have fun figuring out the logistics of not getting stuffed into lockers. I'll be over here RUINATING stuff.
  14. Ruination is such a strong name. People have been wanting more information about that chamber since we first learned that it exists. You don't see a lot of calls to release the Logister chamber, by comparison. Yeah, cool chamber you got there, nerds. 🤓
  15. That's some thick paper. Could probably bludgeon a guy.
  16. One of my favourite bits of OBR lore is that generally, Ossiarchs don't advance through the ranks. Instead, they are purpose-built to be leaders and only get demoted into progressively more menial roles as punishment for failure. I think that says a lot about Nagash and his vision of an ideal society. That guy is pretty big on punishing people, not so much rewarding them.
  17. Wildercorps is in the CoS tome. If new Plague Monks are in the works at all, I would expect them to either be in the book from the start, or coming a good while (a year plus) later.
  18. Sigmar lied about the Horned Rat having weapons of mass destruction to justify his invasion of Skavenblight. Blatant Azyrite imperialism again.
  19. I agree. But I think the fact that CoS Dwarves have appeared in two of the Dawnbringers stories now (this one and the one where they were building that tower for Ionus) is pretty reassuring.
  20. Zenestra is great, because she gives Order a Death-style jobber that can get beat down and then just mysteriously reappear later.
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