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Posts posted by Shadowcortax

  1. 1 minute ago, Phasteon said:

    More reasonable, although a 3+ wound shrug is really not fun to play against, 66% of all damage you deal is simply ignored. 

    Make it a 5+ which still effectively puts him on 36 wounds with a 3+ save and its fine.

    what about making it a 4+ or leaving it a 3+ but only for MWs?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    He basically oneshots them on a 2+ (or at least almost), the Mws you gave him also needs to be reduced to D6, degrading to a single MW at lowest bracket. 


    Tbf i would never ever play against that Warscroll because you would basically on a 2+ destroy my whole 2k points army. 

    At this point, without any changes Smaug should be 2500 Points alone so I can bring a whole 2500 Points army and try to bring him down. (Which would probably still fail) 

    is this better for 1200 points?


    smaug-the-magnificent (1).jpg

  3. Just now, Phasteon said:

    24 wounds with a 3+ ignore means you need like 72 damage to kill it. 

    With a 3+ Save. 

    This defense alone should make him like 1200 points because he is essentially not going to die. 

    For 700 points you either need to cut his wounds in half (12-14) and/or change this ability to reduce damage by 1 (min 1) and make it a 4+ against MWs (or 5+ against wounds/mortals) 

    As it stands now he is WAY to tanky to fit into a 2k game that easily. 

    For 1200 points he would be the same as VORGAROTH THE SCARRED &
    SKALOK THE SKULL HOST OF KHORNE. How would he fair against him?

  4. 21 minutes ago, Honk said:

    The return of invest will fall short...🤣 but after buying 7 Start Collecting Boxes, you’ll be able to play everything else that comes to mind.

    You only have one hero, for feast day, ward save and spells, but 3x2 Tgs rampaging across the board might be fun.

    winning a scenario 🧐 not likely. Your opponent will have more models and maybe, after a surprise rofl-stomp win, will be prepared. Also depends on the map size and terrain density... 

    Playing against a Chaos list

    Alligience: Hosts of the Everchosen

    Leader: Archeaon the Everchosen

    Gaunt Summoner

    Battleline: 3 x 3 Varanguard

    Behemoths: Skullgrinder


    Battalions: Overlords of Chaos

    Endless Spells: Purple Sun of Shyish

    Aethervoid Pendulum 

    How do you think I'll fair?

  5. Hi, just started FEC army.

    Planning out my list, 2500pts.

    Allegiance: Gristlegore 

    Leader: Abhorrent Ghoul king on Terrorgheist

    Battleline: 6 x Terrorgheist

    Battalions: 2 x Royal Menagrie

    What do you think?

    • Haha 1
  6. This is my first of a new "faction" in death that uses stormcast models with nighthaunt bits added on. based off the concept of Pharus Thaum.

    Nagash has quite a few stormcast eternal souls but couldnt figure out wht to do with them until he reforged Pharus Thaum as per Arkhan's suggestions. this is my first attempt at this faction. 

    i got rid of fly in favor of 4 DP because it didnt make sense for this character to have fly.

    what do you think?



  7. 8 hours ago, Michealmas said:

    Probably not in the least bit viable but i toyed about with this for a while:

    Allegiance: Death

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)
    - General
    Abhorrant Archregent (240)
    Necromancer (130)
    Scarab Prince (80)
    Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)

    40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
    - Ancient Spears
    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)
    3 x Tomb Scorpions (240)
    1 x Corpse Cart (80)
    - Unholy Lodestone

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Chalice of Ushoran (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 169


    Basic idea is to put a huge number of regenerating bodies on the table and then a few heroes to buff them. Tomb Scorpions and Scarab Prince sitting in reserve for ambush shenanigans if things start to go south or if you need to kill a priority target

    Unfortunately I don't have access to any way t ok acquire tomb kings models

  8. 9 minutes ago, Honk said:

    I‘m still hoping (against all odds) for a „Mortals of Shyish“ Book, Cities and Countries under Vampire or Necromancer rule...

    Will throw my money at a pure Soulblight book, cause fanboy. But as I rambled about all over this Site, I just love the diversity and options Death has for non-cut-throat games.
    And people love to play against me, because I don’t bring the samey list all the time (like nurgle or Ironjawz), but a new madness each time


    Haven't started soulblight collection yet(hoping for new/plastic model) 

    Just starting my FEC collection, any suggestions of where to start?

    OBR is bone-tithe master, and one of each mortisan, 1 havester, 1 unit of stalkers, 3 units of 2 mortek guard

    NH is my biggest, 2 soul wars boxes + grimhailer and the mortarch of grief

    LoN I have Arkhan, 1 unit of black knights, 2 units of skeletons (skeleton horde starter box)

    Looking to get the get started boxes for both malignant and flesh eater courts (hope the make a vampire one)

    I like to cycle my list. But usually only play with friends.

    (Still don't have Nagash 😣😭)

    • Haha 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Honk said:

    Model and rule wise you could just go for Reiksguard as zombies... maybe some old witchhunter or priest of morr from fantasy as Necromancers 

    Looking to do something like cities of Sigmar, but more church of Nagash like.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. 1 hour ago, EnixLHQ said:

    I'm a guy who got into the hobby because my friends love the game and showed it to me. They knew me well enough to show me an army that fit in my aesthetics perfectly and I fell in love with it instantly. My friends are the type of players who play for the love of the game, who love to toss ultra-competitive lists at each other and muse we could go 3/2 (at least) in tournaments, throw together fluffly lists just for a what-if, play narrative games to relive lore moments, craft our own narratives, and play stupid stupid lists that violate all sorts of rules, all just to have fun. These are the players you want to surround yourself with. Players who love to play and don't care about win records or the best builds.

    I'm also a guy who has felt that pain that comes after putting a considerable amount of time and monetary investment into an army, who became attached to it, and the got sidelined, tabled, ridiculed, and told I was wrong for wanting to play it.

    My army is Nighthaunt. And I have been laughed at for telling others I love them. And I mean literally laughed at. It's become a sort of a meme or unspoken rule among the greater AoS collective that you can love the way Nighthaunt models look, but you can't love to play them. They are only there to paint and look pretty or hold up as a shining example of power creep or some other GW failing. And it gets frustrating. It narrows down your potential playing group encountering people like this. And it drains you when you have to constantly fight against it and tell yourself to stay positive. And what's worse? When you do well and they have to tear you down for it.

    But ultimately the choice is yours who you play with. You can simply choose to not play with the negative players, even if they are your friends. You might change their attitude, too,  if they see you always playing with positive players and having fun. Ultimately that's what I did, I just stuck to playing with people who made every game a laughing roaring good time. And win or lose we'd BS over the highlights, the things we did well and our screwups.

    Oh, and take breaks. When things get to you it's okay to step away for a bit and regroup. Give it time and grow your personal playerbase.

    This is the same kind of thing I came across with my Nighthaunt and Ossiarch Bonereapers, hence the reason I started this thread.  I try to do so, but sometimes people can be..... people?

  11. 9 minutes ago, Sttufe said:

    T'was a funny comedic thing my friend, since you were constantly advocating nagash I was making a joke that you were like a nagash thrall...

    I got the joke. And decided to make a jab at the god/man-child in the stars that plays with toy soldiers he makes from tin(sigmarite) (he even named the metal after himself) in return😲🤗

  12. 2 minutes ago, Sttufe said:

    I dunno man you seem like a huge Nagash supporter, might history be a bit twisted in his favor for you? 😉

    Maybe? I'm just going off what I remember reading, in which Nagash while not necessarily the nicest person, isn't the incarnation of pure evil that a couple people on this thread are hyping him up to be.  

    From what people on here are saying he wants everything dead, but in the battletomes he doesn't. He's just super pissed off that people keep stealing souls from him. I mean how would Sigmar feel if Nagash started stealing stars from him? He'd probably throw a hissy fit like the overgrown child he is and smash some things belonging to Nagash. All Nagash did was try to recover what was stolen and install a big ol' vacuum lock.

  13. 5 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    If you don't mean the give away book from some convention you won't have luck. Those stories shouldn't be part of the campaignboik. The shortstories were published on MalignPortents.com which was shut down weeks ago and is now redirecting to ageofsigmar.com .

    Someone read the stories on Youtube so this could be a source as well or if someone still has the epubs.

    I have the book from the box.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    Most of them just vanished in the End Times. If Nagash brings them back then all they did throughout the Ages was still being vanished. There's no backstory.

    If we want to speculate about new Mortarchs then they need to be linked to an actual army or legion. Otherwise it's just mentioning random names without any context. For example: Varkos Varactyr, new Mortarch of the Abyss, head of the Wraith Fleet: Soulblight corsairs on spectral galleons. Even mentioned in the AoS lore.

    Agreed. Good point.

    2 minutes ago, xking said:

     Nagash is actively  looking for  Ushoran in lore.

    Yes he is.

    So that makes 3 Deathlords (Crelis Arul  deadwalker, Grand Prince Yaros deathrattle, Temra ven-Drak deathrattle/FEC)


    Vampirate (Varkos Varactyr)

    Krell  (slumbering in multiple tombs in pieces, both Nagash and Khorne have people trying to find all the pieces before the other.)

    The Blood Dragon (don't think he wants to do it, or leave his mountain for that matter.)

    The Nameless (nearly impossible for him to have died, his castle is somewhere in the Mortal Realms. Someone spotted it before the died.)


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