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Everything posted by Ragest

  1. I think that Loreseeker’s abilities are strong enough to not let anyone pick more than one, because that will be pretty unfair (I send you 3 Loreseekers with 3 ObjSecs and you are going to need to focus all army on them to start scoring), but the profiles are not that strong, so the possibilty on putting him some traits or artifacts is not an issue. I can se clear RAIs in the book, like Sevireth moving in opponent's shooting phase or flat 3 damage in a Windmage's artifact (So I will play them not moving and doing D3 MW), but I can’t see the “named” warscroll there that clearly.
  2. 15 potential wounds for cathallar, plus 16 wounds for Teclis both with fnp 5+ ignoring spells (and bouncing back MW) on a 4+ (double ignore in blademasters because of their warscroll) you are basically forcing all those nasty top tier armies (tzeentch/seraphon/Kharadron) to focus elsewhere or waste all their tricks (now teclis can heal 1d3 if neccessary)
  3. Actual teclis-syar with maybe a loreseeker or 5 blademasters will be the competitive Lumineth, that's for sure.
  4. I'm seeing that to make a good use of Windrunners you need to charge (or pile n 6") with them along with a foxy, if not they are doomed, and going 2 foxes is so expensive that is hard to fit a good anvil until we want to use our Roos in melee. I'm still testing btw
  5. 3 matches with Kangaroos, got nothing with them. 12” shooting is so so close, you are going to get charged and deleted with 2w and 5+ And your movement shenanigans are useless when charged, because the opponent pile in first and you can’t flee
  6. IN ADDITION Blissbars can pile in 6” without even charge IN ADDITION they let you summon 30 daemonettes or a keeper IN ADDITION they can run and still shoot. Have a little bit of shame, Blissbarbs and Windrunners are pretty decent pointed, none of them will break the game with their mechanics so please, stop this drama.
  7. The foxes are going to be the number 1 focus in every match I don’t think they can survive to threat objectives
  8. My Sevireth died in 2 turns, but that fox is really fun, he killed arkhan (with some lucky rolls) and screened 2 crawlers.
  9. 100 points, if you have a list with just 100 points free you have to choose between him, a ballista or some endless Eltharion is a standalone hero, so you can send him to fight alone and let him unleash some chaos. Will just suffer vs MW, but like evrything and Regent is a buff hero that go well to have some support in the front of the battle i guess (but not much in front, the 6 wounds a little bit... meh)
  10. Calligrave is cheap and usefull, the +1 to cast point is allways good and the spell has amazing range, so you can place him in the scenery and still getting coverage.
  11. Because is our payoff to Total Eclipse. You won't see NPErs talking about that.
  12. With the battalion they act like have charged, and thanks to the allegiances they can pile in where they want and 6", so you can make moves as you want in combat phase PLus, Sevireth is pretty good and the mage is decent for his points, and have two or three nasty spells to choose.
  13. You can try Illiatha addind one more box of Sentinels and Wardens + loreseeker and blademasters. Adding hurakan will be more expensive, but you can try to just fill the battalion with Sevireth+Windmage+2x5 Windchargers, so you can try to harass and get to the objectives fast and then arrive with wardens to hold up those objectives.
  14. It depends. What you already have? What you want to try?
  15. Hard combo, could be interesting, yes. As i've said that are just my frist impressions, now we have to test them
  16. Blabanner sounds good in Illiatha, but in Illitaha you are not going to have the same bravery issues. Maybe in a non teclis list but i can¡t see taking this instead of another Cathallar.
  17. Yes in Illiatha might work, you can start with both cathallars near and the same unit of blademasters between both to absorb the T1 shooting magic and then send both to different zones. As you can see, Blademasters are even a must with 2 Cathallars
  18. 2 Cathallars are (20 points more) 10 wounds, 1 cathallar and 5 Blademasters are 15 potenial wounds (tied to a 2+ roll) You don't need 2 Cathallars most of the time, you allways need 1 in the table.
  19. You are getting Blademasters wrong, you don't need them hitting unless is necessary, they are going to be near Cathallar (or another Scinari) to protect them. We don't have any unit near that good for that role (neither Teclis with his 5+fnp and ignoring spells at 4+) Second, twins are too expensive to put them in any Lumineth list, and lack of support out of illiatha because they can't be Syar or Zaitrex thanks to being named and belonging to Ymetrica. Good for Cos players btw Third, Ballistas are weaker than Sentinels? yes, but Sentinels are S+ tier. Reliable shooting, fnp5 and debuffing hit. For 100 points i can't want more tbh.
  20. The are made for one reason, give 10 aditional wounds to Cathallar and they do that qith perfection. Almost an autotake
  21. Having read all warscrolls I make an update S tier Loreseeker Blademasters Scenery A tier Sevireth Windrunners Ballista Windmage B tier Calligrave Regent C tier Lyrior Twins Generic fox Bannerblade
  22. Wow, Kangaroos are "theorical" 130 points, really really nice.
  23. Talking about damage? Hm... I think you have more raw damage tbh, we don't have mortals in any attacks with the new profiles (i think just the regend does) and the damage keeps being 1 or D3. Now I'm, going to say you the worst part, in points the difference is extreme. Lumineth is pretty cheap in almost everything (but the twins and maybe Lyrior) compared to Slaneesh
  24. How many dices is the Cathallar preventing you to roll? Her warscroll spell? You throw 2 to deny it and you throw to make an action, in fact, you are rolling more dices, not less dices. And Sentinels? Are you talking about MW? But you are not rolling dices because the long profile is that bad that only MW cares. But is not the same vs high rend normal attacks? I can’t save them so I’m not rolling dices, and will be better if Sentinels or wardens make additional MW? So you roll more dices. That “I just want to roll dices” is pretty absurd at this point. The only effect that prevents you to roll is Teclis keeping the autodispel to your last/only spell. But, is less frustrating to roll dices to not getting anything in return? When you hit with everything to a Bastilladon with just -1 rend while the lizard is having RR 1s to save? Or idoneth, I can’t shoot idoneth in turn 1, idoneth attacks with everything in turn 3, i have to cry about that? No, i understand his gimmick and I prepare an strategy against. Because most of the crys I read are more like “I just want to charge and make everything I want when I want” than “lets see how I can make a plan to bypass Lumineth stuff”. Tactical movements and decisions are not tied to a roll, and are the most important part of the game.
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