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Everything posted by pixieproxy

  1. Still no pitched battle profiles for Khainites or Scions tho DX
  2. Given that those Battalions want you to take a Bloodwrack OR an Ironscale makes me think the Ironscale does indeed make Melusai battleline
  3. That's a pretty good catch, I think three of the Slaanesh units are battleline normally. How will they update the Stalkers warscrolls if it doesn't have a warscroll in the book? Just in FAQ?
  4. Taking Leviadon's also now buffs your Namarti, which is cool. Enough to make them viable? Probably not but still
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/11/05/broken-realms-morathi-unleashed/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=AoSMorathi5Nov2020&utm_content=AoSMorathi5Nov2020 Morathi rules preview! If she still has the Iron Heart of Khaine this is so cool. I also like how she encourages playing the Scathborn
  6. Morathi-Khaine implies that Morathi achieves her goal right? She becomes Khaine while also staying herself?
  7. Weirdly the Khainite Shadowstalkers still don't have points? Anyone have an idea where they're gonna be coming from?
  8. On the Broken Realm website at the bottom they have what look like set releases related to the battalions, so I'd say this seems weirdly more or less confirmed
  9. Actually given the particular nature of this slip up I wonder if the DoK faction will be absorbed/conglomerated into the umbraneth Orruk style
  10. Marauders are the main reason I don't collect and play StD to be honest. Their models are terrible IMO, they just feel like random barbarian dudes compared to most of the rest of the range. If they looked more like the Darkoath Warqueen or the Warcry cultists that'd be a different story.
  11. Hell, depending on the points the DoK warscroll could make good allies for other Order factions, with their teleport. And that just makes the situation with the Chaos warbands worse tbh, the fact that the Khainites are actually decent.
  12. Warcry book leaks are about! Looks like new fighters and leaders for every faction. Notables include Sylvaneth Arch-Revenant, Akhelian King for IDK, LoN gets a bunch of stuff, etc. Practically the whole army ranges are in these warbands now
  13. Might have something to do with Brexit, importing certain materials might have gone up.
  14. Aw damn, I think you're right. The balls on the leather glove match those on the Lord of Pain
  15. Definitely an elf of some description? My heart says Kurnothi, but my brain is saying Malerion's
  16. Another preview weekend would be great. I would also love if they announced the Catacombs box this weekend!
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