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Everything posted by pixieproxy

  1. That'd certainly be sooner than we thought but then again they also did reveal EVERYTHING sooner than we thought. So Uh. Huh. I still want to know the pricing, any half decent rumours there?
  2. Yeah, they're good. They are borderline OP in aesthetic tho 😜 Wouldn't mind more in that line of aesthetic
  3. Bela'kor! Sad not much Soulblight but it honestly seems like everything/most things in the Cursed city villains will be in the army anyway sooooo?
  4. A lot of these models are coming in what looks like actual unit sizes?
  5. I'm sure we'll get our update in the app when DoK 3.0 comes out! Didn't they used to be real good about updating? Battlescribe isn't even that great at AoS updates 😢
  6. Now to wait 6 months before Azyr gets its update.
  7. One thing that hasn't come up, is maybe Malerion is related to the Soulblight in some way? Galactic brain theory is that shadow aelf dragonish wings don't look all that much different to bat wings tbh 😝
  8. Wait, from the prayers page and I just noticed after watching that HWG vid, priests can now attempt every prayer they know? Isn't that pretty big?
  9. Does that make them worth it in any way? Haven't really looked at them
  10. This might be a sign that they're not going to be put into the sylvaneth, rather their own faction with new models + current wanderers models?
  11. Speaking of Kurnothi... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/11/claim-bloody-vengeance-as-a-rebel-kurnothi-in-warhammer-quest-cursed-city/
  12. So how real are we taking the new Vamp Lord? I really really want it to be real but I'm tempering my excitement till I see something from GW.
  13. They do look similar to the Arch-revenants leaf cloak thing, but it's much more uniform. So I'd also guess some sort of death thing
  14. Given that orders for most the world stop this week, I would expect such. But hey, stranger things have happened.
  15. I have a vain hope that a faq will make the ironscale have snakes be battleline. But I suspect it's not to be
  16. So with the release of the separate box set for shadowstalkers do you think we'll finally get their points?
  17. Finished my Morathi-Khaine today! I love this model, now for the big gal!
  18. Honestly I mostly just want points for my Shadowstalkers
  19. How long does it usually take them to update Azyr with new book stuff? Really want to start playing around with list building
  20. ****** I wish we had the points for the Shadowstalkers already. Hopefully they come soon, or when Azyr is updated for Broken Realms
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