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Everything posted by pixieproxy

  1. If it's anything like Indomitus the core book will be in the Limited box with a special cover, while the bigger core box will have the normal rule book
  2. New priest? Part of a evocator style unit?
  3. Honestly, a surprisingly few amount of models for these? Like what is in the skaven box?? Drycha's is very obviously 10 revenants and Drycha but I'm having a hard time seeing what is in the others
  4. Honestly I wish I could find a good way to use the Blood-borne as proxies somehow.
  5. They aren't, in fact, easy to build. They're just vyrkos and thus have relations to Radukar and Ulfenkarn. I don't think they were ever meant to be part of expansions
  6. Hopefully the new Path of Glory rules in 3.0 will open up more things for stuff like the Anvil of A/B. IMO Crusade is one of the best ways to play 40k, so having similar rules in AoS can only be a win in my book
  7. This could change list building for the game for the better, but some factions are gonna be real different after this kind of change
  8. Core battalions may change quite a lot by themselves, honestly, whether or not the warscroll battalions are staying. Especially if they're as generic as "Hero + x Battleline"
  9. Generally they start making their way out on Mondays when stores start getting them
  10. Honestly if you have old skeletons, the new skellies could be Grave Guard, although a bit weird to run them with great blades I guess
  11. Also, it hasn't been mentioned in this thread I think but the Unquiet Dead allegiance ability lets you set up summonable units on objectives turn 1 >.>
  12. Kastelai could be a cool all-vamp army with a mix of Varcheists and Blood knights with general heroes, since everything is a vampire they get bonuses on their kills!
  13. Just chuck annika or kritza in there for annoying killy heroes that won't go away XD?
  14. Wish we could see the skeleton warscroll now, Zombies seem deece, but what about the skellies now?
  15. Maybe fell bats are so big now because they're more murderous? One can only hope >.>
  16. Really hoping we some Vengorian lord stats today myself, really hoping either they or Lauka Vai are good
  17. God, this. It's already a paint to assemble and play with/against KO with their million weapon options.
  18. Honestly this isn't 'just' a retreat and charge. They have 10 move, these peeps can glide across the battlefield and absolutely punish positioning or screening with the wrong units.
  19. Yeah, or move across an enemy unit to charge one behind them
  20. Holy. ******. Kastelai is definitely fighting with Avengorii for me, but even without the Kastelai stuff Blood Knights are FIIIIIIRE
  21. We'll get a lot of the warscrolls this weekend I think when things go up for preorder, and a lot of places get the book early so we'll know the book in and out by Sunday, be patient
  22. I'd like to point out that almost EVERY tome in 2.0 after Soul Wars has Wholly within, including the new Lumineth and DoK books. It's a change in the style of the game, not the bin writer
  23. Might be that they can be taken in any dynasty but Lauka Vai is dynasty locked?
  24. Is the only not-direct order way to get dragons and terrorgheists now the FEC start collecting? Mortarchs and the Coven Throne are also now just harder to get without those start collectings
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