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Posts posted by KingBrodd

  1. Hang on one dang Hyshian second.

    A new Skaven minis sprue has leaked. And @Whitefang has hinted at Gitmob?

    No. Wife no dont look at the screen its nothing I swear dont judge me.

    No its just a Pre Order page Im just browsing I swear!!



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  2. 11 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    I was listening to the loremaster episode about Beasts of Chaos and they mentioned the Turnskin Plague. Here it is mentioned: The Beasts of Chaos Are in Their Element in this Savage New Era - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

    It wouldn't surprise me if this plague it is used as a catalyzation for the renewal of the faction. Due to this plague the beasts have changed so much that a new name faction emerged from them.

    Could absolutely see this happening.

  3. 3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

    Absolutely loved going through the Thondia campaign battleplans. This is something this game needs more of, and we can only hope they'll plan it better for the fourth edition. 

    Was it the price of the Krondspine that out people off? Im not sure why it didnt sell well.

    5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Just found out this month's White Dwarf is issue 498. Issue 500 is in 2 months and I hope GW has something in store to celebrate.

    Maximum hopium : a miniature of the titular White Dwarf... we've been waiting for him in AoS for so long !

    It is such a monumental issue number to reach that I would be very dissapointed to not have a new version of the White Dwarf/Duardin.

    But seeing as its 2 months away maybe we will have him Previewed at Adepticon!!

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  4. I really am gutted that Seasons of War Gallet was cancelled. I love a bit of narrative content and it would really help tide us over instead of having to wait till the end of Edition to get some.

    I also really want to see the Spider Incarnate!!

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  5. 8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Something similar to Mordheim would be ace, and good from a sales pov as well. A table full of buildings, with new terrain showing buildings from other realms/ cultures... just awesome.


    8 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    I am hoping for a new indoor setting like we had with catacombs as the 1.5 edition. It had some real fun gameplay u cant get with an outdoor board. The inside of some Seraphon thing or Cogfort would be an epic followup.


    5 hours ago, RollSixxess said:

    Warcry : City Fight when

    Id love a Mordheim style setting. I was really hoping that Cursed City would eventually become it with varying Warbands.

    Really hope we get one set in Ulgu, seems the perfect place for a gloomy frontier town.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Vaellas said:

    So hopefully the Pyre and Flood box is announced for pre order tomorrow. It does kind of feel with the recent Painting masterclasses being for dogs (Wildercorps solo release) then the next week being Nighthaunt that it has to be soon.

    We still need news on what the next warbands will be, especially since even the roadmap didn't announce which grand alliance they would represent, so a lot to speculate but realised one thing they could do now (doubt it for the next one since Wildercorps was pretty recent) is a Darkling Coven or Disposessed warband now that cities have split in to 3. Honestly the idea is quite exciting and hopefully rumour engines eventually point towards it.

    Darkling Covens Warband would be absolutely awesome!! Duardin? EVEN MORE AWESOME!!

    1 hour ago, Elarin said:

    I don't have any info regarding exact release dates this time, but I know that the Saviours of Cinderfall boxes are already out in the wild, so I won't be surprised if it's Dawnbringers 5 tomorrow 

    Oh mate I just got Book IV in the mail, reading IV and V back to back would be epic!!

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    So we know there's at least that rider Kroot, which I assume will be a unit since the 2 silhouettes they teased were different models, and seem to be a scouting unit.

    I wonder if they are the last reveal. 

    A Great Knarloc would really round off this release perfectly for me. Just something else to be comparable to a transport tank or Riptide Battlesuit if people want to do a Kroot only army. 

    Id love a Great Knarloc model!! 

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  8. If we want AOS to grow into its own identity we need it to have its own identity.

    Relying on characters from TOW doesnt help AOS.

    Its like WWE. People love the Rock* but when he recently returned people werent happy as it takes away from the new generation.


    *The Rock boils my blood.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    That reminds me of the video of someone burning a whole Dark Elves army when WHFB "died". Just nuts.

    One of the most insane things Ive ever seen regarding Warhammer. GW has your money already, youre just hurting yourself.


    I wonder if theyre interested in TOW...

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  10. Ive not been excited for a launch box in quite some time.

    I love me some Kruelboyz but Skaven being in a starter is just so Warhammer.

    Its time the sidelined Factions took centre stage.

    Skaven, Ogors and Duardin it is your Edition to shine!!

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  11. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    I'd say yes! Though the rest of the pantheon may feel differently.

    GHR "ascended" during the End Times, Hashut was... trapped? inside the old world.... or the Duardin simply found him there. 

    Hashut is beyond vague; some of the only stuff about him speculates whether he's even a god or some sort of "ascended demon or prince" 

    For us, the players, there are Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch as the "big four." The four are vast and vague conceptually and have been described as being both gods of concepts and emotions, and such things tend to exist on a spectrum. The four play their "great game" across the multiverse, and the four are actually just like crystallizations or focus points of the greater incomprehensible force that is Chaos

    The GHR is a chaos god as well, though in-universe that is debated. Archaon spurned his allegiance, and the Four don't really want to acknowledge him. Partially because he was viewed as "inferior" but also he's sort of stepped into the Malal role of "this guy wins when our endless game is over" and to acknowledge him as an equal would only give him more strength. A lot of that lore is new for the GHR: he covets his own power, so his greater demons and demon princes are indistinguishable. He is so close with the rats that they're essentially his lesser demons despite all being mortal; they even reside in a pocket in the Realm of Chaos. The bit of Morghur we got was also pretty similar, albeit everyone melts into one big blob instead.

    With that in mind, Hashut will 100% be a 6th chaos god, or 7th if we count Morghur (I count Morghur; I'd like to see eight chaos gods). We know he is a god of hatred, industry, slavery, arcane machinery, and demonbinding. We know he, in AoS, is a god for sure. He is "a bull wreathed in smoke and flame" but that's all we've got from him physically. We know he coerced the Chaos Dwarfs into binding their faction to him, and we know the Chaos Dwarfs have folded many human nations into themselves in a similar way. Unlike the Big Four who just want to play, or the GHR who wants ruin, Hashut's worshippers have been noteworthy in that they're expansionist industrialists: they want to suck up natural resources and rule the lesser species from their cities built on the foundations of the nations they conquer.

    He also is fine with binding demons forcefully. What that looks like is vague, but it doesn't seem to be consensual compared to 40k's Forge of Souls. They create their own half-demon frankensteins with the K'daii, but don't generally seem to be about forging pacts like the other mortals (including Skaven). I'd imagine the big four appreciate their usefulness as weaponsmiths, but also are not excited about the prospect of the "demonic god who's whole thing is stuffing demons into machines"  being the ascendant god; who is to say he couldn't, eventually, stuff them into a machine?

    This repetitive circle of "ah! this god cant get too strong! what if they're secretly the real chaos god!" has always been a thing, but it's been focused on more in AoS: with Slaanesh being the God of Obsession and also absent the other gods are (rightfully) worried that their obsessions about where he is and what he is up to are empowering him and they also worry that, because each of them are themselves an avatar of hyperfixation (knowledge/violence/mortality) that really Slaanesh is the most powerful chaos god. 

    This TEDTalk just got me so hyped for Chaos Duardin mate!!

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  12. 45 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I could be talking complete ****** as I don't know the theme that much, but what about the spider theme being completely removed and replaced by Gitmob?

    It has been mentioned that the Gloom tome is quite messy and bloated, but it still includes a lot of WHFB minis. That includes all the spider-theming stuff (apart from the endless spells which are partially themed with Spiders).

    Nothing spider-related has been released for AoS so far, right? I know they had a big presence in some phases of the Realmgate Wars, were they important at any other point?

    My points here are:

    1) Old minis as I said.
    2) Lack of spider releases.
    3) GW don't mind doing some lore cuts to fit their refreshes, so maybe there's an option.


    I for one absolutely love the Spiderfang, they, just like other Factions have already done, just need updates. Not even that many.

    The Arachnarok is still a literal beast of a kit so much so that my arachnaphobia is set off sometimes by them.

    Update the Spider Riders and Spider Boss, add in a medium sized Spider as a unit of 3 and maybe an infantry option and that subfaction is complete.


  13. 3 hours ago, Luperci said:

    Rat ogres feel like a pretty safe bet for a refreshed kit, that and a new master moulder could make a good warcry team, think a low model count one similar to the gorgers. A master moulder, 1 or 2 apprentice skaven, 3 rat ogres and a couple bases of rat swarms.

    A reimagined rogue idol for gitz would be very cool 

    This sounds like a perfect Warband I hope it happens!!

    29 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    The new aesthetic people are speculating for gitmob doesn't work with the swamp dwelling fellwater troggoths, I think they could get a new troggoth unit for sure, it'd be a plains/steppe dwelling troggoth which we haven't specifically seen before. Maybe a faster lanky troggoth to keep up with all the wolf riders


    13 minutes ago, pitzok said:

    Oh, lanky fast troggoths wasn't something I thought about before, that sound really fun, maybe smaller ones on 40mm bases? Packs of them could form mounds when sleeping.

    Im loving all these Gitmob and Troggoth ideas!!

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  14. 3 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Please, no. We need more Eshin or Pestilens refreshes.

    Sad React from @Whitefang themselves.

    Personally for me Clan Eshin was always my least favourite of the Clans, not that I dont like the Assassin side of Skaven No-No just that an army of Assassins seems...pointless?

    There really isnt a need for Gutter Runners and Night Runners so I wouldnt be suprised to see Eshin have those units become one.

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  15. 3 hours ago, Snarff said:

    I'm hoping for Warcry this pre-order. It's got beautiful models, really fun rules, great game length and table size and it's very accessible. With the new focus on other warbands besides chaos, it's genuinely become my favourite system. I like that the two sidegames are now connected to AoS in the narrative too, really helps flesh out the lore. I can't wait to see which realm they do next (though I'll always keep hoping for a proper Aqshy terrain set from Warcry).

    We have not heard any leaks on the last warbands on the roadmap right? Or when the Nighthaunt and Lumineth are supposed to be releasing?


    3 hours ago, Sception said:
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    Had my first game of warcry just last week.  Was a lot of fun, & yeah, way more manageable game size to paint/play.  I just hope the current season wraps up soon & we get a different theme for terrain.

    Honestly the new Warcry Warbands get me more excited than some of the mainline AOS releases.

    I cannot wait to see what the next Warbands are.

    Im hoping we move onto Ulgu and get a look at some;

    Morai-Heg Aelves.

    Idoneth Deepkin.

    Kharadron Scouting Party.

    Gloomspite Spider-Fang Raiders.

    Skaven Moulder creations.

    Ossiarch Tithe Bringers.


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  16. 4 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    Had the same thought. I just really hate that i still dont know if my armies are safe from the chopping block. Bonesplitterz and maybe Spiderfang (at least the incarnate) are also part of that story and i really want to know if they are safe. But we still have more Dawnbringers to go and hopefully we will get index updates for 4th so we can rest assured. I will focus on the good stuff we got for the moment. 

    Does anyone know if the new IJ wave

    Also sorry for the negativity yesterday, had a bad week.

    Hope things pick up for you mate.

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  17. I just had a horrible thought.

    Seasons of War Thondia had BOC have some solid narrative plot lines.

    Could that have grown more in further releases?

    Is that why Andtor and Gallet were scrapped? Did they realise BOC may be removed and didnt want that to happen after a major plot line involving them?

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