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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. +++MOD HAT ON+++ Thats about all I can take with the bickering. Its starting to get nasty. We dont tolerate that here so cut it out. There are other threads dedicated to TOW so take those discussions there and out of the Rumour Thread.
  2. BOC are not going to be squatted. Chaos have 2 Factions that need updating. Skaven and Beasts. I would not be suprised if Beasts get updated at the end of 4.0.
  3. Im a sucker for Mechs and love Xenos. Between this model and a Kroot update Id be hard pressed not to start a Tau army.
  4. 17 Days till LVO... What do we think will be shown for AOS? Do we think there will be more for Dawnbringers IV not shown? Callis and Toll revealed and Lumineth vs Nighthaunt Warcry seem a safe bet.
  5. As new as they are I agree. Give them the Stormcast treatment and update the entire range to at least not look so similar. Duardin need some love. Humies 'nd Pointy Ears have 'ad em!! Give dem Stunty Ladz sum luv!!
  6. The new Fyreslayers aesthetic is honestly, to me at least, one of my damn favourite in AOS. Definitely for Order. It finally leans into a unique look thats still wholely AOS. I love it and believe it bodes well for Fyreslayers in 4.0. If we get New Skaven, New Ogors AND New Fyreslayers this Edition itll be my favourite yet based on that alone!!
  7. Oh there will definitely be one made dont you worry about that!! We want all facets of the hobby to be welcome here.
  8. This. Super happy for all The Old World fans though at the end of the day this is an Age of Sigmar forum. There is an official thread for The Old World but aside from announcements or other major news, all postings for it should go there.
  9. Huge release actually basically the entire ranges for 2 Armies at once that is insane!!
  10. The thing to remember Mortals is that this year, well in a few hours!! Is a launch Edition year. The first few months of the year we have Dawnbringers and then we will have the massive launch of 4.0 and new Skaven!! Then we will have, just like 40K has the past 6 months, a relatively quiet time with a Tome or two releasing alongside Single mini updates.
  11. If it ia going to be an Old World tease how long until the next Preview?
  12. I know hes a bit divisive in certain communities but Hugh Grant in Willy Wonka is still allowed to be posted.
  13. Yes. MOAR. Ogors need a named character model, we only have 2 named characters in Lore and we dont have a mini for either!! I think with every Faction getting a centrepiece model that Ogors will be getting theres in Globb. He wrestles Gargants for fun!!
  14. I just want new Ogor Gluttons, Ironguts, Leadbelchers, Yehtees, Frost Sabres, Butchers, Slaughtermasters, Scrap Launchers and some tasty new Monster.
  15. I cant wait for @Skreech Verminking and @Garrac to get their Skaven updates in 4.0 Yes-Yes!! The joy I felt at the Sons reveal was immense and hope it surpases that for you!!
  16. AHEM. It appears @Whitefang has Liked this post. New White 'Duardin' model alongside 4.0?
  17. @Whitefang Like reacted all these posts!! LRL vs Nighthaunt for Warcry - CONFIRMED. Callis and Toll minis - CONFIRMED. Darkoath Riders - CONFIRMED.
  18. Fingers crosses we get one today. Being back at work I dont think I can stomach having to wait till Monday.
  19. So happy for you mate!! With Ogors, Beasts and Skaven being the last major holdovers from WHFB Im fairly certain that this Edition Ogors will be updated. Chameleon Skins were updated in Warcry then we got Seraphon. What did we just get in Warcry? Gorgers. Gitz, Sons and Orruk Warclans all recently were updated in one form or another in this Edition or the last. Destructions next big update HAS to be Ogors as the others are all updated unless they begin their second waves. Ogors have had 2 miniatures in the entirety of AOS until the Gorgers. 4.0 will be the time of the update for Ogors I can feel it!!
  20. Kroot could very well be the army that gets me back into 40K!!
  21. My feeling knowing I have another Year moderating the best community in the world. I love you all. Be safe. You Godbeasts one and All.
  22. We do, but unfortunately itll be Old World, we may have to wait till New Years. You know, save the best till last and all that. 😉
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