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Everything posted by KingBrodd

  1. Noone knows. Sometime after the Lumineth, so if they drop say late May-June I wouldnt expect the Sons till July-August.
  2. I wonder if theyll bring back the box of 2 Aleguzzlers? I cannot wait for the Battletome, easily as much if not perhaps more than the models themselves, just so I can soak up all that juicy lore.
  3. That's a good point!! Thatll be awesome if true.
  4. Chaemeleon Skink from a Warcry/Underworlds Warband!?
  5. That's not what I meant, it's not on the web store for Orruk Warclans or Ogor Mawtribes either. It is currently out of stock yes but is not listed in their Factions either.
  6. Interesting to note that the Aleguzzlar Gargant has been removed from all Factions of the Destruction Alliance from the web store.
  7. This is very interesting, turns out its removed from all of the Destruction Alliance.
  8. It's going to be really interesting to see the points cost of the Sons of Behemat. Wether Aleguzzler points will increase or decrease based on new Warscrolls and rules and how much a Warstomper will cost compared to a Kraken Eater.
  9. It may just be this Necron Pariah unveiling. By that time the Factories may be back open and running and thus GW could start shipping and advertising the models they already have planned including the Lumineth and the Sons meaning they can save the next big Preview for another month or so or until they're caught up with what should have been released by now.
  10. Potentially another of the announcements meant for Adepticon? Good for 40K though it's about time Xenos took centre stage!!
  11. When it was thought that restrictions would be lifted in early April they said we wouldnt see the roll out of things till early May. So even if they are opening I wouldnt expect to see anything new untill June.
  12. Some potentially good news as Boris Johnson has announced that Construction and Manufacturing workers can return to work, wether that includes GW is yet to be seen, unless it just means Manufacturing in conjunction with building. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/live/2020/may/10/uk-coronavirus-live-boris-johnson-to-announce-covid-19-alert-system
  13. It was quite some time!! Had me worried a little.
  14. Fantastic news for the Lumineth!! A certified badass and rightly so!! Cant wait until the Sons of Behemat get articles such as these!!
  15. I too would wield a Pike if I were an arrogant Pointy Aelf whose new opponents are Mega Gargants.
  16. Not to mention the length of that Warhammer!!
  17. I absolutely love the idea of small bands of Gargants led by Mega Gargants. I may have to run multiple themed armies of Gargants. It looks like the Mega Gargants will literally look him in the eyes. I cannot wait for the lads to drop, I'm so ****** excited for them!! I'm starting with 1-3 and the Battletome and growing from there!!
  18. A Faction of Gargants will be from every one of the Realms though their 'Origin' Realm is said to be Ghyran from whence Behemat came.
  19. Looks very Ghouly indeed, or even Vampiric. I dont want to ruffle feathers but...Soulblight?
  20. I could very well seeing it coming with enough options for 2 heads for each variant.
  21. I do recommend Sacrosanct and other Stories. It's perfect for getting a taste of multiple Factions within the Mortal Realms and the various Realms themselves.
  22. I wouldnt be suprised if GW is waiting till Thursday to see if the factories are opening. If they are there really wouldnt be a need for another Preview as there is enough already shown off to keep the ball rolling for months easily and as you said fill all the back orders they have.
  23. Haha true, I hope that he does use the Battering Ram and as the Mega Gargants work in any Faction, there is simply a few tied to the Waaagh if not a whole army of them!! I really hope the net can be used as a Ranged weapon or as a literal net and catch enemies.
  24. Unfortunately no news of another Online Preview. I'm guessing the next will probably be at the end of May. With the UK potentially easing some Lockdown restrictions this Thursday, I could see factories being one of the first business to be reopened. I just hope the government doesnt open the floodgates, there is no reason at this time to lift the stay at home curriculum.
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