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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. Interesting. Most of these have been release relevant lately.
  2. I hope at the very least if we get separate Free Peoples and Dispossessed battletomes, the old Dwarf war machines end up in both.
  3. The Great Maw is going to be an Idoneth endless spell. You're heard it here first, folks.
  4. It's disappointing since the price hike to $160 is relativity recent for starter boxes compared to Start Collecting boxes. and a few of those were further softened by including hardcover rule books(Dark Imperium, Soul Wars, Pellenor Fields), so the non-starter sets at $160, or even the couple at $150 already felt like price hikes compared to where they were when the Start Collecting boxes dropped. I was already on the fence about the Shadowspear box at $160, and $175 is right out I think. I've already shied away from the two player boxes at the $160 price points as the value without a book is usually diluted by not really wanting both side. Some people with say something along the lines of "split a box" while not considering that's probably not a realistic option for most people ans suggestions to buy the whole box and flip the rest on ebay are even dumber. I think the biggest problem is that people often create and link between love for a product and blind loyalty to a company(and companies are aware of that and exploit it whenever possible) and think the companies goal of maximum profits has to be their goal too and thus have to be okay with price hikes. It's okay to like a company's products and still realize that the consumer/producer paradigm is essential an antagonistic one with consumer and producer on opposite side. When a company says "times are tough we're raising pricing" and "we just recorded yet another quarter of record profits" in the about the same breath, it's probably okay to question their motives. I know I've found my hobby budget dispersed in more non-GW directions lately. My Nighthaunt army while a decent size(thought half if it was pre-2.0, so lots of hexwraiths and spirit hosts) was meant to be bigger, but I was waiting for standalone chainrasps and when they dropped a 10-man snap fit kit for $45, that was a pretty abrupt record scratch stop to that army. Yeah I could have added more stuff without the chainrasps, but that kind of soured me on buy more for the army in general. Not getting the Shadowspear box means I probably won't buy a black legion army. I've got starter boxes for two other games that are cheaper and have more miniatures that are as good as GW, and in the case of the Dark Sword miniatures in the Song of Ice and Fire box, maybe better. They're certainly better sculpts than the awful out dated orc sculpts that were packaged into the Pelenor Fields box for $160. Maybe I'm just not a big enough fan boy to get warm and fuzzy feelings when GW keeps announcing record quarters. Unfortuntatly I'm a Warhammer fan, not a Games Workshop fan.
  5. The Nurgling comes with one of the Deathguard kits(plague marine champion I think), so he's nothing new. But I agree that the treasure has a much more fantasy look to it. I wouldn't be shocked if it's an Ogre.
  6. They're just out of stock, not "no longer available", so almost certainly nothing other than production issues. That's probably why we're seeing terrain pieces and endless spells pushed so hard with every battletome. Since those are contracted out to China for manufacturing, they don't impact miniature production.
  7. I'm a fan of basically playing open play and layering on matched play rules as needed, so basically requiring the selection of an allegiance(at least a grand alliance) or at least have a very good thematic reason to not(like Chaos orcs) and using point for basic balancing, but not for any of the force org.
  8. Interesting, that was one of the "probably slaanesh" rumor engines.
  9. Rumblings are that the 40k Chaos releases are going to be pretty big. The Shadowspear box is also going the have the Space marine vanguard chamber, so there's a possibility of some trailing releases with that. So March could be pretty busy, just not for AoS.
  10. I fully expect that everything that's coming out in made to order are thing they stopped making for non-mold related reasons and they keep the molds in storage. The models we'll probably never see again are the ones whose useful lives ended and GW decided it was time to move on anyway. They may still have the masters, but they'll probably won't go through the trouble of making new molds again. Of course who know which models are in which camp.
  11. Man I can't stay focused on one army long enough to get to 5000 points, though I'm close with all Death. I've got 20,000+ points of AoS total, but it's spread across 10 armies of 1000 points or more and then a few more random models from other factions in there.
  12. When they were doing the 40k codexes at a fast paces they were announcing them in batches if I recall, and then they'd generally come out in pairs. I wonder if we'll be lucky enough to get that much of a heads up.
  13. I think the amount of changes in Khorne will be telling in how they intend to handle Tzeentch(if they do at all). If it ends up being mostly errata rollup with a few tweaks, that would probably be a good indication for Tzeentch since once you put all the errata and faqs together, they've got one of the better books in the game. But that could also be worrying for Kharadron Overlords players who definitely don't want small tweaks and an errata roll up. I almost want them to treat KO like a faction without a book and start over from the ground up.
  14. That's another big thing missing with Warscroll cards going out of print and being limited run only, is we lose the tokens too.
  15. Nice I added it to my to buy list. I've been getting into the Horus Heresy lately anyway, so probably a good time to grab that one.
  16. Yeah, it's either the short run or wait until they do a real collectors edition, which are still limited and even more expensive. Unfortunatly it seems that the only really obtainable Warhammer art book is the one from Warhammer Online.
  17. That makes me wish GW had an art book in print right now. I'd love to see them do new ones or even reprint the old ones(they're very expensive to find used right now as far as I've found).
  18. I know that this is an AoS forum so many people here are going to be disappointed if AoS releases are thin, but at this point I have over 20k points of AoS over 10 armies and one piddly Death Guard army at a bit over 2k points for 40k so I'm really looking forward to to a nice big release of Chaos Space marines and I'll probably focus on 40k a lot more this year. Unless there's a big Dwarf release, then all bets are off. Unfortunately/fortunately that doesn't seem likely except for maybe a book for my KO or Dispossessed.
  19. Aside from a few bigger games like those in the Warhammer Quest line or games that have their own model lines(Bloodbowl, Underworlds), most GW board games that use their models aren't often good enough to stand on their own, but not a terrible pack in of you want the miniatures anyway. The Quest to Mount Doom game that was one of their B&N exclusives is an okay game, but if I don't want the models, I probably wouldn't bother with it. Blitz Bowl may be and exception, it actually does work a filler version of Blood Bowl. I would suspect that maybe Dreadfane may be the same Underworlds fans as Blitz Bowl is to me(though Underworlds has a lot less to simplify, so they may risk it being too watered down), but Stormvault may be more of Quest to Mount Doom in that it's not worth much as a game if you don't want to models(the picture of the board seems to have some passing similarity to QtMD, so maybe even similar in more ways).
  20. Well that's a relief to know I don't need to buy that one either.
  21. Ah, they kind of melted into the board in the picture. I wonder of they're unique. If they are I might have to get that one too.
  22. For GW boardgames, I'm usually interested for the models, but Stormvault has none and mini-Shadespire is models I already have. But the 40k arena game looks nice for the models. A lot of the times you're paying for the models or less and getting a free game out of it. I know that's how it was for their recent Lord of the Rings boardgame that came with the exact sprue of the Fellowship they sell standalone for the same price as the models only.
  23. *Citation needed - Complaining by a vocal minority on message boards doesn't count.
  24. I have to say that "Rogue Trader peg leg" would not have been at the top of my guesses for that one.
  25. I'm curious how much more they can simplify Underworlds and keep it still being a game in Dreadfane. WIth Bloodbowl -> Blitzbowl there was a lot to take out and still leave plenty behind, but Underworlds is already a pretty simple board game. It sounds like it might only play with predefined decks, and I guess the deck building is probably one of the more complex parts of Underworlds.
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