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Everything posted by bsharitt

  1. Heck, I'm so happy about being able to possibly build a useful army out existing death stuff, I'm not even worried about new stuff.
  2. New Soulblight models would be pretty sweet. I've started a little bit of Soulblight as allies for my Nighthaunt and have taken a liking to them and would like to build out a full army. When I was down at my FLGS last night, I was very close to having them order me some dragon blades to base my blood knight conversion on, but at the last minute I decided to get some moonclan grots instead. So waking up to this new information makes me glad I did, I guess Nagash was looking out for me and changed my mind.
  3. It sounds like the 4 "leader" allegiances are the factions everyone has been hoping for that mix and match existing death stuff, so I think they will see some crossover. It is interesting that they specifically callout soulblight as having rules in the new book since they were in the GHB2017. I wonder what they could have done there that's so different?
  4. I wonder why the Chaos Sorcerer Lord doesn't have points to begin with? How many small base plastic models still in production were left out?
  5. Today's rumor engine looks vaguely fire like, but also reminiscent of the spirit hosts.
  6. Retributer gold for the face and some leadbelcher for the mustache, should work our just fine.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised to see those releases paired up and come out even faster at least for this first phase just to get enough variety out there to have a competitive scene that's not to stale.
  8. I don't know if it was true or not, but I seem to remember reading some where that the Fyreslayers were originally slated to be released during the End Times. I actually really like that you can see the lineage of the Kharadron Overlords in the later designs like the Irondrakes and gyro(bomber|copter).
  9. I've still got my money on the Nurglre release jsut being synced with 40k, but GW is taking advantage of the timing to ling it with Malign Portents and over all Malign Portents will be about Nagash releasing his wrath against all the mortal realms without any special preference towards order, chaos, or destruction.
  10. Yeah, Nurgle is a cycle of change where Tzeentch is more random change.
  11. Nurgle is about decay and new growth where undeath stops without rebirth.
  12. The stagnation of undeath might even be more offensive to Nurgle than Order.
  13. So today's new video seems to tie the coming Nurgle releases into Malign Portents. My gut reaction is that it's not because Nurgle will have an out sized role in the coming events, but they have models coming out and this ties it all together. My current guess is that the overall theme is going to be "Nagash Strikes Back" and most everyone is going to find themselves fighting the dead as they invade all the realms.
  14. Depending on when exactly these are coming out next month, we might be getting the generic teasers of what we're getting, then more specific teasers and info reveals in the week before they come out similar to how they've been doing the 40k codexes and releases the past few months. Either way I'm bracing my wallet for a busy January(and maybe February depending on how much they string it out).
  15. Was it seven days total? So day one was the teaser with everything, day two is this guy, so five days left? Blight tree, new beasts, blight kings on drones, and new plauge bearer maybe heroes. That leaves one day left? Pestigors? Or just a look at one of the new books?
  16. 100 internet points to whoever called the silhouette as a nurgling. While we were all pretty sure it was coming, it's certainly nice to to have official confirmation of a Nurgle battle tome. Looking at him compared to the other models, how does he compare to the FW model for those that have seen on in person?
  17. Well the 40k Chaos Daemons codex is supposed to be the first one released in January, and if they're keeping the same pass as they have been, it'll probably be out in early January and the models will probably see releases around the same time, or at least starting then. With a good bit of new stuff, they may stretch it out a few weeks, especially if Pesitigors and other stuff is in the pipeline.
  18. I am wondering though if the image was meant to be a direct silhouette of something shown today, or just a teaser. It's not impossible for that to be an alternate pose of the GUO, but I'm still hoping for something else today.
  19. Nurgle done, now it's time for....... more Stormcasts!
  20. I don't think so. I guess we're still waiting on it.
  21. So much new Nurgle stuff, I love it. I know I'll be getting some Death Guard stuff from the wife this morning, so I have to hurry up and get that assembled and painted so I can move on to daemons and then the AoS specific stuff like those terrific looking flying Blight Kings, which looks to be where that flying nurgling lives. Looks like it'll be a very Nurgly couple months to start the year.
  22. Yeah, I like the Dwarf idea because it's short and stocky, but those horns don't really say Dwarf, even for the older viking looking Dwarfs they're too big by proportion. Looking back at that model all day, I do keep think that it looks like a Nurgling. I know the Daemons 40k codex is the first in January, so it's pretty soon and right now would be the time to unveil the new GUO to have a bit of tease for a week or so before it goes up for preorder to be released along side the codex. Dwarf or GUO one I win either way. I've got plenty of Dwarfs and would grab another but my 40k army is Deathguard with a growing Daemon portion that will eventually cross over to AoS. I got my Kharadron Overlords and Nighthaunt this year(with Order and Death allies for each) and it looks like next year will be Nurgle and Moonclan armies for me so I'll have one for each GA. Good year coming up.
  23. I could see it being a GUO as sort of a "giant nurgling".
  24. With that banana for scale, ot's definitely a Dwarf.
  25. Nah, undead Dwarf Stormcast who follows Nurgle.
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