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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. It felt pretty inevitable that they’d have to raise prices, given the ****** economic climate that was bound to follow the lockdown. But on the positive side, NEW RELEASES!!!!! YES!!!!!
  2. I reckon the rumour engine’s a Deepkin thing, cause the wrist-thing looks really similar to the Namarti one. Plus, the caption said “swimming with knowledge”, which obviously harken back to water
  3. Homebrew generally seems like a better idea imo, but I’m happy either way!
  4. Something like this could be pretty cool! What Realm would it be in though?
  5. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if there was a new "Zombie Pirate" type faction that takes hints from the Vampire Coast, where all the Zombies and so on could go.
  6. Hello there friends! After years of being a 40K player I've decided to take the leap and start AOS full time. Not entirely sure which army to play yet, but my eyes are firmly fixed on the new Lumineth they showed off a month ago. Them, and the Deepkin, mainly because of how beautiful their models are. Happy to be here!
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