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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. I've been kind of hoping they release an army of pure beasts at some point, even if its just a sub force. Maybe a BoC monsters of chaos expansion, an army of beasts led by a particularly cunning alpha guided by the winds of chaos is a really cool concept.
  2. I'd just want updated bonesplitterz. sure the models aren't crazy right now, but their narrative is super cool and they could have a super interesting playstyle if you lean into them being the realms greatest hunters. Ruleswise they should make you feel like you're hunting, even if it isn't just monsters. Stuff like running down and exhausting units, feinting, and controlling movement. Lookswise while I think naked orruks are a good baseline, since you get to do freehand warpaint, for the rest I'd love if they leaned into units with crazy looking bone armor, bonesplitter brutes with greatbows, units of orruks possessed by beast spirits, and maybe some kind of big shaman centerpiece where he's possessed by and controlling the bones of some sort of big beast like a dragon.
  3. I think the disappointment is related to the state of destruction. Death got 2 armies and a range refresh in aos 2, in addition to driving a lot of the narrative of the edition, and building into aos2. The ironjawz release helped, but destruction has gotten a lot less so far in comparison, and was all but left out of the broken realms release cycle (they got kragnos and their entire narrative buildup with excelsis was cut short, even the rules were just updated white dwarf rules). That said it might just be hopium but I've got a feeling we'll get a new warclans book by the end of the edition. Based on some of the rumor engines I think they might have a kruleboyz expansion in their back pocket, and the warclans book needs updating desperately. Add that to the big ironjawz expansion that never got into print, and the possible squatting of bonesplitterz (after the release of old world would be the best time for it) and I think there's a possibility.
  4. Do we think this is just a new vanguard? or will it have a lower price point? To me the vanguard boxes had a major issue with the price point, I get that the savings were similar to what the SC boxes had, but the higher price point always pushes me off buying any of them.
  5. having a nice non-unique monster would be nice, with hero and non-hero variants. A giant plague toad would be a cool fit for it.
  6. This one 100% a nurgle model. I've been told the hand looks like a plaguebearer hand, but if you look at the book the cover is a nurgle symbol, and there's a few of the 3 circles on the pages too. Looks like maggots on the book, and a wound on the arm where the book is resting. Probably a nurgle model for the 5th dawnbringer book that might focus on chaos. I love these kinds of researcher/scientist/achemist models so I'm excited to see what it looks like.
  7. Not sure if we need another new army, but we often get a big release in the spring don't we? I'm not completely sold on the starter box being stormcast vs skaven yet, but I'm kind of expecting a destruction release near the end of the edition. I've got no clue what that release will be though, but if I had to guess I'd put my money on a kruleboyz expansion with a new warclans book. We know the warclans book needs a rewrite, and the ironjawz supplement stuff is just kind of hanging around, plus a bunch of those REs seem like they could be kruleboyz.
  8. Dawnbringers 5 hasn't even been confirmed yet has it? I would be shocked if AoS just coasted from FeC to 4th though, We'll probably get a big release at some point in that period, either an expansion, update, or new army, we usually get something in mid-late spring too.
  9. What's funny about this is that I suspect this is why Kruleboyz venom encrusted weapons is an allegiance ability instead of a warscroll ability. They wanted to cut down on the number of rules on scrolls at the start of the edition, especially for battleline units, and making VEW an allegiance ability gave them the room to put the skareshields ability on the gutrippa scroll (and other abilities elsewhere). There are some "universal rules" in 40k, like the smoke stratagem that seem very similar to me, by pulling the ability off the scroll and throwing it somewhere else it makes the datasheet "less complex" or lets them fit an extra rule on the sheet because of space/design constraints. Obviously its the exact same amount of complexity, since the units still have the ability though, its just organized differently. You're just moving the complexity to a different part of the rules. With the kruleboyz example it cost them a proper allegiance ability, and with the 40k one it bloated out the universal stratagems and USRs.
  10. They're paid, and were at the bottom of the preview article. You can buy all 12 for the price of 10, or buy them individually. 1 every 2 days.
  11. agreed. MTG makes a point of printing what a lot of them do on the simpler cards, they used to even do it for stuff like first strike and trample in certain sets, so they cover for themselves a bit by doing both. Also there's a spiderfang story in the advent stories, is this a good sign?
  12. Beasts of chaos, cities of sigmar, bonesplitterz, sons of behemat and flesh eater courts also haven't gotten one. Its probably a sales thing though. Outside of just throwing 20 hearthguard in a box I'm not sure you could build a good one? Although they've released some stinkers in the past like the gutbuster one with a giant ally, or the beastclaw raider one that had RESIN MINIS in it.
  13. I'm kind of waiting for us to get AoS' version of dreadnoughts and Wulfen. Maybe a "chamber" or subfaction of stormcast that are only good for fighting after losing so much of themselves, and are only deployed into the thick of desperate battles because they're incapable of managing anything else. Or maybe taking the souls of the most broken stormcasts and putting them into constructs and machines to give them autonomy. They've lost so much of themselves that not being in a "human" like body doesn't affect them.
  14. If hobgrots or BBz were unconditional battleline I'm not sure the lack of battleline would bother me as much, listbuilding is just very constrained for the army so a new option would've been nice.
  15. if the monsta killaz were battleline I'd run them over 10 man gutrippaz literally every time, unfortunately they aren't. I like them but they might be tough to squeeze into lists, KB don't tend to have a lot of wiggle room.
  16. Its not really that much of a specialized unit. sure the abilities only affect monsters, but the base scroll has pretty good output for kruleboyz (handily beating gutrippaz). If these guys were battleline I'd probably always take them over 10 gutrippaz The durability difference starts getting way more noticeable once you reinforce the gutrippaz so 20 rippaz would be doing a different job. Even when not faced against monsters this unit doesn't feel dead like the killbow or murknob, but against monsters this unit can be a big deal. the 3+ fight last means your opponent needs to be very careful about charging in with monsters.
  17. The spear is definitely chaos since it has the 8 pointed star. I thought it might be nighthaunt or something before somebody pointed it out. Chaos is pretty broad though.
  18. This reveal show is probably the least hype I've been for one in a while. Mostly because destruction was such a big part of the last one that I'm not expecting anything for me this time so I'm ready to coast for a while. Hopefully that FEC stuff is cool though
  19. A dark counterpart to Tahlia would be really cool actually, they could build up some kind of rivalry between them.
  20. Yes he does. Its a really nice way to get access to Clammy Hand while still being a troll list. Just bring a fungoid or something with clammy hand to sit by the loonshrine with Trugg in the list.
  21. all the 3rd ed warclans boxes are like that. even the bonesplitterz ones.
  22. any idea when the warcry warband rules usually drop? I'm pretty interested to see what the kruleboyz warband is like.
  23. I think the only model with ravens at the moment is the mancrusher kit right? not that I think this is gonna be new mancrushers
  24. I've thought the same thing. Gitz only got a single kit though. I could see something like a pestigor release, or maybe a big fighty nurgle hero or monster? Giant plague toads would be pretty cool. Not expecting anything for daemons but none of the daemon heroes are mounted either.
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