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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. 1. I agree bandaid rules like reinforcement points, rally, and aos3 coherency didn't seem properly thought out. 2. There are only so many ways to write similar heroes (foot, cav etc) without them looking the same or getting overly complex. They could do stuff like 10 attacks with 1 damage vs 5 at 2, but thats mostly splitting hairs. Making your own character is largely aimed at narrative play now, and I'm not sure I have a problem with that. 3. I don't think this is a problem. Typecasting units by performance (i.e hammer, chaff, anvil, support) is just as viable a method. If anything I prefer this, because it gives more freedom for asymmetrical armies. There was a bit of an arms race in older editions of wfb/40k whenever a new unit type was introduced as each army would get (or not get) that unit type as well. 4. Battleshock should stay irrelevant, because if it mattered more everybody would hate it. If you want an anecdote ask your local destruction player. Its also not really accounted for in balance at all since its assigned purely for narrative reasons. (covering the ones I didn't cover above) 5. Battle tactics suck. Hopefully they get the axe. Put the secondary objective into the battleplan, and vary them. Having a universal secondary system makes games too similar. 6.This is not true. Skew lists are just abusing broken units, MW or not. MW spam has a natural counter in high wound armies and ward saves (squigs, nurgle, bonesplitterz, etc), but its a natural response to the armor stacking meta created by stuff like mystic shield and AoD. I think they've overcosted raw wounds, and undercosted armor saves as a general rule this edition. 7. 6 month seasons were a mistake, and the seasons were generally too impactful on how the game played.
  2. I don't think we need the extra granularity of a d10/12 system? There's a point where what you get out of it stops being worth the complexity and a d6 is probably fine. I know a die change isn't that big, but how important is it for us to be able to hit on 3.5s or get a +/-0.5 to hit? You could build a system around it and it would be fine, but it seems like a lot of work for not much benefit.
  3. I'd like to see dirty tricks just scrapped entirely. We can get a rule with the same name, but the current rule just doesn't feel like a kruleboyz rule? The flavor is almost entirely in the names and they don't really change how you play the game. If we're going to keep the name something like command abilities that apply debuffs to enemy units would be pretty fitting I think.
  4. Isn't this art fairly recent? The first I remember seeing it was in the grimscuttle white dwarf. Its in the same vein as the current stuff but the influence is less pronounced.
  5. They confirmed in a facebook comment the dataslate is next week.
  6. At this point it wouldn't shock me if they had put unreleased units into the battlescroll and would rather wait than remove them.
  7. I know there's pushback, but I think more tomes like warclans are the future. There's kind of a logistical cap on the number of battletomes they can support with their release schedule. "Grugni's dwarves" are a good contender, break out and refresh dispossessed, make a mixed faction, and put fyreslayers/KO in the same book (but still with their own army & allegiance abilities). I kind of foresee the same thing with Malerion/Morathi/remaining dark elves, Gitmob (if we ever get them) and maybe Sylvaneth/kurnothi & tyrion/teclis factions of lumineth (depends how those shape up though).
  8. balance is important, but the thing about mathhammering similar units in isolation is that it gives you a point of comparison to illustrate your point. Its providing context. Usually the environment (army) can alleviate or exacerbate the issue. Like the new ardboyz being compared to chaos warriors, similar statlines, but the chaos warriors are 40 points cheaper. Sure you can buff up the ardboyz damage pretty effectively, but Ironjawz have a known issue with their infantry not getting played in the first place, and chaos warriors are a core unit that the StD book relies on in certain builds. Sure lots of people get caught up in the weeds, but its a place to start the conversation.
  9. I'd like to see the breaka tribe so a big focus on monsters and beasts. We could get cavalry (some kind of swamp strider bird would be cool), heavy cav (maybe crocodiles or frogs?), a non-hero behemoth, some elite "infantry" - maybe beast packs or troggoths (just let fellwaters do double duty? it would make sense).
  10. Bulls and foxes aren't really humanoid, but they did do interpretations. The new models have a horse head on their helmets, so it might be right in front of us. Its not like there isn't precedent either, LOTR had the scene where the river was turned into horses by galadriel, There's also the kelpies of gaelic mythology.
  11. These things are quarterly right? So the second one could be in april, which would make this one only be for 2 months
  12. Centerpieces sell armies better than troops, but yeah some diversity for certain armies would be nice where it makes sense.
  13. I don't know the story that well, but a good narrative for summoning khorne daemons is a "botched" summoning. Some sorcerer or whatever was trying to summon daemons using magic, khorne notices and answers the call with the free bonus of getting to take out a caster in the process. As mentioned above though khorne is hypocritical by necessity. He hates magic, but is basically a creature of pure magic.
  14. yeah I think they're pretty solid, sure they aren't fantastic recipients of stuff like AoA or AoD, but free redeploy or on the double is useful, and it kind of combos with the vulcha boss?
  15. I must have missed those ones. unless its skaven vs chorfs.
  16. officially no, but honest wargamer got a rumor that I think Whitefang confirmed. my money is actually on chaos dwarves being the starter box, but we often get spring and fall releases. We had the whole massive SBGL release in the middle of broken realms right? I've always thought the skaven rumors were just hopium. 3 editions in a row now they've debuted new armies in the starter box, so I've always been skeptical of a box with two revamps in it. I do hope they get their revamp soon, I just doubt its the starter box.
  17. Barely and poorly in my opinion. Of all the destruction factions to be linked to him, kruleboyz are the worst option. Their entire identity is about psychological warfare, never picking fair fights, and tormenting their enemies, so tying them to the big angry guy that just wants to charge in is weird. It never felt like that connection was organic.
  18. big yellerz only affects boltboyz and killbows, and skulbugz is basically worthless if you're not a monster. Grinnin blades is the only subfaction keyword that matters for them right now.
  19. 70 point bodies, an ability that is actually useful 50% of the time, and basically all the commands the unit issues are free. Is this... A good kruleboyz unit?
  20. I've been kind of hoping they release an army of pure beasts at some point, even if its just a sub force. Maybe a BoC monsters of chaos expansion, an army of beasts led by a particularly cunning alpha guided by the winds of chaos is a really cool concept.
  21. I'd just want updated bonesplitterz. sure the models aren't crazy right now, but their narrative is super cool and they could have a super interesting playstyle if you lean into them being the realms greatest hunters. Ruleswise they should make you feel like you're hunting, even if it isn't just monsters. Stuff like running down and exhausting units, feinting, and controlling movement. Lookswise while I think naked orruks are a good baseline, since you get to do freehand warpaint, for the rest I'd love if they leaned into units with crazy looking bone armor, bonesplitter brutes with greatbows, units of orruks possessed by beast spirits, and maybe some kind of big shaman centerpiece where he's possessed by and controlling the bones of some sort of big beast like a dragon.
  22. I think the disappointment is related to the state of destruction. Death got 2 armies and a range refresh in aos 2, in addition to driving a lot of the narrative of the edition, and building into aos2. The ironjawz release helped, but destruction has gotten a lot less so far in comparison, and was all but left out of the broken realms release cycle (they got kragnos and their entire narrative buildup with excelsis was cut short, even the rules were just updated white dwarf rules). That said it might just be hopium but I've got a feeling we'll get a new warclans book by the end of the edition. Based on some of the rumor engines I think they might have a kruleboyz expansion in their back pocket, and the warclans book needs updating desperately. Add that to the big ironjawz expansion that never got into print, and the possible squatting of bonesplitterz (after the release of old world would be the best time for it) and I think there's a possibility.
  23. Do we think this is just a new vanguard? or will it have a lower price point? To me the vanguard boxes had a major issue with the price point, I get that the savings were similar to what the SC boxes had, but the higher price point always pushes me off buying any of them.
  24. having a nice non-unique monster would be nice, with hero and non-hero variants. A giant plague toad would be a cool fit for it.
  25. This one 100% a nurgle model. I've been told the hand looks like a plaguebearer hand, but if you look at the book the cover is a nurgle symbol, and there's a few of the 3 circles on the pages too. Looks like maggots on the book, and a wound on the arm where the book is resting. Probably a nurgle model for the 5th dawnbringer book that might focus on chaos. I love these kinds of researcher/scientist/achemist models so I'm excited to see what it looks like.
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