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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. It wouldn't be the first time something similar has happened, especially as of late where their release schedule seems to shift around a lot. Technically the GHB spoiled the points for lumineth and Tzeentch for example.
  2. For pretty much all of AoS GW has been dropping hints to new factions, subfactions, and cultures in the lore, this is mostly to leave their future options open and add mystery to the world, Sons of Behemat started as one of these. Some of them get pushed enough that it gets suspicious. Chaos dwarves are definitely one of these, hobgrots had 0 reason to be in kruleboyz outside of as a direct reference to chaos dwarves (They could've just used normal grots, like the ones that accompied old O&G and are all over the KB line as companions). Horns of hashut are also very relevant, as we don't have confirmation of any other "minor" chaos gods other than the great horned rat IIRC. I put Gitmob, shadow aelves, and kurnothi in the same situation.
  3. Chaos dwarves are a "when" not an "if" for AoS. outside of the little background snippets about them in the lore we have both the Horns of Hashut warcry warband, which confirms hashut is still around in the mortal realms, and hobgrot slittas in kruleboyz who work as intermediaries between the kruleboyz and the hobgrot's "dark masters". The hobgrots armor and weapons do not at all match the rest of the Kruleboy line, and they even have grenades. Who knows when they're coming, but they definitely are.
  4. The ward feels kind of thematic and should help those daemons get stuck it, a lot will depend on the other rules though. The chip mortals feel like an attempt to streamline fighting on death, while its less interesting you don't need to measure, pile-in, roll hit/wound/save rolls etc. I don't really like it either but I see what they were going for. Maybe there will be ways to get true fights on death in addition though.
  5. "Sizeable Destruction Wave" this is clearly just wishlisting, the last time we had rumors for a big destruction release we got BR:Kragnos, with months of narrative buildup ending in one new model (Kragnos) and reprinted Gitz rules (the best part of which were the battalions lol), leaving pretty much the entirety of the destruction grand alliance with absolutely nothing from broken realms (something they shared only with khorne and skaven IIRC). It was almost believable when you mentioned ogors would get new models through dawnbringers, but you really showed your hand by mentioning destruction would get anything.
  6. They're still legal, but they're probably just going to say absolutely nothing for 4 months, then stealth remove it from the ghb/app when the ghb releases. The bonegrinder Mega Gargant is still waiting on an update because it doesn't have a mightiest makes rightiest table, so it only counts as 5 models on an objective.
  7. I don't have enough experience with the book yet, but I think the OPness is pretty overstated, we'll see it in even results as time goes on, but a few point changes is probably all that needs to be done to get things in line. specifically squigs could go up 10-20 points. Maybe Skragrott too, but I think that might be an internal balance issue, and not an external one.
  8. it took me a minute and reading the original scroll to figure out what was going on too. I'm very glad they limited the buff stacking on the gobbapalooza though, a bunch of people in the community wanted them to be unique for some reason and I was getting a little worried GW would do that.
  9. IMO rockguts function better with little to no support, but fellwaters thrive either with support or supporting other units. If you need a low investment unit to go do something like threaten a side objective or take a lightly contested objective, rockguts are good. If you want a big deathstar that you're gonna buff up fellwaters are good. Fellwaters can also pair with other units, like rockguts, to unleash hell over the top. There's definitely room for both, because you won't have the points to have a buff unit for every unit of troggs.
  10. Agreed, I think you want to combo the fellwaters with snufflers to get the most out of them. I finally managed to get a game in with the new book, I played a grimscuttle spiderfang list but brought along a unit of 30 hoppers and a squigboss too. It was against stomper tribe. The game went very badly for me. T1 I managed to box in his entire army using the 30 squig hoppers with a snuffler buff and scuttletide, the hoppers survived 2 combats and retreated on t2 so I could rally them. After that I failed a 6-7" charge on my scuttleboss, with a reroll, a 7" charge with my spider riders, and a 3" charge with my webspinner on arachnarok and got absolutely clobbered in return. Spiders definitely still feel weak to me, but gargants are a bad matchup for them too.
  11. If lord of hubris is like 70-100 points he would work well with slaangor, since you can do something very similar to what BoC can do with Gor and slaangor.
  12. Saving a CP for unleash hell is a good way to apply the fellwater debuff.
  13. Does Skragrott turn on boingrot battleline with warmaster? Or does he need to be chosen as the general?
  14. Clearly we need a codewright to negotiate the trade of the surplus of skull-less skeletons owned by khornate warbands, for ossiarch skulls.
  15. My guess for aos: Slaanesh & Khorne battletome reveals, possibly with the models Seraphon army box reveal stretch guesses: OBR & Fec tome announcements New season of war/incarnate Warcry: A supplemental warcry unit of some kind, maybe with a campaign book or something. Underworlds: That Tzeentch warband, possibly as part of the new season/box set. I think they'll save the seraphon full range reveal for adepticon, there's no way they show off dawnbringer crusades who are a fall release at the earliest, we won't get 2 big releases in summer. I think the next warcry box will get shown off there too.
  16. Gitmob seems to be getting a lot of love lately, I wonder if it means anything.
  17. yeah the scuttletide is probably better than the sporesplattas, it would help a lot with board control. I need the skitterstrand for the grimscuttle subfaction ability though, his main job is as a delivery device for the scuttleboss. The fungoid is mostly me being scared of only having 1 GC, but maybe I'm being overly cautious, an extra unit of bodies would help a lot I think.
  18. Yeah its the multipart ones, the dominion ones don't really have a champion, but the multipart ones do (its the guy with the banner and there's two of him on the box)
  19. 80 for the kruleboyz one isn't awful I guess? should be ~115 CAD, and 2 boxes of boltboyz are 120, so you basically get the ballista for free. I'm considering it, I've only got 15 boltboyz, and its nice to have a mix of the dominion sculpts and the multipart ones, but I could probably get it cheaper if I got secondhand dominon stuff. It would leave me with 4 ballistas though, and I'm not quite sure what I'd do with them, I supposed I'd be ready if they ever get a glowup.
  20. I'm still not sure how I feel about spiderfang in the new book. I havent gotten a chance to play with the new book but I threw this list together. Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz- Gittish Horde: Grimscuttle- Grand Strategy: Take What's Theirs- Triumphs:LeadersKragnos, The End of Empires (720)*Skragrott, The Loonking (160)*Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)*- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of GorkWebspinner Shaman on Arachnarok Spider (270)**- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)- Lore of the Spiderfang: Sneaky DistractionScuttleboss on Gigantic Spider (130)**- General- Command Trait: Supa-nasty Venom- Artefact: Headdress of Many EyesWebspinner Shaman (65)**- Artefact: Totem of the Spider God- Lore of the Spiderfang: Scuttling Terrors- Aspect of the Champion: Tunnel MasterBattleline5 x Spider Riders (90)5 x Spider Riders (90)5 x Spider Riders (90)Units5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (90)BehemothsSkitterstrand Arachnarok (200)Core Battalions*Warlord**WarlordAdditional EnhancementsArtefactArtefactTotal: 1995 / 2000Reinforced Units: 0 / 4Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 106Drops: 11 Spiderfang still suffer hugely from a lack of damage, you basically need supa nasty venom to have anything resembling a hammer, so in this list I brought Kragnos. He's a big hammer, and he makes the grimscuttle ambush way scarier. Totem is on the foot shaman because you can use tunnel master to get him into position to buff your ambushing squad. Sporesplattas are a good buff piece but maybe I'd be better served by more spider riders. I don't need double warlord, but by the time I had squeezed two GC's into the list i already had 4 sub-commanders. Any thoughts/suggestions? Skragrott seems to be the only piece I could cut, but then I'd want to stick malevolent moon in, so I'd only save 80 points, plus he's super useful.
  21. GW Really does beastmen a disservice model wise. They have some of the coolest narrative, a fantastic concept, and what is in my opinion one of the best 3e books in my opinion. Despite my longtime love of gitz, and how good gitz is I find the BoC rules more compelling.
  22. BoC are Destruction Adjacent, you're in the clear! 🤣 You can even use your mancrushers!
  23. Snufflers are great for fellwaters, I wouldn't bother bringing them for rockguts. Snarlfangs are mostly just fast chaff, they're a bit better than spider riders and have more tricks, but also cost more points. For some reason those wolf jaw attacks have 2" range though, which is making me want to try out a reinforced unit.
  24. a bunch of the army might be underpointed? but I don't think they really need many nerfs other than that. Herds could probably slip back up to 140 points and be fine? People are just getting whiplash because gitz aren't abysmal anymore. I don't think a lot of people understand just how big the gap in strength was.
  25. It would be wierd to get the OBR character revealed so soon. The two chaos tomes come before the two death ones on the timeline. Also a "seraphon"y terrain piece won't be much of a shock, the entire warscry season has been in the gnarlwood and quite a few of the warbands are trying to get into the temple ship that crash landed there. Still seems like pretty suspect rumors though.
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