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Posts posted by LuminethMage

  1. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm going to place my bets and say this is the start of the rise of Soulblight Gravelords. I think we are looking at the beginning of the narrative that will ultimately lead to Nagash losing his complete dominion over Death.

    I thought of Malerion,  but that’d also make sense! Anyway, very cool story! 

    • Like 3
  2. I'm just posting the results from Vince's Warhammer Weekly surveys one more time. Had around the same responses, but asked for armies played. The blue one is from mid-last year, when the LRL weren't fully released yet, and the other one is just from a few weeks ago. The blue one only allowed for responding with one faction, the green one allowed for multiple choices. 

    There are quite some differences which could be fun to speculate about, although I don't think we have enough data yet. But there could be a big discrepancy for some armies that are well liked, but still not being played that much (pricing could be an issue, difficulty of painting them etc.). Or there could be none, because most people equate "like" with "play". 


  3. 29 minutes ago, Koala said:

    Thank you! 

    ( Both to the people participating and SirSalabean)

    Can we please adress the elephant in the Room: Stormcasts?

    For an army that has been both pushed by GW AND blessed with a lot of great and easy to play/paint models they seem to be a tad underrepresented. It might be a statistical anomaly, though. 

    Fyreslayers are no surprise. I keep hearing they sell really badly. Which can of course become a self fulfilling prophecy.. sell badly => no new models => sell even worse..  but that is another debate.

    Yes, on Warhammer Weekly’s survey’s so far Stormcast have been always in one of the top spots. So this might be an outlier.

    The more such surveys we get from varied sources the better of an overall picture we’d have.

    Fyreslayers though ... .

  4. 1 hour ago, Feii said:

    It needs to be said that Those were stats from Feb 2020 to Feb 2021 (TTS only) and even though the LRL came out in June 2020 they were the second most played faction in that time period! 


    Syar is the best performing one and then some silly Zaitrec vey spammy builds. 


    Conclusion? I would really like to see how wide is gap between top and bottom players for the faction. The spread would be very interesting to see.

    Yup, they mentioned that LRL was the 2nd most played faction, which makes the data a bit robuster. They also said that LRL had a lot of top 10 entries, so it's very likely that there is quite a spread as the overall result is just average. When they have more data, it would be interesting to look at things like which sub-factions are good, or what are the differences between two armies that are on the same aggregate level (eg, do most players go 3:2, 2:3 or most 4:1 or 1:4), but probably they don't have enough data for that yet. Just 11 (if I remember correctly) tournaments with even some armies only being played by a few people. And best would be to have that together with data from in-person events. 

    Right now though, you can say LRL are a mid-tier faction according to the data we have. It's not a faction you can just pick-up and own left and right. They also mentioned the limitations the army has in their opinion (which is similar to what most others think): Object play, and being relatively difficult, with a lot of choices to make and therefore a lot of possibilities to make the wrong choice. 

    These rankings are always a snapshot in time. You could say that the army has the potential to be a top tier army once more players learn how to play it well, but that's just a hypothesis at the moment (and in case of LRL, of course a lot will change in the coming months anyway). 

    • Like 1
  5. On 2/9/2021 at 4:08 AM, Ragest said:

    Idoneth 73,08wr in 54 matches

    DoK 70,00wr in 40 matches

    Seraphon 58,94wr in 143 matches

    Ogor 56,94wr in 108 matches

    DoT 56,06wr in 66 matches


    KO 51,04wr in 96 matches


    LRL 45,03wr in 117 matches

    Last 3 months, physical and online tournaments around the world. Sorry I can’t send you the video atm because my meta group is still working on it, but go ahead finding somethin more accurate about meta state.

    And no, I can’t take seriously stuff like the last hammertime with 80 players just having 3 matches starting with the less competitive battleplan possible and not even playin with realms or scenery rules.

    So, looking at the HWG rankings according to their TTS stats, the Lumineth had very similar results, 48% win rate, which would have put them in the exactly same bracket (C tier, 45% to 50% win rate) under their tier system, as the results you have shown . : ) 

    The overall numbers are a bit different, but besides KO they have also similar factions on top - Seraphon, Idoneth, DoK etc. 

  6. 11 hours ago, LoonKing98 said:

    Some lore questions for y'all (let me know if this was covered in the battletome and I'm just a careless reader)

    - Do all Great Nations follow a monarchical system of government? 

    - How does one become a Cathalar? Is it a role you are raised to assume or do just powerful mages choose to become one? Also, reading over the organization of Teclis' vanguard, it appears Cathalar's lead the Vanari Legions, is this true?


    Just to add to what @Aloth_Corfiser and @Aelfric said, which is both correct, the AoS RPG called Soulbound just released a new supplement yesterday where Lumineth became playable player characters, but there is no new information about any of the topics you asked. So it looks like that those parts just haven’t been developed much yet.

    About the Cathallar leading Vanari Legions - the sentence Aloth was looking for is on page 5 under the heading Hyshian Warhosts. It says that Scinari are leading the Vanari (or the military theory training of the Vanari). Together with the picture you mentioned, you could interpret this in a way that Cathallars are leading the Vanari of the Vanguard. But it’s not really clear.

    As we'll get a lot of new characters with the new release, this is the one topics I think we’ll have more clarity about once BR Teclis drops. I thought before that the Scinari are in the lead, but having a Vanari Lord Regent makes me think it’s a continuation of the High Elf way of doing it - Vanari and Scinari are separated, with normally a Vanari Lord being in charge, but deferring to Scinari in all matters having to do with magic, and in some places Scinari outright leading Vanari, for example in some or all of the Teclian Nations like It was with Saphery before.

    The temples are also lead by mages (although we don’t know if they lead the temple’s military forces). 

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  7. 40 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    While I am doubtful that Soulblight will have a proper place in BR: Teclis, I wouldn't be surprised if they were teased a little. Even if we hadn't received the spoiler of their model, they were hinted at in Morathi, and mentioned in the Kurnothi heroine's article.  Clearly, GW means to build them up a bit before proper reveals are released, and it would be surprising if a story centered in the Realm of Death didn't have something for them.  I don't think we'll have anything appreciable for a few months yet, though.

    (And I'll be perfectly honest, they've caught my eye as a potential second death army to add to my collection, but with wave 2  Lumineth on the horizon and speculation that Stormcast have something coming this summer, my wallet is already begging for mercy. That said, I am biased to prefer a later release so I have time to actually save up for them.)

    I think exactly the same, even the thing that saved Van Brecht(?) from Morathi’s prison could turn out to be teaser for Soulblight in the end. I was just talking in terms of having them as a direct outcome of BR Teclis (that’s what I thought initially after the scooped shots and before the WD article), now I think they might be a more long term result which we might see a glimpse of in BR Teclis, in the same way we saw this thing that helped the Stormcast to escape. 

    But who knows, their release schedule seems so far behind right now, they might just really speed up releases in the next six months. We hopefully know more on Saturday : ) 


    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong (I did not buy BR: Morathi and mostly know the narrative second hand), but in BR: Morathi the duel box was Daughters vs. Slaanesh, even though the Slaanesh plotline only started after the events of BR: Morathi. Or was there a big Daughters/Hedonites showdown in the book that I am forgetting?

    BR Morathi continued the narrative of the box (the Lord of Pain from the box leading the Hedonites forces I think), and there was a big battle between Hedonites & DoK in BR Morathi. The Hedonites as such played a big role there. I think especially because of the WD - which likely should have come out after BR Teclis, and is all about OBR and FEC (both also featuring in BR Teclis), it just would make more sense if OBR got a new hero and a box with Lumineth if we were to get one at all. 

    15 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    I think Gravelords will be the slaanesh newborn of the book 

    I thought so too before I saw that White Dwarf blurb summarizing the events of BR Teclis. Now I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen in the short term at least. But, it’s possible I put too much meaning into that blurb : ), and in the long run it’s still very much possible of course that Gravelords will be one of the outcome of BR Teclis. 

    • Thanks 1

    9 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's possible if Gravelords are a revamp of Legions of Nagash. The duel box could then be Lumineth vs. Legions with the new Vampire Lord as the box hero. The Gravelord troops could be skeleton focussed or partially new sculpts for old units (Blood Knights, for example).

    I think if they did something like that, then BR Teclis would be more about them instead of OBR being the focus. The WD, which follows the story of BR Teclis is also about OBR and FEC. 

    Maybe the first hint today will show us where this is leading. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Hopefully they go more in depth on Broken Realms as a whole, even if just to outline this is Book #2 of #5(?).

    That would be really nice. A glimpse of the next one maybe. Or a few details about BR Teclis, what's Nurgle plan? Which cities are covered and where are they? Only in Shyish, or do we get our first glimpse of a Hysh CoS too? If I'm not mistaken, the Cypher Lords hail from one for example, so would be fun to know what's going on in the Hysh CoS too. 

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  11. We likely have seen a small glance of the Lumineth vid they’ll do this time when they showed us the treerunners and the Lord Regent in the “accent vid”. The riders would have been the new surprise model in this video (they weren’t among the shadows, nor the new year hints). 

    So probably we see the full Wind Temple and at least a few of the Vanari like Lord in full. And likely a March release. Hopefully also clarity about if everything is in BR Teclis or not. 

    • Like 5
  12. Awesome! The dark is really cool, kind a if he is just appearing out of his throne. Dark bases sometimes feel like they are missing something. I have the same issue, but might not actually be the case, especially when you put the model together with the rest of your army. If not you could always add a broken weapon, skull/bones, torn cloth or something like that. 

    Also, good time for a mid-monthly update, all the painting I have done so far: 




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  13. 34 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    And it's only for one round right?

    It’s only for one phase : ) (if you use both at the same time). But it’s mainly there so you don’t get killed before you can cast your 5+ Ward (and other spells). Afterwards it’s a bit harder to kill Teclis, because you can also make him Ethereal and have your 5+ Ward. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Kugane said:

    Surprisingly enough, that is exactly the model I am currently planning to convert as soon as I have spare time. I had one built for ages with the top of the staff missing, so I am now stripping off the arms and head and using spare Lumineth parts. I'm super happy the Cathallar doesn't have an actual weapon load-out, so WYSIWYG works :).

    I know I want to build a wind temple-themed army, so trying to avoid stone temple until I know more about the ruleset. I'm self-employed and living off 200$/month (creating content on Youtube & writing full time), so I don't have the financial freedom (yet) to spend money on models simply because I like the look of them. I just love that Stonemage model, lol.

    I see, perfect. It’s what I did too, as my second Cathallar. And yeah, you can just use the model without any conversions at all.

    I did a few very minor ones with spare parts from Wardens (changed sword arm, slapped a small half moon at the bottom of the staff and added a few tassels). 

    It’s a really good looking model as Austin said, great that you already have it. 

    Hopefully you find the freedom at some point to get a Stonemage : ), even if it’s just for fun. 


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  15. 1 hour ago, Kugane said:

    I love the stonemage, but hate the cathallar model XD. Really wish I could just use a stonemage as a "counts as" cathallar.

    Do you like the Mistweaver model? That’s a good stand in, even without any conversions. And with a few small ones, you can make her easily look almost 100% like a Lumineth. 

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  16. 3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    are those warden's spears off the sprue or elongated?? because the second from the right is so clearly bent... if these are from the sprue i'm kinda glad i didn't buy wardens :(

    I have 30 and not one that’s really bent like that, but some people had problems with bent ones already on the sprue. They can get replaced but it takes a while. 

    The Wardens look really great in units, but they definitely are the easiest models to handle, even with straight spears. I haven’t had any real problems with transport, but during play it can cause issues. That’s true for many other models though. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Hi all! I don't know, but to me it feels like LRL are pretty popular, or is it just that we are a lot more that discuss and talk about it here at the forum? Just wanted to say that I enjoy what y'all post and so on.

    I dont know the next time I will play, but some of you that are more into playing might be able to give me some advice?

    The army I bought and are planning to field are the following

    The Light of Eltharion

    5x2 Dawnriders (I think? I have ten at least)

    10x2 Wardens

    10x2 Sentinels.

    The Cathaller + Sentinels + Wardens battalion.

    I think thats about 2000 points.

    What sub-faction would y'all say are the best for this build? and why?

    Ive only played Zaitrec before. 

    I feel Syar is risky, and I struggle to see the point of using 2 quartz.


    The armies I will face are the following - Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness (no Archaeon), Disciple of Tzeentch & Sylvaneth.

    Only the Sylvaneth player is a veteran (he plays 1-2 times a month). 

    Thankful for suggestions!

    Here at the forum they are popular. Seems also that relatively many people are painting them. On the Warhammer Weekly survey they had done a month or two ago (results were shown last week) the LRL  were at the lower end, but it’s still hard to say if that’s because they are still new. @SirSalabean is just doing another survey (can be found in the main forum) right now, let’s see what the results are there. 

    You have 200 points left : ). So maybe increase one of the Warden units and add an endless spell like Geminids or the Spellportal? 

    Syar is very good if you use Teclis, because you can give him  2+ Save if needed. Stormcast, DoT and Sylvaneth all can hit him very well from range, so that might come in handy. 2 Aetherquartz are also great for flexibility, using one for things like additional spells or attack rolls, and still having another one for the save. Or just having the option to increase the save of two units per phase is awesome. 

    If you like Zaitrec, against DoT (if he doesn’t come with a heavy alphas strike/shooting list) it should be good because of the improved unbinds. The more spells you can deny your opponent the better. I love Zaitrec and would play it against all of those, but it’s probably not the best way to do it. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    Is not online at the moment. I have a group that keeps working since November to make the biggest aos database about tournamets. We were ready to make something like a recap thinking that faqs would habe changed everything, but the lack of and the waiting till almost February changed all plans :(

    Sounds interesting, as you mentioned you include both Online and physical tournament data, do you also measure if there was any difference between the win rates of these? Not specifically concerning LRL, but generally. 

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