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Posts posted by LuminethMage

  1. 2 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    For the most part, I don’t think the hate is directly aimed at you or the Aelf players, but there are over 20 armies in this game and almost every single one of them needed new rules/models before the likes of Lumineth did. The hate is directed at gw.

    in saying that, aelves have a reputation in the lore (or they did in fantasy) as being very smug, arrogant, up-them-selves and believing they’re the most important beings in existence. Sadly some aelf players have those personality traits too and give everyone else a bad name

    What I mean is, like today, I come to the forum to see excitement for the new Belakor BR release. But again have to wade through a mass of negative comments about Lumineth, aelves, aelf players and what not. That’s almost every day. And most of it is in fact directed at either the faction and/or the player, not GW. 

    Some of it are jokes, but if you constantly make demeaning jokes about something, it doesn’t really feel like a joke anymore. 

    I also have some issues with the premise to be honest: Although HE were one of the more popular factions it took them 5 years until they were finally released. Almost everyone who complains about not seeing anything new for 3 years tends to forget that someone like me didn’t see anything at all for 5.

    It’s also a mixed blessing to having your release split, and your schedule being dragged out and out and out over months and months because of Covid and maybe now again Brexit. With mostly being kept in the dark what’s going on. If it wasn’t for that, the LRL would have been all out, and we’d already been looking forward to the full Soulblight release, or been even beyond that.

    Among the major old Warhammer Fantasy factions HE were one of the latest to get their update, but received one of the largest releases in almost one go. It balances somewhat out in the end. And besides Lumineth it’s really hard to see where any of the others are getting that much of a special treatment during what’s been announced as the big aelf event. Updated Warscrolls for one, and a hero and endless spells for the other. 

    Why not be a bit happy for those players who finally got their toys? We already know that it’s not going to be all Lumineth (or aelves) from now on. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    told people BR  wasn't going  all Aelf characters,

    Aelf players just think they are the center of the world for some strange reason

    Constant posts like this and the positive reactions you mostly get, make this really such a great community. Now it’s not only against a faction you don’t like, but players like me. Thanks a lot! 


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  3. 2 hours ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

    Considering LRL as a new army, I'm a 40k player and have some Slaanesh stuff but may be getting into an AoS project for building an army alongside a friend who's doing OBR, we're not competitive but obviously don't want to suck, just after some fun games that can go either way. I think the Starter Box is a good start but was wondering if anyone has tried double Cows in a Ymetrica list? 

    Double cows are considered to be more of a fun list, so it might be just the right thing for you. They are slow and usually you won’t have much or any protection against mortal wounds, but  once you get into combat they are fun. Ymetrica hasn’t really performed that well in tournaments so far. 

    The starter box was really good, especially when you come new to AoS because you can also use all the little extras in the box. But, a part of the value was in the special edition Battletome, and a new Battletome will be released in the coming months. If you plan on playing with our bovine splendor it might be better to start buying a few of those models and see what’s going to happen in the next few months. With the range doubling in size it’s really hard to say how the LRL will look like. Ymetrica might just be two ballistas and a good hero away from being a really powerful faction. 

    Hope that helps a bit, sadly I have no experience with double mountain spirits myself. 

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  4. The Stonemage Ehtiodion’s the Stoic’s call to assemble was heeded by several ranks of Stoenguard, half of the force is now ready to take part in campaigns. His order to produce a mask for a mighty mountain spirit to inhabit has fallen on deaf ears though. Ethidion made sure that the temple knew he wasn’t pleased, thereby losing his moniker “the Stoic”. Ehtidion the Noisy Avalanche hopes that there won’t be any further delays. 



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  5. February went pretty well for me, I finished the Stonemage and 10 Stonegard. Concerning March I’m not really sure. I’ll try to finish at least 5 more Stonegard (they are built and primed already), but then it depends a bit on if the second wave of the Lumineth will be released or not. As soon as I can be my hands on the new Bladelords, they’ll have priority. 

    I really enjoy painting the Stonegard though. 



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  6. 1 hour ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    So what are people’s thoughts on The Light Of Eltharian and Teclis these days?

    How exactly does the weird Battleline requirements work? If I make Stoneguard Battleline, would a unit of Wardens still allow me to take a unit of Dawnriders as Battleline as well?

    You should be able to use The Warden Battleline mechanic in the same way. There are no restrictions mentioned to it. 

    I don’t think perceptions of the LoE and Teclis have changed fundamentally. Let’s see what happens once the new units are out. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Ragest said:

    Hm maybe they can "taunt" missiles with their innate -1 to be hit from shooting?

    Another insteresting thing is the rage that swords have, because you can't keep shinning so easily as Wardens, I imagine them being in shinning just first turn defending themselves (-2 to be hit from shooting?) and then breaking it to charge.

    They are simple in design, but pretty interesting in terms of gameplay.

    Yeah, they almost certainly have some special missle defense. It was mentioned in the preview vid, and Ailenn had such an ability in Underworlds. Range seems to just be 1”.

    I really hope they manage to make the Bladelords good. They haven’t been always able to do that with elite infantry. 

  8. The Blademasters also all have a special, very big, Aetherquartz (?) brooch on their chest. They have Sunmetal weapons (if the Direchasm Warband isn’t different), so it would be weird if their Champion wasn’t a Wizard, but had to rely on others to empower their weapons. Or this special brooch does something to the weapons, or maybe it’s enhancing their defense or something. 

    In the video Teclis says when he introduces them, “we put our lives in your hands” or something similar, which could be a hint that they indeed provide some kind of protection to Wizards. 

    I really hope we are starting to get information about all those things from next week on. With all the new units and BR Teclis they have a lot to cover : ) 


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  9. 15 hours ago, BrBandit said:

    Has anyone got any pictures of their storage solutions for Teclis? Decided not to build mine until I’ve found something given how expensive he is! 

    For the Battle Foam, it looks exactly like the pictures I have shown above, it’s a custom cut-out, together with Avalenor/Spirit of the Mountain. He fits in well into his. 

    I’m sure the magnetized versions mentioned above would also work well. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Hey guys, I’m thinking about starting with a competitive Lumineth army. Want to start with 1000 points first, paint and then extend later, what would be a good a start?

    was thinking about this list but I’m not experienced so any help will be welcome.

    Scinari Cathallar (140)
    The Light of Eltharion (220)

    10 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (140)
    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (120)
    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (120)
    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)

    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)

    Total: 1000 / 2000


    This would do for a good 1,000 list (or even 10 more wardens instead of the second unit of Dawnriders), and a good core for 2,000 points too. Eltharion isn’t used in most competitive 2,000 points lists though at the moment. 

    The problem right now is that our Warscrolls will double soon, so we don’t really know what’s going to be competitive in a few months. There also could be points changes and other updates in BR Teclis/new Battletome for the current units and abilities. If Warden stay the key battleline unit, they should be a safe bet to buy. Sentinels & Dawnriders likely too, but it’s hard to say. It’s especially difficult to say for our heroes, because we’ll get a ton of new ones. 

  11. 8 hours ago, SlyRebirth said:

    Great to see all the excitement for the new plastic - amazing models, so good...

    But is nobody a little concerned/annoyed that a battletome and warscrolls are superceded after less than a year? It's one thing to commit to a general's handbook every year, and I understand the logic of an annualised update for balancing purposes.

    However, I'm not overjoyed at having bought the book (as part of the lovely launch set) and the cards (separately) only to find I have to now buy another book (either BR:Teclis or the new battletome), while the warscroll cards will either only represent half an army, or if I buy the new ones, I'll have half an army of duplicates.

    I suspect this whole split-release is probably down to COVID issues with production or something, but there's also a risk that jumping into a new army on day/week/year one isn't sensible in case you're repurchasing within 12 months...


    It probably won't surprise anyone here, but I'm not really annoyed by this. It still depends a bit on what's actually in BR Teclis and the new Battletome, but personally, I like those books. I bought BR Morathi without having an intention to play any of the factions in covered in that book. 

    This is how I see it: I have nothing much to complain in comparison to other factions. We get story focus (with all the marketing attention that that includes like the BR Teclis video) and 11(!?) new kits. Within just a year. Is that worse than sitting around 3 years on a lot of stuff with nothing much really happening? Or even compared to DoK. They "have" to buy a new Battletome after a much longer time (3 years?) with no updates, and what does it include in terms of totally new stuff? 3 Endless Spells/Prayers, and rules updates. Is that better? Depends on the person. All the rest is basically in BR Morathi, which they also "had" to buy, an army box etc. If you don't care about the art and lore parts. 

    Could they have released everything together. Sure. And then nothing much in BR Teclis (like one of the heroes with current units in a box with another hero and units from another faction)? Would that have been better? Not for me. Such a battle box (one single new unit) and 3 Endless Spells was all DoK players got out of their place in the limelight. And now maybe they have to wait for another 3+ years until they get much of anything new. And they also had to buy two books. They'll have the same amount of books (2 BT and one campaign) as we do with far less kits. 

    Hedonites just had a bit more time in between releases than we do (like 6 month). Does that make much of a difference? They'll have around the same kits as we do, and also had to buy several Battletomes. 

    I also genuinely prefer this to having 22+ kits at the start and then almost nothing for 3 years (maybe a hero or something in one of their AoS adjacent games). People complain about that too. A new battletome also means new art and new lore, new painting guides etc. In the end the two battletomes should add up to more than one combined one.

    It's probably not worth for everyone, and I can understand that some people don't like it, but I honestly don't think it's that big of a deal. I think Covid had a big impact on the impression of this because many people couldn't play, so it feels worse than it normally would. Many people likely haven't done many in person games with the current battletome.

    As @Ragest mentioned, the Lumienth BT and models were in warehouses before Covid started to have any influence at all, they always planned on a split release with roughly a year apart between the two. 

    Selling Battletomes and other books is part of their sales concept. One can critique that concept as such, but I really don't think we Lumineth players have that much to complain about. 

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  12. Thanks for @Chikout to pointing me there (note to self always read articles down to the last sentence). 

    The new free Warcry campaign based on the Broken Realms has this gem in it:

    This campaign marks the beginning of regular Warcry content we’ll be uploading to Warhammer Community, so keep your eyes peeled next month when we’ll be sharing a campaign that ties into the events from Broken Realms: Teclis.

    Hype mode —— INCREASE! 

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  13. 34 minutes ago, HanShot First said:

    Love this and can agree and see all this as likely. Maybe the zenith alementor is one the dragons as zenith is just light. Also I hope the river warriors will be armed with glaives, we know they are armed with a sort of blade and glaives would make the most sense now that we have sword masters.

    Yes, that's was also my thinking about the glaives, because they mentioned blades and we have sword masters already, and glaives also would match the more asian-style that the Lumineth have, and we don't have pole arms yet. 

    Dragons could be zenith, yup. I'm really looking forward to what's going on with the Sun Spirit, the meeting between it and Tyrion was one of the more wonderfully weird stories in our Battletome. 

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  14. Oh speculation! I really love that, always interesting, and in the end GW does something unexpected (like dropping 11 warscrolls on us after 9(?) months 😅). 

    My take would be this: 

    Tyrion/Sun Spirit/Phoenix Temple: The Sun Spirit will almost certainly be a phoenix or phoenix-dragon like creature. We have seen so many hints about the sun spirit being a phoenix now, I can't imagine this won't be the case. The latest one on the Bannerblade again, where it's absolutely clear: Opposite of Celennar and its symbol right be low it. How this will tie in (or not) with Phoenix Temple is really interesting. The Ur-Pheonix and Tyrion share the same symbol. GW really takes these symbols serious in the Lumineth range so I can't imagine that's just a coincidence. The Phoenix Temple also would fit in so well with aelementiri temples. If the Anointed was a mage, it would be 100%. As they are wholly warriors this might be Tyrion's sole martial order. On the other hand I have my doubts that they'll blow up CoS in this way, so there might be just some kind of background/lore connection between them (they act as Tyrion's eyes and ears in the other Realms, and revere Tyrion in form of the Ur-Phoenix, or something like that). How Legions of Nagash and the new Soulbight will be handled could give us a hint about which direction CoS are going. 

    We have two more interesting hints about the Sun Spirit and eventual phoenix-dragons. We have 6 Warden chest-armors. The High Warden shows a phoenix, the wardens have one sun and one moon symbol, and Celennar on them. 

    And then these two here: 


    The first one could easily be a weird mask for the sun spirit (although the phoenix's face on the banner and wherever we see it looks more like a normal bird/beast) , and the second one looks very much like the faces of dragons/phoenixes shown on the first pages of our Battletome.  

    Now the question is how they would be released. The Sun Spirit is easy, It'll come together with Tyrion, either same model or as a separate identity. Concerning the phoenx/dragons, I think we'll see something like a "New Caledor" (in the same way Zaitrec is "New Saphery") in one of the Tyrionic nations. But one difference between the Lumineth and the High Elves is, that Lumineth do not really have special units tied to the Great Nations (Ymetrica is more a Great Nation tied to a Temple) in the same form the HE had. So the dragons might be just another form of Vanari Elite in the end. I think we'll see heavy cavalry with Tyrion so they could take that function.

    Temples: The River temple could just come out on it's on at some point or with Tyrion. It  likely will consist of three units again and seems the most martial focused one. They likely have two sword-like weapons or something like a glaive, maybe double bladed. The temples are more Teclian aligned, but they do have their warriors, which are the more Tyrionic aspect within the temples. The devs again shows this on the models: The Stoneguard have little sun amulets on their belts, and the new Windcharger warriors also have sun symbols on them. I don't think we'll see 4 Tyrionic martial orders, although that'd be awesome. The Vanari are more Tyrionic aligned, but again have some Teclian elements in them (Dawnriders being very much on the Tyrionic side, Bladelords almost Teclian). So there is a balance. None is 100% either side. 

    I doubt we'll see the Zenith temple in the same way as the rest. They haven't mentioned any zenith warriors, it's all about the mages, and in the Battletome it says somewhere that a zenith mages is (almost) as powerful as an aelementor. I also wonder which spirits of light there are besides the Sun and Moon Spirit. There are other moons of course, and they could come up with something, but I have my doubts there. Maybe they have several different Light of Eltharion-like models?

    Release schedule: I don't think we'll see another bigger release (eg Tyrion) anytime within this or next year (earliest end of next year maybe). The river temple might come out at some point if they don't want to tie it to the Tyrionic release. If the Severith is a Wind Spirit from Ymetrica, I have the feeling the River Temple will come out separately from Tyrion and be located along the Great Daixo River in Ymetrica (which they called Great Daiko River in the WD article). 

    There are so many other direction they can go and factions they have to support, and Tyrion seems to be likely taken up when the Slaanesh story will continue which also should take a while. And with all the new stuff, if most of the new models don't have bad rules, this should keep us occupied for a long long time.

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  15. 2 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

    Malerion Alves released
    Boxed set vs Lumineth

    Start of next Campaign Arc "War of the Aelves" 
    War of the Aelves: Tyrion

    Third wave of Lumineth

    War of the Aelves: Alith Anar

    Christmas themed Lumineth set
    Fyreslayers get one new Model...looks the same as the other's

    My prediction! : p 


    What can I say 


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  16. 1 hour ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    Hmm a silly thought, but perhaps the Wind Temple Warriors could be nomadic? Sure they would have some Holy Sites but otherwise would prefer to roam around more than the other Temple affiliated Aelves. :) Then it could be explained why they hop along the great Teclian Crusade. 

    Yeah that would make sense, just because the named Wind Spirit is Severith, Lord of the Seventh Wind, it’s likely he is also from Ymetrica. 


  17. @Neverchosen Yes, the Lumineth models are on the delicate side. I haven't had too many issues so far, but then I also haven't had that many opportunities to bring them on the table. You definitely have to be a bit careful with them. : )

    You named two of my most favorite model among the new range: The Loreseeker's background is perfect for a story-based "my guy" model and I'm sure we will see the Loreseeker as an Archetype in Soulbound at some point. The Calligrave is an example for why I love AoS. A Wizard based on painting runes with liquified magic to purify the land while walking on still shoes and wearing a proper Wizard's Hat Extraordinaire. I really want to shake the hand of the person/team who came up with this concept and execution of it. 

    The whole release is so good. Half of it is nicely updated models of former HE favorites like the Battle Standard Bearer, the Swordmasters and the Loremaster, and the other half are all the new fantastic animals, cloud riding mages, spirits and a magic painter (calligrapher). I have the feeling (but for the new Battletome) this release is much less controversial than the first wave. 

    As for Vanari vs Aelementiri, why not both? : ). I'd have recommended the army box from last year, at a reduced price that was a pretty good deal, but with the new Battletome coming out, it's very likely not worth it anymore (and as you mentioned before - still pretty expensive). Good to wait for a Battlebox, especially  if you also have a lot of other models you want, that's true : ) .

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  18. 8 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    Was there some discussion of an alternative build for the Bladelords that had short spears when the drawn video was released?  If so, do you think this is still on the cards, but GW have held it back as a last minute surprise - or am I just being delusional?  (I was also hoping for an alternative melee build for the rooriders, as they've done for the new Slaanesh cavalry).

    I don't think we get glaives or melee Windchargers. In the video they showed last time, they had this "that's you whole release" moving-over-army camera shot in it. You can have a look at the BR Teclis video again, for me it just looks like great swords. You can always hope until the models are out that there are double kits, just personally I think it's unlikely, but I also don't have more information than you : )

    50 minutes ago, Yawn said:

    So... do we think this is the last reveal, or is Tyrion on our horizons? We have the twin favoured by him, and surely we are getting the rules from the Tyrionic nations with the new book. I can dream!

    I don't think Tyrion is on the horizon. The storyline is all about Teclis. There is Lyrior Uthralle, Tyrion's champion, but he is the Warden of Ymetrica, and you have one of the Twins, but that's just keeping with the whole duality background of the Lumineth. The Vanari as a whole are like that. The Loreseeker too. I don't think any of this means that Tyrion is coming soon. There will be a big intro over several month before he going to be fully revealed, and I don't see us getting another BT within the next year. If we ever see Tyrion might also depend on how well Lumineth sell this time around. They clearly already have an idea where they want to go with him and his side of the Lumineth, but who knows how far they are into the process. 

    The nation on the other hand is an really interesting question. What are they going to do with the Wind Temple? Just battalion(s)? Change one of the current Grand Nations? Introduce new one? Xintil (because CoS will be a thing in BR Teclis)? A Tyrionic Nation? I think the last option is the least likely, because they set up the whole thing so nicely: 4 Grand Nations and 2 temples left for a later Tyrion-focused release. Personally, I think they either change one of the current ones (likely Ymetrica or Iliatha) or don't do anything with the GN (because some people might be pissed if the old BT gets already out-dated), and just provide new battalions. 

  19. Well, I’m pretty much ecstatic (while staying properly serene of course *cough) for the new Lumineth release. It’s even better than the first wave. So 🥳🥰😃

    And all the rest looked also great. I really like the design of the new Warhammer Quest models, especially, of course, the new Wizard and Missionary. 

    And can’t wait to see what’s going on with Belakor! 

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