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Posts posted by LuminethMage

  1. 5 minutes ago, yukishiro1 said:

    There's no such thing as "objective NPE." NPE is inherently a subjective feeling.  That's the whole point of the term. There is no right or wrong, it's peoples' feelings. If someone feels something is NPE, it is NPE. The question is how representative their feelings are of the player bas a whole; if those feelings are widely represented,  that thing is NPE; it's what the word means.

    And there's very much a problem if people don't enjoy playing a particular faction; you can say "it's not about only you," but the fact of the matter is that people play to have fun, and if they aren't having fun, they'll stop playing. We saw this with Slaanesh back in the day, when large numbers of players just refused to play against Slaanesh because the experience was miserable. I'm not saying LRL is that bad, but the point is that it's a huge issue for a game if there's a faction that people actively dislike playing against. Games need to be enjoyable for both parties, and if they aren't, you have a big game design problem on your hands. 

    Yup, but if you only count the feelings of the current player base (which you'd first would have to judge correctly, and not by the loudest voices), and just take everything that said about "NPE" at face value, you might be lead to the wrong conclusion. That's what I meant. 

    If someone really doesn't like playing Lumineth because they aren't fun for them, ok, that's their choice. Someone else might not find playing against Giants fun. Or DoK, or KO, or Seraphon, etc. Alternatively you could try to work things out together. Especially with the new units LRL players can build more varied lists.

    If someone leaves the game because they don't like playing against one faction - that'd be weird. On the other hand, it's more likely that someone won't get interested in a game if they don't find an army that offers the playstyle they like. I don't think it's that huge of an issue if there is one army like that among -  what 24 - now. 

    It's a social game. My fun comes out of playing together, weird dice rolls, stupid things I do, great things I do, unexpected things my opponent does etc. It's not only tied what I think about my opponents rules. There is so much more to the game than that. 

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  2. 42 minutes ago, Austin said:

    I am so lost right now haha.  I assume some "future insights" have been posted in other places?  I honestly could not care less about how powerful the rules are or are not.  As long as they stay decent when the inevitable nerfs happen.  I have honestly thought that the number of actual players who go out and buy whole new armies based on powerlevel are few and far between.

    If we are OP for now wonderful.   Won't impact me much as playing games is still not really a thing.

    Looking at all the "future insights" - the rules seem to be fitting with the lore of the units, which is great. The LRL also again get some fun, interesting abilities, and add a whole new dimension to our arsenal - speed. If you aren't super competitive, I think you'll have a lot of options to play. For competitive players, we'll have to see. They also did some unexpected things like adding more to the Tyrionic side of the lore and rules, which is awesome. 

    For the rest - I agree, there might be some OP or bad stuff in there which will be changed eventually. 

    I'm with many here - the only unit I'm a bit disappointed if the insights are true, are the Bladelords, because they'd have weird fluff (Sunmetal blades, but no Sunmetal, Vanari but can't cast), and aren't at all what I expected (glass cannon). They'd fit with their description though, and are also at least good. As bodyguards for your Scinari, they could easily be ok and fun too. 

    All in all, really exciting for us! 

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  3. 4 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    I don't play, but I am firmly in the "Dislike" camp. The rules seem to be written to reduce the effect the opponent can have on the game, which I think is a rather bad thing.

    It diesn't matter where you put your models or what your armour save is when 36" LOS ignoring mortal wounds come for you.

    On the other hand, it's harder to hit them.

    Similar to increasing CP cost while generating a lot themselves.

    Many of the rules are written to be either non interactive or specifically to feel unfair (Cathaller, looking at you).

    It's like fighting Skaven inTW:WH2, I enjoy losing vs another faction more than winning vs Skaven, because it's just so tedious.

    I'm not even saying they can't be balanced. A nerf could make them bottom of the pile and it could still be a bad time, but if it's tedious to play, did GW not get this from their playtests?

    When the Lumineth came out first - TGA had an interview podcast with play testers, and they liked playing with and against the Lumineth. My opponents haven't complained either - but to be fair I haven't had that many in-person games so far. So it's a very limited sample size. 

    Like Athrawes said, a lot of this seems overblown. I don't mean yourself, but there are many people who just don't like elves, don't understand how an actual Lumineth list looks like, or have ulterior motives when complaining about "NPE". And NPE is such a fuzzy concept, which also has a lot to do how someone general feels  towards an army or a certain playstyle. For example, I have problems when certain DoK players complain so much about LRL ignoring game rules (Morathi?) or interactivity (priests?). 

    Another example - your case - and I don't mean you aren't right, if you don't like something, you don't like it, that's fine. But generally speaking "reducing the effect an opponent can have" is something that most armies have in some form or another. It's also something that if you can overcome it, will contribute to your own fun. On top if it, it can be fun for the player to have such abilities, and it contributes to having all kind of play styles and player types in the game, which are good things. 

    "Control"-like armies/characters, relying on debuffing your opponent are a staple in strategic, fantasy, RPG games. So in my view, it's good to have one or two armies in the game who can do that (although you can disagree with that of course). The same is true for magic heavy, or shooting armies. Not everyone likes going up against those, but they contribute to the overall variety and health of the game in my view. Of course that doesn't mean, they shouldn't change some of the abilities if they are too powerful or limiting, but all the complaining about NPE seems a bit much to me. 

    AoS started as a game with many melee focused armies. Shooting and magic were just "flavor" for the most part. The more the game grows, the more they need to offer different play styles, which will bring in new players, but  this naturally will also annoy some of the older players who basically don't want the game to change, or get back to the old game (or just players who don't like certain play styles). Which is fine. But that doesn't mean that the game got objectively worse, or armies that work differently are objectively "NPE" and have to be changed. 

    For you the Cathallar might feel unfair (an ability once per turn on one unit on a 5 W, 5+ save hero no less). For me it could be a Mawcrusher, Witch Aelves, a KO boat, or any other thing. 

    I think most of those issues can be solved easily in non-tournament settings. You can always talk to your opponent, but also accept that not every faction and game must be fun for both sides equally all the time,  if we want a big variety of playstyles in the game. And in a competitive tournament setting NPE shouldn't play a big role anyway. 

    I and my opponents had fun games so far with LRL, but apparently not everyone does. I just don't think it's that big of a deal, and also unavoidable in a game that's not all about you and what you want. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, LordAlpharius said:

    Ok those "theories" seem quite tasty (I really like the "theories" about Helon and Alumnia) and if they are real the rumour thread will be a no go zone for lumineth players on saturday.


    Update: the "theories" have been posted on the aos reddit page as well.

    Yeah, better stay away for a while from most of the forum I guess.... if those are all true. 

    11 minutes ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    If the blurbs on reddit are true - we are getting rules for another 2 Great Nations! Iam currently over the moon (and sun). This is the best news ever! 🥳

    That’s surprising, yeah, but you might get your yellow scheme : ) 

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  5. 1 minute ago, Neverchosen said:

    This image is so lovely the photography for the new LRL stuff has been really fantastic. Lots of playing with levels and wonderful showcasing of scale.

    Yeah they have done some great work with the photos! Can’t wait to cruise around the battlefield on this gem of a model. #relaxed

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  6. Yeah it’s really a problem that they chose Ymetrica, although they made such a close connection between Ymetrica and the Alarith. Any other faction would have been better. 

    Already a small problem with Myari. Any other faction would have been at least a bit useful. 

    This problem will become bigger if they don’t change it. Most of the named heroes are bound to end up with the Ymetrica keyword. 

  7. After I joined this site I was honestly also surprised about how many  people seem to harbor negative feelings about elves (or are just trolling, not sure). I’m honestly baffled by this, sure, I like Lumineth the most, but there isn’t any fantasy faction I really dislike, no-interest is as far as it goes. 

    During the first reveal when we had a similar situation, I argued a lot, but nothing good comes out of that, and you only work yourself up. From what I see, none of us enjoys looking like they are always bitching around or being defensive. So I try to avoid doing that (don’t succeed always though).

    On the other hand, if we just always let it go, it can lead to situations that things like @l1censetochill and others have mentioned happen, where someone has heard so many negative things about LRL before they even have played against them, that they are pre-deposed to feel like everything is either OP or even worse, NPE (because you can’t really argue with the latter).

    But, I doubt we can really do anything about it, so waiting this out at places like this part of the forum is probably good, we are only a maybe a week away before the show moves on.

    And, even in the main forum, it looks like some people have overdone it, it looks to me, we are getting more support from neutral people. So it’s not all bad : ). 

    Like @Ragest I do wonder what’s the point behind not providing full Warscrolls for the units they feature in these write ups. They are free anyway, and you couldn’t as easily have misleading expectations (either positive or negative). 🤷‍♂️ 

    On topic, I’m also getting at least 2 boxes of these because they are such good looking models. 😍  And I like the abilities from a fluff point of view, they are really thematic. Let’s hope they either get a few more abilities by themselves or have good synergy with some of the new heroes. I’d be a shame if such a good looking and nostalgic unit would only be playable in non-competitive games. But sadly that happens to many factions (hello Slaangor). 

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  8. 33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Appart from Sunmetal Weapons (6+ hit= mw, with Power of Hysh 5+=mw) and being -1 hit if they remain with Shinning Company, what we are going to expect about them? 2 wounds with 4+ save?

    As a KO player, I will laught when one of this units hits me with 11-21 attacks for each Vanari Bladelord model targeting my skyvessels full of my stuntys.

    Maybe some guarding abilities for mages, as they have pointed that out several times now. I thought re-rolling saves against missiles, but with the anti-magic, not sure about that anymore. Maybe being able to stay in shining while running and charging? Otherwise, maybe something that increases their damage temporarily. A Warscroll spell? 

    But it could also be just that. Sunmetal weapons, spells and the Vanari abilities. Because they have Sunmetal Greatswords, maybe those deal mortals on a 5+, 4 if you cast the spell? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    Yep at least they don’t look OP haha. I’m sure they’ll be fine for what they do, and I’ll be getting some regardless cos they look friggin’ swish.

    Yes, I’ll get 10 probably, just for the looks and fun. I like the flavor of the abilities and they should still be good in normal games. Let’s see. I think there will be a bit more. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:


    New rules for Lumineth.

    I like that we have another auto-hit weapon and it seems to have low dmg overall?
    Being sunmetal weapons, I expect to see a 6+ mw (5+ with power-up).

    Yeah, they might have Power of Hysh but it would only work for the flurry attack, because no hit rolls for the auto-one (hence maybe the -2). It’s not the full scroll. Range 2 is good, but at the moment they might struggle to be taken over Warden or other options. Again very flavorful abilities though. 

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  11. 11 hours ago, Dreadmund said:

    A pet peeve of mine. I played in an event when I won 1 game and lost 4, and all 4 of the losses I spent the whole game listening to my opponent list all the reasons my army was bent and impossible to win against.

    Which is funny, because that means in the end the Lumineth are a great PPE for your opponent - if they win against such an OP army, it was of course because of their superior skill, and if they lose, well, how could you win against such odds? : ) 

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Allonairre said:

    Do u really think that they won’t be competitive? Unless the hero is trash or very expensive giving a unit  a 16” flying move + charge + 6” pile in anywhere is ridiculous. Charge a screen and then just jump over to the unit behind or character put down a bridge and trap a unit between Avalenor on a corner and Windchargers on another. Go Syar and now the general that is hated has a 3” go anywhere pile in to escape a taunted enemy. 

    windchargers on each corner of a unit then in your turn after pile-ins have stretched the unit use a stone mage to pop their coherency troop. Can do this with a unit alone if your prepared to lose a guy yourself. 

    They seem pretty good to me anyway. 

    Wonder if they can pile out of combat, move charge pile in 6” and finish further than 3” from enemy, it seems unlikely and extremely situational. 

    No, I don’t think they are bad - but they might cost 200 points and then they wouldn’t be a competitive option (also very unlikely : ) ). I just meant, even if they weren’t, they still look like fun. 👌

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  13. The abilities they mention seems to be taken from the generic Alligiance Abilities - Hurakan section. Battle trait and artefact. And one spell from the new spell lore. The Nation ability would say something like “does x to your Move Like The Wind trait”. 

    But, I also increased my plan of buying 1 x Windchargers to 2. : ). The Hurakan seem like real fun. Even if they won’t be the most competitive choice in the end. 

    They really bring the lore on the table with the Lumineth. So far they have done an excellent job with that. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    So quick question, is it possible to pose the pikes on the Wardens aiming higher up, to have a more realistic pike formation? 

    Yes, I’ve seen some people doing that, for example Phil Kelly. I don’t exactly how though, as I didn’t do it myself. 


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  15. 23 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    The Scinari Calligrave is awesome!!! My first aelve that I will buy, and really proud (I know, heresy for a dwarf player).
    About this Chartered Companies, they are companies (who thought that!) that manufacture new weapons, armors, ships, etc... and anything Dwarf-related (beers, new engines, etc...) you can even rent an army from them. We already have one mercenary company called Grundstock Company on the TT. 

    Some of them are attached to some skyports, others are not. There are even some sky-ports (mainly Barak-Thryng) that banned some of them because they are a bit advanced for their own taste.

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    I see, sounds great. You are right, those make for a nice base to built something special out of, for AoS and/or maybe also a cool Warcry warband. 

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  16. 13 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    This is old news, but I’m just looking through the unit rules again as I try to re-familiarise myself with the Lumineth before the new units come out, and I have to say I’m still a little confused as to why Eltharion isn’t a Wizard. I understand from a balance point of view he’d be a little nuts haha, but from my understanding he was a wizard in his old form right? I guess after his soul was reformed he couldn’t do it anymore, or didn’t want to. 

    That’s a bit murky because technically only the Talisman of Hoeth gave him the ability to cast spells. They changed his lore several times, so he might actually have been a mage too at some point, but at least in the later editions it’s the Talisman which made him a Wizard, as far as I know.

    I’d love him to be able to cast though. Because he always was able to do it, he feels a bit incomplete without it. But yeah - probably balance is the actual reason why he can’t. 

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  17. @Beliman Agreed the design of the Lumineth is quite smart, you have your core of new HE, and can stick to that if you want to, add various flavors via likely in the end 4 temples, or just stick to the weird stuff entirely. 

    How would a different chartered company look like? Are there any hints in the lore? 

    Scianri Calligrave is my personal favorite of the whole range - great background lore, I like the model and I love both calligraphy and magic : ) . The abilities also could be fun.

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