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The Brotherhood of Necros

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Everything posted by The Brotherhood of Necros

  1. I neeeeed to find out what the Idoneth have done with the elven souls of old gifted to them by Morathi 🤓 (hopefully ‘something’…) They tend to use souls in one of two ways — restoring ailing Idoneth whose own souls are weak/nonexistent, or preserving them in the chorrileum (sp) where they are safe from Slaanesh and can be called upon to piece together the Eidolons — right?
  2. Agreed! The eels always look especially striking in the artwork, but the models just don’t do it for me. Give me bigger, chunkier eels with more dynamic poses and I’d be all over those!
  3. Echoing what others have said, I found that underwhelming. Just… flat. The crossbow ghosts feel particularly unimaginative. Really missing a roadmap at this point to sustain my hype, and I don’t mean hype in a ‘Next Big Thing’ sense but rather the hype I used to feel when the story was moving and things were happening. The buzz around rumours, around the community. Everything seems to have dropped off a cliff. Side note, they have now revealed the few AoS glimpses we had from the New Year video. Does this mean there isn’t anything else coming for AoS until the summer? 😫
  4. Couldn’t it also just be a nod to the Skaven Underworlds warband coming next? That was my first assumption 🐀
  5. Is it possible that/is there precedence for factions getting the new hero in a battlebox treatment AND a new unit, released normally and outside of the battlebox? Ie. could there still be more to come for the IDK and FS and perhaps GW haven’t shown us yet in the interest of extending the hype cycle, given the current global circumstances?
  6. As best I can recall, the elves came together once the madness of Tyrion/the Curse of Khaine had passed, uniting under the Eternity King to present a united front before the Rana Dandra. Not to speak of the ages of suffering and rejection the Idoneth went on to experience at the hands of Slaanesh and Teclis respectively, and their recent alliance (even if only of convenience) with Morathi and Her Daughters in Broken Realms. The concept of High and Dark Elves seems pretty redundant by the Age of Sigmar — everything is much more grey and muddied.
  7. If it’s for the Shadow Aelves warband then it could be that the warband is made up of both ‘Malerion Aelves’ and ‘DoK Aelves’, preparing us for the introduction of Malerion and his court as part of the DoK book (Orruk Warclans-style) when they eventually drop his new range (essentially a Kruleboyz-style expansion) in 2023?
  8. Any ideas on what this could be? I wondered if that’s some kind of beard at the front?
  9. I was very excited for both these factions to receive some love (Idoneth are my main army) but I’m quite disappointed. The sculpts look fine but I can only echo what so many others here have already voiced. Where is the creativity?
  10. Hello, It is my birthday in January and I would love to pick up an Azhag the Slaughterer model. Orcs and Goblins were the first army I collected as a small boy and this figure would be very special to me. I appreciate it’s a long shot but I had to ask. Thanks, Tom
  11. Beautiful models, well worth the wait. As someone who collects the figures that they love the look of and plays friendly games for fun, I can’t wait to get a few and bring some dragons to the tabletop!
  12. Am I late to the party or is that mystery Kruleboyz sculpt one of the Rumour Engines?
  13. Does the Marshcrawla count as an ally when the Gloomspite take it? (Still trying to understand how allying works for the various greenskins.)
  14. On a related note, I know some armies received faction-specific Anvils of Apotheosis in various White Dwarfs. Did the Gitz ever get one or should I use the generic Anvil from the General’s Handbook?
  15. I was hoping to field squigs, so that’s music to my ears
  16. Hello, everyone! It’s my first time posting in this corner of the forum, but I hear it’s where all the grots hang out. I’m considering dipping my toes into the Everdank and I was just looking for a little advice. 1. How are Gloomspite holding up in 3.0? I’m not a remotely competitive player; I’m just wondering what to expect from my games. 2. It’s quite dependent on me being able to convert my army. That’s my favourite part of the hobby. I’m having real trouble finding the two grots clutching each other from one of the Mangler Squig builds, for example. Where do you guys go to get your Gloomspite bits? 3. I’m looking for an army that’s fun. Lots of character and chance. Am I in the right place? Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. I’m looking for the mangler squig riders from the attached photo for a conversion. You know how it is when you have a vision in your head and you just need the right parts to make it happen? If you didn’t use yours and you’re UK based or would be willing to ship from elsewhere In Europe, please let me know. 🙏🏻
  18. Were there any potential Maggotkin Rumour Engines, beyond that plaguebearer-ish hand and flute?
  19. This one has missed the mark for me (it rarely happens, to be fair!). It looks too busy for my tastes and it doesn’t scream spider to me. The head/mask seems almost cartoonish. Fingers crossed the rest of the brood will feel more on point.
  20. The swirl design is very Nighthaunt, but the bone-like element looks Ossiarch. Odd!
  21. Personally, I feel there’s a huge scope for Lovecraftian influences across the Mortal Realms. The metaphysical realm edges, the sheer scale of the realms, and the infinitesimal people — so tiny and insignificant compared to the ancient horrors and unspeakable things that sleep and wake and dream through the Ages — all help to build that sense of the unknown which I associate with Lovecraftian world-building. Sentient mountains, inside which stir the desiccated remnants of an ancient hive, scuttling horrors glimpsed but never seen. The incalculable minds of reptilian star-gods, patient, alien and cold. Even Kharadron airships, descending from the clouds in a nimbus of steam and rain and wheezing metal, must seem terrifying and wondrous in equal measure to a tribe or people that’s never seen or heard or such technology before. I don’t think any of this comes across in the games or army composition but I think the lore and some of the BL stories touch on it in interesting ways. The beginning of one of the Broken Reams books, where Alarielle and her children join their voices in chorus as the tide of Beastmen washes over them, and the whole forest — the realm — hears them and stirs gave me such goosebumps…
  22. From the depths they come crawling… … Buzzing to find out more about Harrowdeep’s lore. 🐟
  23. Even the use of the word ‘soon’ is frustrating at this point. It hasn’t been soon. And October has also been removed, so expect the Chaos tome to drop later… I’m the first person to defend GW and advocate patience, and I actually wouldn’t mind the delays to the launches — if they were just honest with us and better at communicating.
  24. Wait so we will be able to order them next week after all?
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