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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. When I originally joined this forum in...late 2018? Late 2019? It was to access the members only CoS subforum - I've always been interested in them as the "regular people POV faction" but never committed to collecting them due to fear that eventually something would replace them. So while I'm personally happy that I waited this long, my heart really goes out to the real CoSheads (What are CoS fans called? Cissies? Sigmarites?) out there. Seeing your collection be squatted never feels great.
  2. My first thought was "Looks like someone I'd fight in Elden Ring"...which perhaps supports an earlier commenter's opinion that they look like generic fantasy now. Personally I'm okay with the redesign, even if the grognard in me will miss the renaissance german look of humans.
  3. Do you think we'll see otherwise multiracial units or is the time of human-self-Duardin combined armies over*? *Without needing to buy another battletome to ally them with CoS.
  4. To briefly return to yesterday's news - I needed all this time to ensure that I wasn't dreaming - what truly brightens my day is how Chorf-friendly this community is. I know they'd be easy to meme to infamy a la Morbius, but so many (me included, obviously) seem so genuinely happy to have the stunty evil slave-industrialists making a return. Really happy this community exists, and hopefully the DLC sells enough that GW has to release Chorfs in AoS too ๐Ÿ˜ To the next thousand pages!
  5. YESSSSSSSS!!!!! OMG I'm immediately pre-ordering this, it's literal perfection ๐Ÿ˜
  6. If nothing else, you will get Tomb Kings with TOW! Maybe you can then use the models as Deathrattle in AOS? ๐Ÿ˜
  7. The Chorf part was just a teaser with no date attached (unless I merely missed it in my hooting and hollering out of excitement and hype).
  8. I can't believe I get to say this for real but: CHAOS DWARVES CONFIRMED!!!!!!* (*in Total War: Warhammer, but I'll take it)
  9. ALL Duardin are honourable! Even their distant chaotic cousins, in their own way. After all, they always honour the opportunity to act dishonourably!
  10. One more honourable Duardin joins the ranks in TGA - DUARDIN SURGE
  11. The second I saw the post I came to TGA knowing you'd be hyped over it. Congrats my friend, genuinely happy to know you'll be enjoying the skeletal hordes of Settra at some point! Agreed, Halflings are aside of Chorfs my most wishlisted army (and if possible even more implausible!). My go-to racial choice in most rpgs...
  12. Speaking of Albion, I do have a crackpot theory that we'll get Dogs of War (sort of). Earlier maps of Border Princes included settlements with names and font styles differing from Empire/Bretonnia/Kislev, and rather could have been Tilea/Estalia. Now, I don't think we'll ACTUALLY get DoW, but rather rules to soup (perhaps Mon tourney legally) an Ynnari-like force of humans and then they're slapped with a "Mercenary" keyword and maybe one unique character.
  13. A) A mysterious artefact stole your memories B) Nagash clouded your mind to prevent you from soulbinding with forces of Order and further Sigmar's plans. C) Too much Ale has been Guzzled D) Some much more mundane option.
  14. Epic is coming back? With Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Zoats and Squats making a glorious return, we're truly going back in time. (And this definitely confirms Chorfs, right? R-right?)
  15. Truly this must be true then, for Hashut would never lie to His loyal disciples! Chorfs confirmed, prepare for 2023 Chorf sweep and GW earning 10 Chorfillion [insert local currency]!
  16. Merry Slaaneshmass (for the chaotically aligned) / Sigma(r)ss (for the orderly duardin, aelves and humans) to everyone! I hope a red-coated grot has hidden many plastic miniatures in your stockings today ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘น
  17. Judging by Whitefang's reactions the leak is correct on the CoS points. I'll miss wanderers and the german state trooper-esque humans, not that I ever collected either, that's just my nostalgia talking. I'll be happy if Dispossessed stay for time being to represent the "classic" dwarf archetype. Sadly leaks didn't include anything about Chaos Duardin - stay strong, P.U.D., stay strong for Hashut...one day he shall return and bring darkness to the Realms.
  18. And both have an easy fix - add some Duardin and Ogor women! I know it goes well with Bugman's brew, but we can't have a 'sausage fest' ๐Ÿ˜
  19. At least their PRICES are premium ๐Ÿ˜› I know, I know, it's lame that I've been gone from TGA a couple months and return to be a Negative Nancy, but as recently as today I was looking at Votann models and had to do a spit take at the prices. 42.50โ‚ฌ for a codex alone! And even if I've been saying that for years, I wish I'd collected an army when I first joined this forum - I've since then transitioned (Heh) from poor uni student to working, but that includes Real Grownup Problemsโ„ข like rising living costs, the current housing crisis, energy prices...to the point I feel like I've finally been priced out of the hobby. And although video games are also a luxury hobby, it's far easier in this day and age convince someone to, let's say, download Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch 2 or any myriad of cross-platform free-to-play games (that, for the record, have predatory monetisation but at least the core gameplay loop is free) than to tell your mate "Yeah sure we can do something next weekend, just buy a 1500pt army for 300โ‚ฌ and glue them together". It's far easier to say "Hey, should we try this f2p game? It can apparently run on any potato and has cross-platform play".
  20. I love that we had a few years of pomp and bravado - "Things have changed! GW loves fantasy once more! WHFB is dead, and we'll finally keep getting new releases" Yet we're back at inhaling copium, gnashing our teeth and in general being morose. That said, you know what AoS army is quite squat and uses high-tech weaponry? That's right, Chaos Duardin~
  21. I wouldn't expect a CoS battleforce before CoS are updated/rebooted!
  22. Troggoths would be really awesome! I feel like they are really underutilised by GW in general - their design is humorous yet menacing, I'd dare to even call their design iconic. Maybe GW feels that Ogors already fill up that design space? But you'd think they'd fit right in the smaller side games~
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