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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. I like how there's a notification that the novel was sold out over 5 hours ago, yet there's a queue, that's paused, so I can't enter the webstore...I just wanted to check AoS novels on sale, but that'll have to wait haha
  2. OK, I'll bite I'll preface this by saying that I can't comment on any faction's viability as I'm anything but competitive - I only ever play casual or narrative games - but what I can comment on is this forum, participating in various degrees since 2019. While TGA is in general more optimistic than most other Warhammer groups out there, I wouldn't say that nobody accepts negative comments. I know I have grumbled my fair share the last 3-4 years! I also don't think the Internet is burning at all - from what I've seen the reception to the legacy pdfs have been generally positive even outside these forums. Honestly, Square Based's proposed standard event format got more mixed reactions than the legacy pdfs themselves, lol I don't want to insinuate that you're in a negative bubble - equally well I could be in an optimistic one, or my non-competitive self doesn't have the 'eye' to discern criticism...but I feel like you're unfair towards this forum. There's real good people here, and it's not all hugboxing and shilling for daddy James Workshop, heheh.
  3. Regarding orders in the EU: My brother shared this with me a couple minutes ago. Seems there's been some supply chain issues regarding minis (Liche Priest was only model he ordered, otherwise it was the novel and Old World Map). So seems everyone will get their orders at beginning of February.
  4. Now tgqr you mention it, doesn't the original Vlad miniature rock a snazzy shirt and cloak rather than armour? Definitely makes me regret selling my Island of Blood Skaven after End Times ended. The folly of youth...
  5. I went to check on GW's site but the new shop is so broken that it keeps redirecting me in a loop
  6. I hope you run the unpainted ones as Skavenslaves - so low at the rat social ladder they aren't even allowed to have colour. Truly tragic 😢
  7. Shame for the one kid whose dad actually works for Games Workshop and everyone thinks he's a liar Absolutely, it's obvious that even the legacy pdfs are a product of love - I can't really say I felt the same thing reading the Bret rules for AoS all those years ago. It truly seems the different teams at GW compete against each other, because why would the same team that adds post-AoS units to legacy pdfs go 'nuh uh, don't you dare go and buy AoS minis'? Its all a shame because every model bought from GW is profit for them, and drives less people to third parties. Especially with TW:WH being so big it is and introducing new people to the setting, you'd think GW would rather have some Skaven fanatic purchase official Skaven models rather than some third party miniature named 'evil ratman'. But I digress, that topic has been talked to death already even before my milquetoast takes.
  8. That's a very inspired idea!!! Don't mind if I st--err...borrow it. I live in Finland, so there's no GW events - there's just a single GW store in the entire country, rest is small flgs-es that sell Warhammer minis alongside other geek/hobby tat - so that's not something I'm worried about. I actually have some - perhaps 500 points worth - chorf minis I purchased over a decade ago. Some are og, the real deal, but most are third party metal Chorfs some guy from Russia made and sold on ebay (looking genuinely pretty awesome) 😁 I don't know why I have this weird feeling of anxiety regarding support and fear of using anything but GW minis when I'll mainly play TOW against the very same people I did 15 years ago.
  9. I must say, I found it pretty funny how they keep repeating that yes, these aren't core factions and won't get support. I almost expected a final "and don't buy AoS minis for these!" lol But at least this helps me personally, by making the list of choices smaller. So TGA, as a chorf lover wanting to start a new army, should I get Dwarfs (for the Dwarf aspect of Chorfs) or Chaos (for the chaos aspect of Chorfs)?
  10. Aw, that's a disappointment. My hope has been that if suddenly models usable in TOW keep selling like hotcakes (including legacy armies), GW would at least make MTOs to Dark Elves, Vampire Counts and other legacy factions.
  11. I noticed that the 'classic' Dwarfs and Dark Elfs are sold out in the Cities of Sigmar range, alongside basically every Beastmen unit. I want to believe this is people buying minis to use in TOW , rather than basic GW supply issues.
  12. I'm genuinely surprised by the doom and gloom surrounding the game, especially on TGA. Despite it being a Specialist Game, and GW being GW, I've genuinely not been this hyped about anything Warhammer related in a while. It's Warhammer Fantasy! Just like I remember it! And they're bringing old models back, in metal, that I'd have to sell my kidney for on ebay! Maybe I'm simple but to me that's enough to deter the existential dread of our world irl, at least for a while. I feel there's a certain apprehension towards TOW on these forums, but if I'd go to the WHFB Reddit communities I'd instead have to see people slagging AoS. Which I don't want either! Maybe things will eventually balance out when/if we get the TOW subforums and people realise its OK to be fans to both.
  13. WAAAGH! Holy Gork (or possibly Mork), am I hyped!!! Despite collecting Brets back in the day I didn't get (or rather, were fast enough to get) the Bret boxes, but I think I'll do my darndest to get these to start a propa WAAAGH!
  14. It's the front paws, I think. Or rather, lack thereof, instead being the claws of a bird of prey. The plastic models also look somehow slightly chunkier (floofy bird-cats 🐱), and the leaner FW model looks ravenous (scary beast 🦅).
  15. Although I wouldn't go that far, I'm genuinely saddened that we never got 'Warhammer Romance' as a Black Library sub-genre. Imagine the trials and tribulations of forbidden love between a duardin and an aelf... As for the rest, I have to agree. AoS is supposed to be wild, give us something else than a retread of Dark Elves (even if wouldn't mind seeing those old Dark Elves actually get support in TOW, but I digress).
  16. This was a genuine surprise and made me extremely happy - please continue encouraging converting, GW, just like back in ye olden days!
  17. Posts like this is why I come to tga, the best place on the Internet
  18. This is the kind of madness I love, the bit about Organised Leak Department and taking bribes by Zoat players (I wish!) had me in stitches GG, GW
  19. @DoctorPerils is right, except we need plushies of ALL the pets. And if GW thinks we need an extra incentive to buy them (we don't), they can include optional rules making the plushies AoS equivalent of 40K Titans. Let the age of plushy meta begin!
  20. I'm sure those who have perused these forums a longer while have noticed I've not been around...well, in a while - truth to be told (and I realise the dangers of uttering this on this board) I've not felt AoS hype in a while, committing arch-heresy and even purchasing my first 40K figures in a decade (😱). That is, genuinely, until this announcement. Legitimately I haven't felt this hype about plastic crack in a long while, and this time I can afford them. Thinking about duardin makes screeching customers a bit more worth it (remember to be kind to customer service, we're people too) 😄
  21. Being on lunch break at work this was my reaction (real)
  22. The only worry I have is that instead of the conga lines 40K had a few editions ago, TOW will get armies doing line dance. I mean, unless there's restrictions in place what prevents me from running a 100-man (well, Dwarf) wide unit of dwarfs with great axes lmao
  23. Malerion finally coming???? (I wish it'd be chorfs...)
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