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Everything posted by Zeblasky

  1. Huh. One weird thing, that for Seraphon Cities are an ally, but for Cities Seraphon are not. This is kinda weird. I thought that with older rules if one faction gets other faction as an ally, it goes both ways automatically. Otherwise it would have been great to get Kroak into Cities, but he's 430 points, damn.
  2. I am a bit late to the doom and hype duel, but for me 3.0 is a decent shake up with a mixed bag, but definetly having more positive than negative things. Some points and balance in general are rough around the edges (yea, poor Slaanesh, new barbed wire Shackles and quite underpriced Undrasta come to mind, while BoC just really need a new battletome all together), but besides that there aren't a lot of outstanding issues at the moment. Most faction and rules are in decent spot already and we have much more interactivity and less downtime with new CAs and a lot of CPs. 1 ot 2 FAQs to clean things up, and we should be good to go. I could be wrong of course, but summer tournaments will reveal the truth.
  3. I'm thinking about may be using 2x Dryads or 1x Dryad and 1x Eternal Guard in my Living City builds instead of Treelord. Both of those got cheaper, and both got 2 inch reach, so they will be quite good. Main problem for them would be to actually be in range to screen my deepstriking Sisters of the Watch though.
  4. An damn, that's my bad, guys. I've read about "The Pitched Battle Profiles" and for some reason thought it would be a book with new warscrolls, so was keep expecting it to show up, but it was just the points book. Gotta check my facts twice from now on. Sooo, yea, the only hope now is a big day 1 FAQ for all.
  5. Because there's literally a physical warscroll book for all races in 3.0 release.
  6. Still though, guys, while we have enough info to start panicking, there are 2 things still missing - 3.0 warscrolls and potential day 1 FAQ. If warscrolls are largely unchanged or FAQ won't happen, then yes, there are some serious problems ahead of us. I am however very interested to see warscroll book as of now, because due to a few very weird point changes (Sorceress on Dragon just can't be more expensive than Dreadlord, it makes zero sence!) I feel that some warscroll changes must have happened. Otherwise it would make no sence at all.
  7. You can't remind people of such things during sacred period of new edition release rants, that's illegal!
  8. We could only hope for warscroll changes. Who knows what they've done.
  9. Ah, damn, I misread, sorry. I though you were still talking about Living City. Living City has a command trait for casting a spell, not an artifact, but new generic artefact is much better for that. By the way, Deepmire Cloak on a Nomad Prince in cover while being in melee with a ranged unit can be hilariously trollish. Imagine an Ironclad that HAS to fire on Nomad prince, because he is the only thing within 3, but he CAN'T. Just gotta survive Unleash Hell, because you can't be "in cover" in the turn you are charging.
  10. I'd say that they are mostly good. A lot of our monsters and melee are cheaper (which is double good because a lot of melee and especially monsters of other armies are now more pricey), while our ranged became more pricey as well. Not all changes are great though, for example I am not sure why Sisters and Darkshards deserve +20 and +15, while Handgunners and Crossbowmen got only +5 each. Honestly, yea, a LOT of MSU Guard would probably be best. May be two 20-30 men units of Guard specifically just for central line holding, objective control and using combat CAs on them. It warrants some experimentation. Don't forget that with 2.5mm bases coherency does not stop you from gettting all of your models into melee in 1 rank, as long as all bases touch each other. And even in 2 ranks and 1 inch reach weapons you can still reach your enemy. 2.5 bases are amazing for melee, contrary to what GW are thinking x)
  11. As someone in chat said, it's all for immersion. So only masochists would play Slaanesh now x)
  12. Well, there are objectives x) Freeguild Guard is very cheap and has 2.5 bases, meaning they don't care about coherency that much. With Phoenis Guard going up 15 base, Freeguild are good for mass screening and controlling objectives. They won't kill much, but they will hold the line.
  13. hilarious I am quite happy that Eels got FINALLY slightly nerfed, but for CoS overall point changes feel a bit over the place. Some stuff (all ranged and some other stuff) went up, some stuff (mostly melee and monsters) went down. Mostly good changes, but Sorceress on a dragon costing 5 more than Dreadlord makes me laugh. Unless they changed her warscroll, this is hilarious.
  14. If someone makes a compilation of all point changes, please link it to me, I would be quite grateful. It would be interesting.
  15. Here are our points btw. +20 to Sisters (while Handginners got +5), when I have 40 of them, kinda hurts, but I can live through that. Still better that +15 to Darkshards (they do have a very powerful owerwatch now though). Also Sorceress on a Dragon costing 5 more gold than a Dreadlord... I do hope they changed her Warscroll x)
  16. Sisters of the Watch +20pts, yet Sentinels +10pts. I feel slightly cheated.
  17. Sooo, we've just lost one of our allegiance abilities completely. No more Empowered Endless Spells at all, pray for FAQ.
  18. It was not always possible for some factions to do properly. And even when you could do it, Seraphon could still heal Bastiladon back up, if you would not kill him in a single turn. Not a fun time. Now though 1+ save is pretty much there to only ignore -1 rend, which is fine I'd guess.
  19. Not to worry, we'll get 0+ save one day too x)
  20. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/06/17/command-the-new-editions-most-diverse-army-roster-with-the-cities-of-sigmar/ They still use a picture with Freguild Archers in the background x) And while Hydras highlight is weird, shadow warriors are indeed interesting in the new edition. If only they were 4+ save base or weren't so extremely dependant on cover..
  21. Errrr, guys, a sudden realization - an unrendable 1+ save is gone. There are no words about saves not being able to go down to less that 1. Bye-bye Bastilladons.
  22. Well, it's hard to judge without having the whole picture, but, even with 10-15% overall increase in mind 200 points for Sentinels seems, well, too cruel. They are a very anooying and NPE unit, sure, but I did not expect them to cost more than Blood Knights.
  23. Wild Riders are, well, okay. But I'm quite sad to see that there are much more powerful simular units. Blood Knights point wise deal around the same damage on charge while having 3+ save, much better mobility (they get a charge every turn), and conditional D3 healing and D3 mortals. And some Soulblight players still considered them mediocre.
  24. Seems so, yes, but you better shoot with warscroll overwatch first, before using Unleash Hell, as you it could be argued that wording of Unleash Hell gives your unit -1 to hit for the rest of the charge phase.
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