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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. A frigate and arkanauts is a pretty good start for the army (specially if the frigate gets as nice as the rumors painted)! The source of the rumors I posted earlier also said the pre-order would be on march 4th, so it we probably can count on them being true as well.
  2. Yeah, I will wait until we have the actual rules + the units profiles to judge, but so far I like what I see. Been able to embark + move + disembark in the same turn is pretty huge! Making the frigate our melee ship help give it a role other than cheap transport alternative, if arkanauts get a better melee profile it could be quiet easy to use ~500 points into a frigate + crew to have a independent ship that can put some pressure in different points. The CP usage was something they tried with the admiral in the previous book, but his commands were pretty underwhelming. May Nar will finally become good if it keeps the CP generation. The CP stealing is probably Mhonar, which is flavourful for sure.
  3. A small KO rumor is floating around, but there seems to be a bigger version of it. By what I saw so far the source seems reliable, just a tad confusing on some of the info they gave. Looks like we got the gitz free spell for the spell in a bottle, but it's is more restrictive. Fly high still there but also more restrictive and CP dependent. I do wonder if the weapon profile of our units got better to compensate... Overall looks like we got plenty of tricks at least!
  4. Yeah the next incarnate being announced there seems pretty likely, as it will release some months before we leave Gallet. Unless they release more with "broken realms" series of this edition, I think it's pretty safe to assume we are getting at least 2 more incarnates (1 for Gallet and 1 for the next GHB region).
  5. Hey a fellow biologist! I think the gills was to give some node to the salamander part of it (or that this is the sucessor of the old salamanders) as without it is pretty much a dimetrodon with some frills on the head.
  6. I don't think we gonna see the Razordon, specially with the design of the spam being a mix of dimetrodons and salamanders. Honestly it should help differentiate it from all the other ranged options Seraphon has, with the hunters and the mounted skinks been close range, the salamander as a artillery with a debuff and the bastiladon/stegadon probably being the biggest range.
  7. Two kruleboyz lists got 4-1 results in this weekend tournaments! Lone star GT is a interesting one, with 40 gutrippaz and loosing only against the standard teclis list on the last round. Army Faction: Orruk Warclans - Army Type: Kruleboyz - Army Subfaction: Grinnin' Blades - Grand Strategy: Waaagh! - Triumphs: Indomitable LEADER 1 x Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast (290)* - General - Command Traits: Egomaniak - Artefacts: Arcane Tome - Mount Traits: Fast ’Un - Spells: Nasty Hex 1 x Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (100)* - Spells: Choking Mist 1 x Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (100)* - Spells: Sneaky Miasma 1 x Killaboss with Stab-Grot (100)** - Boss‑hacka and Skareshield - Aspects of the Champion: Stubborn as a Rhinox 1 x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (130)** BATTLELINE 20 x Gutrippaz (300)* - Gutrippa Hornblower - Gutrippa Drummer - Gutrippa Boss - 2 x Gutrippa Banner Bearer - Wicked Stikka 20 x Gutrippaz (300)* - Gutrippa Drummer - Gutrippa Boss - Gutrippa Hornblower - 2 x Gutrippa Banner Bearer - Wicked Stikka 10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)** 10 x Hobgrot Slittaz (80)** OTHER 6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)* 6 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)* CORE BATTALIONS: *Battle Regiment **Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: (1960/2000)
  8. So what is everyone betting on based of the list of 4 models? I hope we get to see the Kroxigors personally!
  9. To my understanding yes, she is always considered to be near a wood as her ability don't say "other friendly sylvaneth units".
  10. KO will be next week, not this one. Khaine warband could be likely of there isn't any other 40k thing incoming. Maybe the regiment of renown boxes?
  11. It's funny that they choose the right season to make shorter. 1 year of Gallet season 1 would be a nightmare.
  12. Magic is getting a over amount of products and release, to the point that they release a new set and a week after there are spoilers for the next one. This is compounded by the overwhelming production of secret lairs, limited timed releases of 3~6 cards with special art and premium price. This cause a overwhelming influx of new cards and many older cards that need reprints to lower their price only get reprinted in premium products (which barely affect their prices). D&D problem was the leak of their plan to change the open going license, which let people create third party D&D content. The change would basically be: if you gain over X money with your content you have to pay for wizards and they take all that you created and make their own in a super short notice. Third party products helped make 5e EXTREMELY popular in the last year's, specially helping fixing some of the lacklusters main release in the last year's (spell jammer as a example, is a half finished setting book). After a week of the planed changes leak and now words coming from wizards, the community revolted and started cancelling their DnDbeyond subscription (wizards D&D digital plataform), which hit them and made they go back with those plans. They released the 5e material under creatives commons now, but the damage is already done.
  13. While I agree with you that the D&D situation is much worse, I don't think GW is too far off if you compare to MTG, at least if you take Warhammer as a whole. 6 month seasons, new rules in niche books and fomo boxes are still a thing. It isn't has bad as the MTG secret lair/spoiler season after spoiler season, but it is worrisome that we may go in the same rabbit hole in the future.
  14. Don't know if everybody saw that alredy, but a Oakenbrown list got 2nd in the Columbus brewmaster tournament some weeks ago. The list: 5 Trees + Drycha is something you don't see everyday for sure!
  15. I don't think we will be able to use our regiment in a sylvaneth allegiance, as the article say: Other than the CITIES OF SIGMAR – the factions to which these units would “normally” belong can field the standard versions of those units instead For other factions, I imagine they will change the Arch-rev buff to work on gossamids in some form, as it only work in Kurnoths for us.
  16. Fells more like cleaning stock. I'm the only one that is underwhelmed by those army "expansions" after the mercenaries? They make something so you can dip into other factions models but throw those options way after around a year and you are left with models you can't use anymore. I really hope this don't go the same way mercenaries did, but I not buying this until it became more clear if they are going to last.
  17. Oh wise @Whitefang could you illuminate us with some cryptic words of wisdom about other things that are yet to be to move us from the unholy soup talk?
  18. Honestly I'm not sure I would call lumineth a soup book. There a cohesive theme even between different temples that mash well together. I think the temples are more like expansions/specialization on some particular concepts than something you would see as an standalone army. Maybe when we get Tyrion side it will look more souped. Honestly orks are the different soup as they have stand alone allegiances and a combines one. Other soups as ogres and cities share the same allegiance and just have this option. Good point, it fell more as a soup problem as they are the unique faction with this problem, but it may not be.
  19. To illustrate further, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Bonesplitterz get less traits and artefacts than other tomes get, which are less options. Mount triats have to be balanced between 3 factions as well. I'm not sure how much they take big wagg into consideration while balancing the book warscrolls, but if they do, it can affect what your warscrolls do just because they can be used together in the shared faction (which I seldom see someone use).
  20. I Imagine that is the circle they are going for, having a sizeable release followed by small releases (aka foot hero) for some editions until new stuff appear again and make you focus more in that faction again. I imagine that having even more models to buy each new edition can be quiet taxing as you never feel you finished that army (SCE players can correct my if I'm wrong as SCE is in this space). I wonder if that is the reason there are so many small factions that didn't get expasions, so you can get everything from it, move on to a new faction and end with multiple armies rather than just one with over 40 warscrolls. They will eventually update those factions with more models, but it can take a while to get there. AoS is still young, but I imagine that in 2~3 edition from now we gonna start see more units getting axed from battletomes that got too much options already in order to make space for new models (heroes in particular).
  21. I really hope we don't loose fly high, specially with the 3d6 charge being a once per game effect. I don't think our playstyle is to far off from what you would expect, just need some better shoots and a better defense/offense for melee honestly. I don't expect us to keep the spell in a bottle, but with Gitz getting endless spells for free with a trait who knows, maybe they keep it. @CaptainGrimm summed all I expect as well. My biggest wish is that they simplify our weapons profile. Give the special weapons the same profile and make they give different abilities if the unit has them. The rumored pre order of the tome on March 4th, don't expect new models other than our new book lawyer.
  22. Actually pre order on 4th and available from the 11th. The NDA for the tome ends on 4th, so it should be the preorder date.
  23. If the rumors are true and the book pre-orders on the 4th of March, no, just the new hero and the tome.
  24. I do wonder if they will start using Warcry to fill those needs more. It isn't hard to make a 8~12 models unit for warcry, which would leave cavalry and other more elite units to be released with battletomes. To be fair Code-something was a pretty safe beat 😄 Maybe the Endrinworks stay as special enchantments, there are a couple that triggered on the charge.
  25. Love the new model, really hope there a option with a helm for it. Good that the footnotes and amendments are staying, if they give us around 5~6 for each we gonna have a lot of customization options! The book NDA ends at March 4th, so we can expect it to be on pre-order at that day, which 3 weeks from now!
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