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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. Seraphon will probably come in June. The roadmap put them in Summer just like they placed Sylvaneth and Skaven last year and both were released by June. They will want July and August most for the new 40k edition. If we see the first of cities next week the release will probably be after the 40k new edition, so maybe around September? I would make a similar time gap between first reveal and release as the Seraphon got.
  2. Well thanks for the heads up and new rumors @Whitefang ! I better start saving money now them because if the destro love ends being more kruleboyz, I fear my future financial situation...
  3. Finished a unit of seekers this week. Just love these big bugs! I'm going to glue them to a normal GW base to be able to magnetize, but I'm not sure if I should do a normal base over the transparent one or not.
  4. Warcry Kurnothis maybe? I like Kurnothi, but as a Sylvaneth player I don't think we need more units after the last wave. I even think Kurnothi could work well by themselves as a army.
  5. So far riggers and wardens seen to be both pretty decent. Wardens have a better melee output in general if you can get their timed retreat, with riggers getting more similar to them vs enemies with high save. I think which one is better depend on your list and their role. If you are in Zon or you plan on using them outside the boat, Wardens are better. If you are in Nar using Brokk or if you want to keep them within the boat, I favor riggers due to their healing. Personally I find myself including riggers in my list more often then wardens, as they have more utility without loosing to much melee power. Loadout wise, the special weapon add a insignificant amount of damage (1~2 extra damage in a unit of 6 riggers) and make you loose most of your melee power. Of the special weapons, the grapnel launcher is the most useful as good teleport once per game. Due to this I would say go with their normal weapons (saw/lance+gun). If you are using a unit of 6 or 9, you can afford to give 1 of them the grapnel launcher for the extra utility without loosing too much.
  6. Remaining Seraphon + Soulblight and Ossiarch tome + hero for Aos is probably the safe bet here. I wonder if Seraphon will get the deluxe release box or not, if so they will probably show it as well. Forgot to add, a new season of war: Gallet is pretty likely as well.
  7. Its basically what @Beliman said, you take rifles for their range, but even then running all rifles is not the best damage. Taking the cannons and mortars are better most of the time (unless you shooting at a unit with 1 model, with 2 or more mortals perform better than rifles). Here some calculations about the thunderers performance for each type of weapons.
  8. I saw some online talk about the Khorne book coming at the end of March/start of April. If it is true, would be a similar time between announcement and preorder as the KO book.
  9. I agree, the thunderers and arkanauts will be left behind. It is ok to do so with the arkanauts, their main function is screening and holding a home objective. The thunderers not so much, as even if you go with riffles + cannon + deck for the 18" range they will use at least a round running to get to the middle of the board. @ChaosDorf I would suggest you change one unit of arkanauts or the riggers (I imagining you are putting the 9 wardens + admiral on the frigate here) for a khermist and change the orb for spell in a bottle with the soulscream bridge. This away you have a easy form of delivering the thunderers/arkanauts where you need them. I imagine that focusing more on shooting would be more disruptive than focusing on melee, but Mhornar effect range favors more melee (Drekki do so as well). A more balanced approach could work, Drekki + wardens/riggers in a frigate as a melee threat and a ironclad with thunderers + khermist (all special weapons to keep the mhornar effect up) as a ranged threat.
  10. Honestly I'm ignoring it. I don't get to play much more than a couple of games per month and the helmet should be gone in 3 months any way. Removing a footnote just because of it seens too much, they will probably clarify this in our FAQ within a month.
  11. I think this is a good question to ask for the FAQ, not sure if this was intentional or no. Just to point that while it is a restriction, we have nothing else that requires a specific model to be our general. Riggers just require the Edrinmaster in the list and even some traits that would be restricted to a specific hero in other books (Stormcaller for example), aren't restricted. I imagine this was made so the Admiral could be our general without loosing anything else. Thematically I like that the Admiral is our best general option. It always felt strange last book to have a admiral in a list but having the khermist or the edrinmaster as the general. This is the way IMO. If you want to alpha shoot, you can use the footnote in the first turn, but if you are just taking them to a closer objective just normal moving the ship + disembarking with the command is sufficient. Its important to remember that the disembark give us a little extra movement (as they just have to be wholly within 3" of the boat and from enemies). Also this make the +2" move article much more relevant than it appears at first sight.
  12. The mirror is just a urban legend. Everybody knows that you need to offer, in total silence, a letter soup with only the D-W-A-R-F letters while wearying a dark elf costume and a insectoid mask.
  13. The khermist always disembarked with the Thunderers for the extra rend. The khermist buff alone was enough most of times, I left the admiral for those targets I wanted dead. The lists I played against had mostly save 4+ or worst, not sure if against something like SCE or slaves it would still work that well. Yeah the arkanauts are mostly bodies to screen turn 1 and them protect your home objective if need. One unit did their job every game, the second one was a little to much IMO, will be first cut for sure. I wasn't expecting too much from the gunhauler, but it's utility was really good most games. The shoots are mostly chip damage, but having another sky vessel really helped getting into unguarded objectives. In my Tzeentch game I lost the ironclad to the mortal spam in one go. Having another ship to fly high and get unguarded objectives won me that game. If you are going with the 2 frigate list I wouldn't use it, but if you are going with the ironclad I think one has a lot of value for the mobility alone.
  14. Got some games against Sons, Ironjawz and Tzeentch toda, all wins! Was using a list made of mostly what I have built (posting it bellow). My takes so far: - 4+ up rally is really good (as expected), but it is hard to get use some times (units still in combat during the hero phase or attacks destroy all the models). - 2d6 run is really good, gives a nice burst of speed for our slow foot troops. - Nar extra CP is cool, got 2 extra most of the time. Some turns it was a little over kill, as the admiral with the trait already provided 2 free cp. Probably will go with Urbaz next time for the wound amendment. - Thunderers can hold their ground really well with the 3+ save and the -1 to hit debuff. Were the standout unit all the games, together with riggers melee. - Riggers healing with a endrinmaster is really solid, make your enemy think twice about trying to do chip damage to our boats. - Disembarking command is my favorite change from the new book by far! Being able to move and then put the thunderers+khermist down is gold. - In 2 of my games I didn't even cast the purple sun. Much harder to use it without the hero movement. I will drop it from future lists to see if I miss it or not.
  15. Me too, and I'm not sold either. Lots of little interactions that need to be addressed, but judging by the gitz problem I doubt we will get those clarification before at least a month.
  16. You can always count on the KO tome needing a FAQ. This edition it happened before the book went on preorder. Next edition it will happen before they even announce the new KO book.
  17. Still have to analyze what this month goals will be with the amount of time I have, but the new KO book motivated me enough that I just had to finish this little windreader today.
  18. Yeah the Riggers/wardens still being 2 wounds each really stinks... They seen to finally been able to make them different from each other, but they are really expensive wounds per points wise. How our battelines options got worse exactly? You mean in their warscrolls or in the options? Because in the options I think they were improved. We got the same from the previous book (Zilfin, Zon, Nar and Urbaz kept theirs), improved the riggers as now you just have to have the master on the list rather than as the general and made Thunderers and Gunhaulers available with the command trait (which is pretty good as it is a free cp for those units). On the enchantments I can see taking the move one on the frigate, but mostly because the other frigate options are really bad (half only do something when it dies and the other one only work on flying units).
  19. So for those that saw the leaks what are you thinking so far? The articles, amendments and footnotes are pretty cool, articles and amendments more so than footnotes. Navigator, Admiral and Navigator seen to be the "auto-included" heroes for me, with the Ballon-Edrinmaster and the Codewright being considerations for some lists as well. Our skyports look really interesting, Nar, Mhornar, Thryng and Zon look pretty strong. Urbaz looks less shiny, but not bad. Zilfin is the one that look the weakest to me. The Ironclad+riggers+thunderers death star and the frigate+wardens look to be the most obvious combinations. Maybe using a little bit of both can make a interesting mixed list.
  20. If anyone wants the pdf with the book pictures (rules only) message me. Our shooting didn't get the power-up to compensate the reduced mobility, but I we got a lot more tricks and mortals.
  21. Ok, lots to cover. Will try my best to do so bellow. Spoilers for those that don't want to see it. Sky ports Command Traits Artefacts
  22. Basically, the leak is all true! I will try to put everything together latter, but so far we got good changes. Gold is gone, now embarking and disembarking are part of our allegiances.
  23. Judging be the warcomm article release for the past battletomes, we should see one talking about KO rules today or tomorrow. The same source of those rumors also talked about the preorder date being march 4th, so I'm inclined to think they are true.
  24. I wonder if the CP disembark will be just to be able to disembark after the ship moved, rather than for every disembark. If I remember correctly the guy who posted the leaks commented that the balloonboyz changed to be able to embark as other units, but they didn't mention if they had any rule that avoided them taking space in the ship.
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