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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. I don't think we will be able to use our regiment in a sylvaneth allegiance, as the article say: Other than the CITIES OF SIGMAR – the factions to which these units would “normally” belong can field the standard versions of those units instead For other factions, I imagine they will change the Arch-rev buff to work on gossamids in some form, as it only work in Kurnoths for us.
  2. Fells more like cleaning stock. I'm the only one that is underwhelmed by those army "expansions" after the mercenaries? They make something so you can dip into other factions models but throw those options way after around a year and you are left with models you can't use anymore. I really hope this don't go the same way mercenaries did, but I not buying this until it became more clear if they are going to last.
  3. Oh wise @Whitefang could you illuminate us with some cryptic words of wisdom about other things that are yet to be to move us from the unholy soup talk?
  4. Honestly I'm not sure I would call lumineth a soup book. There a cohesive theme even between different temples that mash well together. I think the temples are more like expansions/specialization on some particular concepts than something you would see as an standalone army. Maybe when we get Tyrion side it will look more souped. Honestly orks are the different soup as they have stand alone allegiances and a combines one. Other soups as ogres and cities share the same allegiance and just have this option. Good point, it fell more as a soup problem as they are the unique faction with this problem, but it may not be.
  5. To illustrate further, Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Bonesplitterz get less traits and artefacts than other tomes get, which are less options. Mount triats have to be balanced between 3 factions as well. I'm not sure how much they take big wagg into consideration while balancing the book warscrolls, but if they do, it can affect what your warscrolls do just because they can be used together in the shared faction (which I seldom see someone use).
  6. I Imagine that is the circle they are going for, having a sizeable release followed by small releases (aka foot hero) for some editions until new stuff appear again and make you focus more in that faction again. I imagine that having even more models to buy each new edition can be quiet taxing as you never feel you finished that army (SCE players can correct my if I'm wrong as SCE is in this space). I wonder if that is the reason there are so many small factions that didn't get expasions, so you can get everything from it, move on to a new faction and end with multiple armies rather than just one with over 40 warscrolls. They will eventually update those factions with more models, but it can take a while to get there. AoS is still young, but I imagine that in 2~3 edition from now we gonna start see more units getting axed from battletomes that got too much options already in order to make space for new models (heroes in particular).
  7. I really hope we don't loose fly high, specially with the 3d6 charge being a once per game effect. I don't think our playstyle is to far off from what you would expect, just need some better shoots and a better defense/offense for melee honestly. I don't expect us to keep the spell in a bottle, but with Gitz getting endless spells for free with a trait who knows, maybe they keep it. @CaptainGrimm summed all I expect as well. My biggest wish is that they simplify our weapons profile. Give the special weapons the same profile and make they give different abilities if the unit has them. The rumored pre order of the tome on March 4th, don't expect new models other than our new book lawyer.
  8. Actually pre order on 4th and available from the 11th. The NDA for the tome ends on 4th, so it should be the preorder date.
  9. If the rumors are true and the book pre-orders on the 4th of March, no, just the new hero and the tome.
  10. I do wonder if they will start using Warcry to fill those needs more. It isn't hard to make a 8~12 models unit for warcry, which would leave cavalry and other more elite units to be released with battletomes. To be fair Code-something was a pretty safe beat 😄 Maybe the Endrinworks stay as special enchantments, there are a couple that triggered on the charge.
  11. Love the new model, really hope there a option with a helm for it. Good that the footnotes and amendments are staying, if they give us around 5~6 for each we gonna have a lot of customization options! The book NDA ends at March 4th, so we can expect it to be on pre-order at that day, which 3 weeks from now!
  12. Logisticator? Codekeeper? I can imagine some kind of keeper of the code (and all it's amendments) or simple the guy responsible for keeping notes of how much the ship earned.
  13. From the pre order article today: Next week on Warhammer Community we’ll be exploring the Black Library Celebration, revealing a new miniature who also absolutely loves books, and showing you more of the new Astra Militarum releases. Looks like we are getting the books rumor engine finally! And hopefully it will be a KO hero and a new tome.
  14. So they added the Soulblight symbol in the sundered fate and now they added the keuleboyz symbol with Blood hunt? Maybe it is a indicative that the nightmare quest will be Keuleboyz vs Slaanesh? Well warcry had something similar with the catacombs expansion, which was kit oddly has there wasn't further development of that "dungeon fighting" gameplay after that expansion. Maybe the next warcry season will comeback to that idea while inside the Seraphon ship/temple.
  15. Don't know how true this is, but saw some talk on KO groups about a new tome coming, with preorder on 4th of March.
  16. By the battlescroll: galletian champions, Sylvaneth allies are Cities, Fyreslayers, Idoneth and Stormcast. Allies aren't reciprocal, Khaine can take us as allies as well, but we can't take lumineth nor Khaine units. Similarly, Fyreslayers can't ally sylvaneth units while we can ally Fyreslayers.
  17. Honestly the story development appear to happen in narrative books, with are more common at the end of the edition than at the start/middle. The new season of war should expand a little more on Ghur, but I woulnd't expect major developments until later in this year when we start to see the end of edition series, similarly to broken realms and the 40k books they are releasing right now. Also I wouldn't expect new factions from now on. AoS has a high number now, so 1 new faction each 2~3 editions would make more sense. It's not that bad if we get 2~3 major revamps to factions that need it. So far we got Slaves, Seraphon and Cities coming for this edition and a good expansion for Sylvaneth, lets hope we get the Skaven/Beasts/FeC/Ogors in the near future!
  18. That's way people joke about gamers in general hating two things only: how the game is and any change to the game. Just wait until we get our next edition next year and a similar reaction for AoS will appear.
  19. Yeah, the Serphon in Summer probably set them for full release in June, like they did with Sylvaneth and Skaven last year (picture bellow for reference). If they are getting army box, as they have being doing lately, I imagine it would release 1~2 months before, so around April~May. Now for the remaining tome, I doubt they have time to announce one tome to be released this month, at least considering their normal marketing tend to be at least 1 month window between tome announcement and release. I expect the first order tome to be release in March (alone or with one of the chaos ones) and them more on April and May. I imagine April or May could be really packed with AoS releases. Maybe looking at the expected 40k scheduled we can figure which one will be, as they probably will not conflict.
  20. They usually do, but they have shown new tomes in WarCom before, particularly when there is no event around. The next event should be at the end of March, which mean we wouldn't get the tome they show there before the middle of April. With 5 tomes to be released before the Seraphon release in June (probably by their description), waiting until that reveal would be a little to much of. Well, this make it much more likely they will be the ones left out! Jokes aside, I imagine with the new Skink knights and the Terradon riders Seraphon has a pretty good amount of mounted units already, I wouldn't be strange if they dropped the riders due to redundancy. A new monster would be lovely, but I do wonder if a new one wouldn't make the Stegadon and the Bastiladon look a little dated when side by side with it...
  21. Yeah, it was strange when Gitz and Beasts didn't get one. To be honest I hope this is the case, those boxes are cool once in a while, but linking them to every release was a bit too much. They announced one for 40k last reveal, so I imagine they are still a thing, just hopefully will be less frequent.
  22. Yeah, having one of the chaos or death books as a stand alone release would make more sense, if they keep the duel boxes coming for those. I wouldn't expected more than a sylvaneth/Nighthaunt release for any of those tomes (around 3 new kits). Ossiarch and FeC both need a little more kits IMO, so I hope one of them is left to be released after this half of the year. About the order we have 5 tomes before Seraphon, who I imagine will be coming in June (before the new 40k edition). We aren't getting a new tome this month, which leaves GW with March/April/May to release all those 5 books. It's fits well to place 1 or 2 new tome per month.
  23. What I'm more curious right now is if the order the tomes appear on the roadmap is actually their release order. If so it will be pretty wild with Order/Chaos/Chaos/Death/Death. At least one of those will be a stand alone release (no duel box). I mean if the theory s true and the last warcry box is Slaanesh vs Destruction, the two chaos tomes are getting a new unit + hero at the minimum. The same an be true for death if one of the tomes is Soulblight. If any of the death and/or order tome get a single unit with the foot hero we are probably getting more than the last year release in a year quarter, which is a really good rate.
  24. With no new reveal show until March I expect they will reveal the newt tome in a WarCom article someday this month/start of the next one. Seraphon reveal I imagine will happen like they did with slaves (was around 3 reveal events + 2 articles with the lord, knights and warriors). I don't expect more until the next reveal on march.
  25. What do you mean by abused? Kruleboyz love their trolls. They all have nice cushions to make then more comfortable while they are stinged with iron barbs! A unit of 2~3 troggs with a Beast-breaka to herd them would be really lovely. The more beasts kruleboyz have the better!
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