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Everything posted by Arzalyn

  1. Well that is bond to happen when you get factions with the same thematic... Sylvaneth strike and fade are also super Kruleboyz-ish. I just hope when the edition change and our "edition-new-player-army" curse is lifted we get even cooler rules!
  2. Yeah that would make sense. At least one of the releases for Spring have to be a stand alone release, so maybe they do it for Seraphon if they end being the largest one? I found pretty strange they didn't do a duel box for Gitz and beasts, as they were released together after all. Maybe they ae finally moving way from those boxes?
  3. So the low expectation prediction seems to be: Aos - Seraphon models they showed the silhouette at the start of the year (Slaan, saurus and mounted skink) Warcry - Bloodhunt box Underwolrds - the mysterious warband (dark elves maybe?)
  4. Mostly Radiant Spirit stopping spells and his shooting been able to take units to dismantle the castle. He talked about focusing the wardens on the first turn so the lumineth player has to use the sentinels to score objectives.
  5. Here is his list: I personally never focused to much in a shooting focused list. I imagine if you want to focus more on it you could swap Alarielle for Drycha + Reinforce the Gossamids to 10. I imagine this kind of list would be even more hard to pilot, as it is pretty fragile outside of the bow-kurnoths.
  6. Yeah he talked about it in some other Sylvaneth groups I'm in. Pretty cool seeing a shooting + Alarielle list winning! He is probably the best Sylvaneth player in the tournaments scene and the list was tailored to fight Lumineth (the 2nd and 3rd place of the tournament were teclis + setinels lists).
  7. Last year those kind of articles were release 3 weeks before the preorder announcement. I wouldn't expect it this week, but at the start of the next month looks pretty likely.
  8. If you aren't taking the Lady of Vines or Alarielle, there is none. The Lady can summon 10 most of the time and Alarielle still has 20 as a option, but we don't have other ways to summon them. I still testing the Lady of Vines with the recent point drops. I liked how she performed so far, but I need to test her more before making a final judgement. Her main selling point is her spell, which she need some help to get though. Gnarlroot and/or Dwindling help, but they don't make it something super reliable. I think she is much more playable now, but I don't think she has what is need to go into a tournament list. I would recommend you get a couple of seekers and gossamid box before you look at her, they are more generically usable than her. The Gossamid are interesting. Good movement, super good screen against lists without shooting and can spike pretty hard if you roll well. They drawback is their short range (12") and that they die pretty easily to a reliable shooting unit. You don't want more than 1 unit of them in a list due to the importance of unleashing hell to their performance. I had pretty good success using a unit of 5 as screen and to threat small heroes. Unless you only play against super heavy shooting lists, I would recommend a box of them. They are easy enough to fit in some lists and add something pretty unique to our army.
  9. Our 3.0 tome is really well balanced internally, all our units have a place. The closest to a auto-include we have now would be a unit of tree-revenants, more because the free teleport is really good, but you can do just fine without it. Some units are a little more niche than other, but you can find a list for those just fine. Is there any unit in particular you are interested in using?
  10. Warsong+TLA+wych+portal is something viable, but it fell apart as soon as you face a army with better casting/unbinding (lumineth, Tzeentch, Seraphon). Can't recommend for tournament play, but if you are mostly playing casually, it should work pretty well if you don't face those kind of lists. The warsong + Alarielle is viable as well, but face the same problem. I prefer the wych with tome + alarielle, as it let us take another unit and alarielle lists welcome any extra unit you can fit in. A general comment on our magic: it is good, but unreliable most of time. We have some effects that help getting one spell (reroll with dwindling, 3d6 with gnarlroot) but for a spell heavy list we don't have much help. The +1 from warsong is good, but not sufficient to make it reliable, specially against factions with better bonus. If you want consistency, focus in one or two spell, but try not depend too much on getting them all the time.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if they revealed which army will be coming after BoC and Gitz if those two aren't getting anything new. If I remember correctly they announced Soulblight models before the Slaanesh/DoK book was released at the end of 2nd. Wasn't the DoK/Nighthaunt box announced before the Idoneth/Fyreslayers book dropped as well?
  12. It was released approximately a month before the GHB last year. I imagine we didn't saw one yet because we are still in Gallet. I expect we will get a new one when the next GHB go from Gallet to a new region in Ghur.
  13. The Battlescroll was just released and just the Seekers went up by 5 points, Scythe Kurnoths stayed the same!
  14. Just adding to all that @Ganigumo and @NauticalSoup already said. I think the army also has a problem with what it can do during the game. During the game we practically have no tricks. We have a buff option on the shaman, a possible benefit by using the generic command abilities (in the vulcha or gobsprakk), a chance to try slaying a model with the sludgeraker and our waaagh. For a faction that is supposed to be sneaky/tricky we do very little. I fell that the first thing they designed for us was VEW, got afraid it would be to powerful and them gave very little more to keep the power low. Unless they get bolder with the battlescrolls changes, I don't expect us to rise above 42% win rate before we get a new book. I don't like the GW "army patch" inside supplements, but its probably the biggest chance we would have to get better new rules outside a new tome. Points changes will just create another BoC situation were everything get super cheap but it don't solve the rules problem.
  15. That would be pretty cool! I personally think we will get some akin to skinks monted on feathered velociraptor by what we saw on the teaser.
  16. Agree with you, the tactics are probably the what hurt us the most, as while we have some GC in the shamans they aren't well suited to fulfill those tactics. Sadly this show another downside of orruks been souped together, each loose 2 tactics due to them being faction locked. Tactics problems aside, if we can manage to play with the ones available I imagine this GHB would be more positive to us. Boltboyz may loose some of their power but I think the bounty hunters effect over the gutrippaz was much worse.
  17. Its pretty good for our heroes, as they were pretty expensive. I just don't expect it to change much in terms of their play-ability, as its more of a matter of they doing something useful/reliable than been unplayable for being overcosted. Each of them already has its own niche, so its made some easier to list build around if they fit your strategy. I imagine warsong, arch-rev and branchwych will see more play this season due to the gallatian champions battle tactics. Maybe the Lady will as well, as dryads are back in the menu now that the bounty hunters are gone. I expect dryads and spite-revs to be the biggest winners for use, as both are cheap, have a clear role inside the army and can now be used reinforced without the threat of being deleted in one swing.
  18. Got 4 gutrippaz done today (base + poison in the weapon still missing until I finish the unit). Love the multi part box sculpts, just wished I didn't take that long to paint them... Separate photos as the lances make focusing them all together impossible
  19. The box was leaked by a ebay ad. I imagine that why they are revealing it now.
  20. They show 5 models: - Something big, not sure about this one. - A Saurus, maybe a warrior, maybe a hero. - mounted Seraphon. Maybe Saurus knight that don't look derpy? - something caos, probably khorne foot hero. - Slaanesh/dark elf thing, probably Slaanesh foot hero.
  21. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a Gitz vs Beasts this year, with the two heroes + snarfang in it.
  22. Wow a space marine for slaaneshmas... fells like receiving a pair of socks
  23. Some rumors floating around about our points change in the next GHB. Looks pretty good if they are true! Most of the heroes get reduction, which mostly compensate for the increase in scythes and seekers. In parentheses is the rumored new points value. Drycha -15 (320) Lady of vines - 35 (290) Warsong -5 (300) Alarielle -20 (820) Durthu -20 (350) TLA -30 (330) Spite revs -15 (90) Treelord -30 (230) Gossamids -10 (210) Rev seekers +5 (240) Scythe Kurnoths +10 (260) Gladewyrm -10 (40) Ylthari guardians -20 (160)
  24. Honestly the monster meta wasn't much successful, people avoided normal monsters in general. Mostly the hero monsters with a 3+ save were the favored monsters and the normal ones were seen as free points to the opponent. I started interpreting GW focus in a unit as a sign to avoid most of the units that fall in that role. They give too much bonus if you kill that kind of unit but to little bonus for actually using those units.
  25. I had some success with the gnashtoof as a fast (for our army standards) and durable piece. The base 3+ save can give him some resilience to hold a unit in place or hold a objective for more than 1 turn. He has all the downsides you said (been a hero with 10 wounds), but his base save give it a role that nothing in the army can fulfill, albeit a niche one.
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