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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    This is exactly why leftisdiscriminate

    You don't see the obvious that your expectations are extremely racist. You want GW to fire white people and hire people of color. You want to treat white people worse just based on their color of their skin.

    If you don't ensure equal chances for each person to apply for a workplace by applying parities you are in fact discriminate a certian group of people.

    Qualifications (education, expierience, etc.) of a person should be the only criterion for a job. Not their gender, race, religion.

    If you want people of color to have special reliefs or additional points while applying for a post you are looking down on them with superiority because you suggest that they need special treatment and unfair help to get a job. This is absolutely racist.

    If I were from a minority and got the job just because company wanted to implement leftist ideologies I would feel ashamed and humiliated.

    I never said anyone should be fired, just that they should be more inclusive with hiring policies if they want to truly reflect their statements. 

    • Like 1
  2. If GW is taking the notion of diversity seriously it is something that they need to institute in hiring policies and creative decisions. The representation of BIPOC individuals in the games and narratives is important but it is important to have that reflected in the company as well. If they hire more diverse writers, designers and management it will likely be reflected in the game as a whole and encourage more people to enter into the hobby. 

    I find it ridiculous that people are arguing that women in the military lack a historical precedent but are okay with magic, demons and trolls. Female soldiers have existed in history,  so it is a little embarrassing that slightly better representation than what has existed in history or contemporary society is where people's incredulity begins and ends. 😅

    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Coyote said:

    There’s 5 Chaos gods #5 is the Great Horned Rat, thank you 🐀🐀

    I was only referring to the Great One's pathetic little underlings... they are the ones that need some assistance to bolster their meagre ranks. 

  4. I keep stating to my friends that I think GW could easily represent different races within the four god specific factions: 

    Khorne - Duardin, a tough heavily armoured unit with low mobility or an artillery piece would work well with khorne.
    Slaanesh - Aelves, I personally want Malerion to fall to temptation, but I am cool with plain ol' Slaanesh worshipers too.
    Tzeentch - Beasts, Tzaangor already fill this role
    Nurgle - Skaven, once again this role is filled already by Clan Pestilens, but they could be fleshed out within Maggotkin a little better.

    This would need some work from lore writers and would need some more fleshing out ruleswise, but it would make the followers of each god feel more unique and provide more variety in terms of differentiating playstyle. Although I would be sad if they tried to imply that the different races couldn't worship the god of their choosing.

    Although as a Slaves to Darkness player, I really want a return of the Hellcannon manned by Chaos Duardin. And I really want to be able to use it in my undivided army. Considering the awesome bound demon concepts in 40k I think this would look stunning with modern sculpting and in plastic.

    • Like 1
  5. 43 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    One thing I'd like to see in AoS3 is the introduction of a "minimum damage" rule like some things in 40k---e.g., "this D6 damage weapon does at least 3 damage." Or for something like the new Blast rules, where units above X number of models automatically take the maximum number of hits/damage.

    Also, get rid of drops as a first turn deciding factor. It's a terrible mechanic that only limits army creativity. Battalions are already insanely good.

    I feel like 40K 9th ed seems to have taken some lessons from AOS, so I am sure it goes both ways and we will get some of the transferable 40k rules.

  6. Essentially these changes save me 30 points letting me change a unit of ishlaen into morsarr... even though I like my ishlaen to morsarr ratio already... I could also change the way I am collecting and fit an Eidelon of the Sea onto my list, but at the cost of some better units and a battalion that I plan to run... maybe a low level endless spell? 😕

    I dunno I am not complaining but I am not super impressed with these point changes. 

    • Like 1
  7. I am netting an additional 100 points which gives me just enough room for Psychic cat or two spawn...

    I know we aren't getting much but I am excited for the addition something a little more 'Chaosy' to my list. I feel like the 90 pt heroes could have dropped 10-20 points but I am not as well versed as you more competitive players. 

    With the point increase for Marauder Horseman will that affect their ability to be summoned via Rally the tribes?

    Some folks in the rumour thread are calling the authenticity of this list into question. As much as it benefits my Chaos Warrior heavy list, I am hoping that there is better news for S2D. 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:

    Nothing drastically at all.

    Those changes doesn't make them more or less playable then before

    Thank you my friend, looks like I will have 100 more points to play with 🤠

    Mindstealer Sphiranx  or 2x Chaos Spawn here I come

  9. 10 minutes ago, Dongilles said:


    I am also waiting for man reads book, maybe a delay because of 4th of july?

    Speaking as a fellow Canuck I suspect that the 4th of July is probably not making a huge difference in his review... If anything the 1st of July would have caused a delay but he got out his 9th edition review on time.

    • Like 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Idoneth -

    Thralls 120 (down 10), 30 are 320.

    Vanilla king 230 (down 10)

    Lotann 70 (down 10 lol maybe next year lotann)

    Eidolon and turtle stationery. 

    Eels, volturnous, reavers, sharks and battlions not pictured.

    I hope that is real as frees just enough points for me to run an Eidolon of the Sea... 😊

    Assuming reavers, eels and allopexs are at least stationary...

  11. I have to say that we simply don't know what the future holds. Will soup armies be squatted or will more armies be added to soup tomes? We don't know and I am assuming that GW is watching the sales of armies like Cities and Legions of Nagash fairly closely. I had assumed that the Phonician models from Cities would have been integrated into Lumineth and Dispossesed, Wanderers and the remnants of the Dark Elf line would follow suit when their AOS equivalents were released. But as that is not how it turned out I am curious if that is a sign that GW has more faith in the City concept...

  12. It is well beyond my budget but I would love to do a Dragon themed Stormcast list of Dracothian cavalry and a Stardrake. Kinda a Stormcast answer to Host of the Everchosen.

    It bothers me to no end that a Stardrake doesn't open up Dracothian units as battleline.

    • Like 4
  13. As for expanding destruction outside of Orcs, Goblins, Ogres and Giants: I still feel like Fyreslayers and Idoneth would have both been good aesthetic fits for Destruction. I personally would also really like a faction of traditional fairytale witches in Destruction. 

    One model Underworlds sounds fun but I would hope it was character focused. I feel it would be easier to balance two heroes having special feats than it would be to balance an Iron Jaw and individual skeleton... But I haven't played underworlds only checked out a few batreps of it.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  14. I personally feel the existential dread of loosing your humanity for eternity is much more terrifying than death.  On the one hand it seems heroic to sacrifice so much in the face of Chaos, but on the other hand I feel like I would rather follow the gods that let me retain some aspect of myself... before turning into a spawn... 

    Never mind I am just going to follow Gorkamorka! 

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    I realize it's accurate to call those "older" but it still makes me chuckle since I recall a time when there would be 4, 6, or even 8 years or so between updates to army books. 🙂

    Hahaha, Yeah I played fantasy in my teen years. I remember desperately waiting for an update for books and it taking forever. Also Chaos Dwarves never got an update 😥

  16. 14 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Its also important to remember that there is more to the GHB than just points. It also includes updated Battleplans which can play a huge part in balancing tournaments. Personally I also enjoy getting fun updates like Mercenaries and rules for many of the older factions that don't have codexes. 



    Yeah, I hope there is further refinement for mercenary rules. I also am hoping for some updates to some of the older tomes like LoN, IDK and Maggot Kin. :) 

  17. 15 minutes ago, Chaos Shepard said:

    I don't fully see the rush to have a new General's Hand Book. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have one, but one of the main appeals to the General's hand book is points adjustments. However, because of the pandemic, many large tournaments could not happen in that  time frame and I believe  that tournament date is one of the best measuring sticks for proper points adjustment. Since we didn't have those tournaments I feel adjusting the points maybe too much a shot in the dark. I know I have barely had a chance to experiment with the last points adjustment and while I still have personal ideas on what may need adjusting, these are all layovers from the last points adjustment.

    Well wasn't the last GHB was split between two books with only one focusing on points? Maybe they will do the same this time around and release them at separate dates?

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