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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. 10 minutes ago, Harpo2 said:

    Could be a Kurnothi base decoration. Sylvaneth models tend to have bugs and such hanging around them, Kurnothi could be the same.

    Yeah something about this seems fairly in line with the spites on Sylvaneth. 


    My immediate thought was that cool insectoid skull teaser from underworld. But I would love it to be Kurnothi aelves....


    Maybe it is a parasitic army and those thin ghoulish hands we have associated with vampires are actually the emaciated victims of these parasites. Heck that might be how they are reinterpreting vampires for AOS?



    But more than anything I just want it to be AOS rather than 40k. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The Mantic Giant is £25 and is about the same size, plus resin upgrades for turning 'em into a Frost Giant and such. Something to consider if you don't play at official GW stores.



    There's also the Conquest Giant who I understand isn't as tall as the Mantic one, but is wider/chunkier.

    Wow these are both great I might check them out if I ever go this giant route. I still like the idea of using 6 inch action figures: Darth Kraken Eater and his Teenage Mutant Ninja Gargants!

    • Haha 3
  3. I have been priced out before entering the hobby. If I were to play competitively I would be homeless. Luckily the second hand market is okay for me price-wise...

    However, the recent increase of costs has resulted in me trading my incomplete Idoneth  favour of a much cheaper and nearly complete Stormcast army... 😢. It is a rough conglomeration of Sacrosanct and Warrior chamber models and I will have to rebase a few models.

    Luckily I was able to arrange the swap to get my friend a solid Nighthaunt army in the process. But I think hobby-wise that is the end of my collecting except adding little pieces to my armies. My goal was to always have two small armies that were roughly balanced so that I can play friendly games in my home and I have succeeded in that regard 🙂

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  4. These warscrolls look so fun and fluffy. I have no idea how it will translate on the tabletop but they will be fun to battle with and against. 

    I feel like my love of elite armies is going to make me fall prey to some of these crazy auto-kill rules 😮

  5. As someone who is not likely to play this army, this is weirdly the most hype release for me. Maybe it is the idea that they can be used in any army, maybe it is the prospect of coming across them on the tabletop one day, maybe it is the cool lore and custom jobs that I will spend the next few weeks looking up... but most of all it is @KingBrodd finally getting some long waited for Giant love.

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  6. 6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    A closer look at the Kraken Eater from Facebook. Really hoping we get one from the Warstomper I need to know what's on his back!!


    I am just waiting for the people to encase the lower half in watery resin and have this dude walking through the water alongside either some IDK or a fleet of KO.

    • LOVE IT! 3
  7. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    So any chance GW does another preview show in November around when Blood and Glory was suppose to happen? like how the last one was for the Nova open.

    i don't expect anybody to know just pushing out the possibility since there was a decent size preview in the last two years for the event.

    I am genuinely curious how they are going to approach it with the second wave of COVID and the looming risk of closing shop once more. I know that there is rife debate as to wether they will or if there will be a government mandate but it is still something that needs to be considered. I will expect some kind of reveal in that time frame but I feel like in general we can expect things to be played a little closer to the chest. 🤔

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  8. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


    Newest Rumour Engine. Incredible.

    I feel that puts the speculation to rest: 

    Between theories of Werewolves, Soulblight and countless other deathly minions vs debates of Malerion, Slaanesh mortals or any other desired army... clearly the Emperor's missing Legion of Space Carrion is finally getting it's due!

    But this is a really cool model and it seems that the next army will have a wicked bird theme. I feel still think Soulblight is likely but I feel like crows and vultures would pair better with a Deathwalker theme.

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  9. I have always seen the Chaos gods as transgressive elements of society that are ideologically neutral but perceived as evil. I even think that way about the demons, which are simply manifestations of these concepts (fears/desires) but clearly they are capable of existing alongside humans as they march and fight beside one another. I know it probably isn't lore friendly but I typically perceive of the lore as inspiration for my own narratives. 

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  10. I feel like most new AOS specific factions have some obvious ways to grow and expand but Lumineth feel very much like a video game with planned DLC.

    Fyreslayers and Flesh Eaters feel like good points of comparison as they both have Fantasy legacies and are small in terms of unique boxsets for the army. But despite having numerous ideas as to how both armies could be expanded in fascinating ways, I feel like we received a cohesive vision of an army on a limited scale. Lumineth has a number of outliers in the range that make an army that emphasizes unity feel rather incoherent. Teclis, the unnamed hero mages, and the Mountain Spirits feel oddly incongruous with the martial force of Aelves. I just feel there is something missing in the transition but I expect to see it when Tyrion arrives with more units. It is strange I really like the army and would be interested in playing them but I am waiting for the next wave of models to decide if I want animistic mountain spirits or cool aelf pikemen. I think that Lumieth are great but I am still waiting for that model or theme to make me love them.

    But I think that is the cool thing about being on the ground level of a developing system. We are making snap judgements on armies that may be something completely different in an editions time. Maybe Lumineth aren't your thing currently, but maybe when Tyrion arrives he will bring cool gryphon knights or angelic aelves with spears of light or any other possible outgrowth of the army that makes them more interesting to a hobbyist or gamer. I love the aesthetic of Chaos Undivided but I am less fond of Marauders but I am still happy they exist and have seen fantastic armies themed around them.

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  11. 2 hours ago, wargames101 said:

    I think that's right. The Stormcast range is pretty well filled out and it seems like it struggles to sell at times (The Stormcast Battleforces always sell slowly, 2019's is still available, etc.) so a new set of poster elves would make sense. Also, this verbiage from the last LRL update is more forward looking than most such announcements;

    "These releases complete the initial Lumineth Realm-lords range and round out their tactical toolbox."


    I feel like we will get Stormcast for the next edition only for the symmetry of having a box of Stormcast vs each grand alliance. It makes no actual or practical sense for this rule to be followed, but I still feel it will be the case. I think for any future editions the mixes might be more dynamic and interesting but I think having Stormcast vs. Khorne, Stormcast vs. Nighthaunt and then Lumineth vs. blank would feel less rounded off than Stormcast vs. Destruction force.

    But I would be very happy to be wrong. 

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    28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Oh yes it's high time the Lycans crept out from the Woods!!

    If that's not AOS then it's a Xeno for 40K so I see this as an absolute win!!

    Clearly it is a new Space Wolf unit (just to make everyone sad).

    • Haha 2
  13. I like creating maps for my games and so I have the inverse reaction to many here regarding the mapping of the mortal realms. I like to assume that my little world can fit into the massive worlds of the mortal realms. 

    Although, for the narrative campaign I am currently constructing I created provinces for each of the mortal realms so that each battle will have different rules. 

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