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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I am planning on not overhyping this time: 40k: Space Marines reveal will take up the bulk of the time, AOS: Orruks and the rest of the Dawnbringer reveals Underworld: A cool new Warband, for an army with too many releases already Slaves to Stormcast. Warcry,: One warband and here is hoping it is for Maneaters or something new for Ogors. Horus Heresy: Just when you thought we were done with space marines... maybe that leaked variant of the new Knight Titan TOW: I am expecting something less revelatory for the specific models but rather a confirmation on the release date and some cool teases of Bretonnians vs Tombkings featuring key art. Blood Bowl: I am calling it now... something funny!
  2. My cottage trip seems to have saved my bank account as I missed it. Hopefully they get a battleforce one Holiday Season when I have enough to drop on a new project.
  3. It is definitely antlers of some form but hard to tell if they are attached to a majestic Aelf stag, or mutating out of a Chaos champion or Beast of Chaos. I could also see this being a not quite dead trophy for a FEC hunter. Plus never discount the possibility of something fantasy based and natural just being tossed onto a 40k model. New Flayed One hero with antlers on their new skin suit I am of the mind that it is Kurnoth but only because it is the topic of our current conversation and I desperately hope it is.
  4. Kruelboyz show that they are improving their ability to sculpt leaner orruks. We may get a really cool and unique looking unit.
  5. Wow that is a great model, I wonder if we will also get a chance to see the new Ghouls with the sprue in the wilds. Exciting times but I will be at a cottage for the reveals hopefully the wifi is good enough to watch and my inlaws are not angry when I slip away to watch a live stream for a bunch of toy soldiers lol.
  6. Bring on some siege gameplay as an Arks of Omen style rules expansion!
  7. I have a small condo and my partner has permitted one shelf for my armies so they rotate and primarily live in boxes under my bed
  8. Is the Vargskyr not on a single sprue, does it have to be sold as part of Radukar's court? Personally I would absolutely love if this was useable in FEC. I am also one hundred percent ready for a new model but I am just curious why GW didn't just use this for FECs?
  9. I forgot how much I love those beastmen please please update AOS/Fantasy Beasts to look as nice... and ngl even I actually like scouty marines. I still haven't traded off my marine half of Leviathan has Games Workshop corrupted me with Marines??? 😱
  10. Am I the only one that is so excited that we got a Bretonian and Flesh Eater Courts leak at the same time? That is a lot of noble knights leaking.
  11. I love how each time there is a Fyreslayer rumour we collectively put our heads together and speculate on possible means of expanding the range and look at the lore for characters and unexplored potential... then we get a new foot hero.
  12. My excitement has less to do with impact and more to do with expanded scope, I am really liking getting the lore drops for the different factions the same was true for broken realms although Morathi's ascendence and Be'Lakor literally breaking a realm were pretty epic grand moments, not gonna lie!
  13. Everyone, you are putting to much pressure on our new leaker asking for info on your own personal factions. Instead we should be conducting more specific questions based on what we do know like: Will the various stand alone Space Marine chapters get new models, and will the next Primaris lieutenant be using a reverse grip on their power-sword and do they have a bolter, a heavy bolter, a heavier bolter or a bolter fist? Joking aside I have not been playing much lately, but these rumours and the Dawnbringer event have me really excited. I also think the cities and FEC hype have one hundered percent added to my anticipation. Unfortunately all my friends that play have been really busy lately.
  14. I like how much of current Aelven lore is simply, these armies can be souped but they hate each other. Idoneth are like my favourite Order army narratively due to how they essentially can sensibly align with practically any Aelven faction, but have a once bitten twice shy relationship to the Aelf Gods... also they are creepy sea people. I also think their stealing souls kind puts them on the outs with other Order Factions.
  15. I hope this does not set off the boards notoriously sensitive automatic censorship but GOT DANG THOSE ARE SOME FINE LOOKING MINIS!
  16. I personally think that the FEC will receive a terrific but not huge update. If I had to tarry I guess for a small release it would be as follows: Ushoran - Large centrepiece model likely around Beast Radukar sized Varghulf - Probably using the Cursed City Model as a base Cavalry - Borowing the horse design from the Corpsemare Stampede Batswarms - Using the bats in the Grymwatch as inspiration. Possibly a dual kit for the infernal and haunter Courtiers if they are not simply replaced as the name of the unit champions, with the Varghulf taking their respective battlefield roles. Between the Abhorant, Flaymaster, Ghoul King on foot and the Marrowscroll Herald, the Crypt Ghast Courtier may be seeing the end of its life as a custom fodder model. So I can imagine a 'small release' like this that would replace their resin model and expand on the little hints we have gotten for more FEC from Endless Spells and Underworlds. Personally I hope for more but I would be happy with this as a stop gap before even more extensive future updates ver the years including re-sculpted ghouls. Edit: Hopefully the Whitefang react means that the Small release is incorrect, as I think a big Flesh Eater release would be amazing! Or maybe I was wrong about the Courtiers or the Underworld/Endless Spell hints?
  17. I wonder if they might tie the Silent People to the Flesh Eaters in some unexpected and interesting way. Like maybe in their delusions the Flesh Eaters view them as Faye Folk and protect and serve them? Then the army can have some monsterous bug creatures that are unlike the Nurgle flies or the Sylvaneth's more insectlike spites?
  18. So it clearly seems FEC are going to become even more amazing!
  19. Now if this doesn't happen I will be greatly disappointed! Just like the idea of listening to this as my Chaos Warriors wreck my friends skeletons in the streets of his Necropolis!
  20. So there are more pictures of the scenery in the book, are we ever going to see it?
  21. Now I am also curious if i should go back to my City Ghost Idea??? I am so conflicted by the different ideas I have and so into these city models lol.
  22. I love them all, I would also love to spread the basing details and critters across Aelves and Duardin to continue to tie it together. Love this army!
  23. I am really hoping it is a solo one giant team. Probably impossible to balance and would be banned from anything but the most friendly games... being Blood Bowl that would mean playable in all games as Blood Bowl players seem awesome lol
  24. S2D With a mix of Chosen and Varanguard and lead by the true Everchosen SLAMBO!
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