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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I think with the Grand Alliances are actually a really nice concept that could be expanded upon in interesting ways. Namely I think with the introduction of Auxiliaries the ally system can be reworked to make Grand Alliances important and also allow armies to ally outside of their Alliances. I think that allies should be allowed to be taken from any army in your grand alliance no matter how much they hate each other to represent a shared goal despite antagonism. However, I feel like Auxiliaries can only exist between armies with shared history and cultures but can exist independent of Grand Alliances. I also think that Grand Alliances really should make their way into a more cohesive set of allied games. Even if it was a small as sharing a grand alliance you can choose to share command points.
  2. @MitGas@Twisted Firaun Tzeentch is one of my favourites usually vying for top spot of the pantheon... But this is how I like to take my Chaos: Why worship one God when you can try and supplant all four? -Slambo! Plus we all serve Tzeentch's machinations in the end, from the holy armies of Chaos to the lowliest heretics of Stormcast.
  3. So many good options... but there are two that are ties as my absolute favourites: And runner up the entire Nighthaunt Range!
  4. I have convinced my cousin to play them as he played Dwarves in Fantasy and he is 100 percent on board... now I just need to make some inter dimensional balrogs for them to fight. Part of me is also considering scratching my Malerion itch with some dark elf space pirates to try and loot the Asteroid Mines of the Leagues. I would give them classic sci-fi green skin though... but now we are veering even further off topic in a great way lol
  5. I only know one place in my city that has either currently... I am also a roll with the punches kind of person though so I am not in a huge rush and I am clearly just trying to get out of my friends peer pressuring me to play 40k hahaha
  6. Okay, I feel like i have to get the Slaanesh and Tzeentch Start Collecting before they are gone and then mix them with the Khorne Combat Patrol and get a quick undivided army.. Nurgle seems completely gone from my area. although part of me wants to go Wrath and Rapture style and get Khorne and Slaanesh as enemies under Be'Lakor... Flesh hounds have always been my favourite daemons. Either way my 40k army will be a sneaky 4th AOS army mixed with some Chaos Knights. Either way excited about the new box also to get my new Chaos Spawn and random mutants aka Accursed Cultists.
  7. Before we get Malerion we got actual Squats... so I think we'll get both beforehand. I am pretty sure at this rate we will get Tomb Kings before the edge lord leaves the shadows
  8. Amazing piece hooefully we get something soon. I know it is even more unrelated But I always imagined Melkor/Morgoth to have a similar silhouette in the Silmarillion. I will likely never collect the new shadow elves but I so badly want them to be a thing just to see their models and read their Lore. Also between the Spirit of Durthu, Avatar of Khaine, Eidelon and the Light of Eltharion... I am really hopeful for a Malus Darkblade reimagining!
  9. GW Facebook Team: "In the dark" you'll want to stay tuned for our exciting new announcements! TGA: Malerion Confirmed @Whitefang sad react
  10. I was so sad that the Anvil of Apotheosis was not included in the core rules. I think it needs some tweaks and simplifications to make it balanced and also intuitive for friendly games but it is so fun and adds more flavour to the game.
  11. Tzeentch is one of my favourite Chaos Gods but when I see the art I almost forget about the others! That is fantastic!
  12. I have just convinced two friends to start playing on the rules being free today! I love warcry and can never find players so this is exciting news! Let the madness begin!
  13. I keep imagining that Oxyotl will be featured in the lore like Archaon and Be'Lakor as a major hero that is too powerful to be in Warcry but has a dedicated warband...My big hope is that Oxyotl will feature in the narrative as an opposition for Morghur at the climax of the Era of beasts! I am really gambling a lot on two factions barely featured in this edition of Warhammer but i keep hoping they are being saved for a reason!
  14. I have honestly thought Oxyotl would fit in Warcry since the announcement of the system for that reason. I was really hoping for a faction of Chamelon Skinks stalking the eightpoints under command of their ancient captain! But using that concept in Ghur is even better Oxyotl can be AOS' version of the Predator! Is that how Kill Team is working I feel like we will have a similar structure for these boxes... but I really hope you are right!
  15. Darn I was hoping they'd be in a set fighting ogors... can't win 'em all I guess!
  16. Isn't that what Alpha Legion is? Also Morathi for Baroness!
  17. Yeah I think leaving her as is makes her feel unique in a beasts army like a different form of atavism than the rest which always seems fitting for sorcerers to look unique especially with Chaos were the winds of magic impact the character's differently.
  18. Those Familiars are fantastic! Will I get Warhammer Plus for such amazing critters? Also smart choice on giving the sorcerer some hooves and horns as it would make a decent bray shaman. Also looks like we have our bone player and staff rumour engines confirmed.
  19. Thanks I am doing very well so far but it did occur during an unfortunate time for my job. I am also a day behind my partner and she seems a little worse today setting my expectations for tomorrow. I am hoping we get a reveal of a potential Deamon Vanaguard/Combat Patrol as I am feeling Be'Lakor right now and would like to have some daemons to play around with in AOS and 40k
  20. I am excited at the prospect of a new big preview. Hopefully we get some more dedicated Age of Sigmar reveals although I am so excited about Warcry that I kind of just want to see the next set that I cannot afford. But all I can think is why couldn't it be this weekend? After this whole pandemic Nurgle senpai finally noticed me and gifted me with his blessings... 🤒 Really could have used the pick me up! Oh well I shouldn't be so selfish I am getting my big chaos fix soon enough.
  21. Cog Forts will come before Malerion... so maybe in a decade 😒
  22. Valkia, Slaves to Darkness releases, new Khorne, Seraphon rumour engine.... possible Ogors in Warcry! Everything is coming up Neverchosen... now give us Beasts of Chaos, Malerion and Chaos Dwarves and I will shut up.
  23. I mean we do share a love of Ogors! Also my least favourite of the Chaos Gods puts Khorne head and Shoulders above most armies haha. I actually think my love of Undivided might influnce my taste somewhat as I feel like Khorne feels a little to similar to my standard Chaos Army... of course painting my Chaos Warriors red probably did not help matters much at all. 😈 As an aside I even began attempting a colour scheme for World Eaters with Bone armour: And Goblin green base just because... so less of a dislike of Khorne and more just a feeling that Khorne is too close to what I currently collect.
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