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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I feel like the easiest solution is to lock it to shared base size? I doubt they'd go that direction but it seems simple but would mean my Chaos Lord on Karkadrak will be the odd one out
  2. Hmm, this is a tricky one. I think it is going to be one of those gorging Tyranid creatures from the 10th edition trailer with tentacle faces.
  3. Haha, your kind words are making me look at the rough plans I had to make an in universe Gods of the Realms tome in the vein of Gods of Pegana. As it would be composed and written from the perspective of an in universe Mortal Academic GW could contradict anything while also providing an account for new players and other authors to reference. But as stated previously I lack the technical skill to produce such a work. I had put a lot of thought into destruction particularly as I think that it requires the most explanation and exploration. My hope was for the author to express simultaneous doubt about GorkamMorka's existence ,while also acknowledging that there must be a powerful spiritual force inspiring the Legends... but questioning if it could truly manifest. One must assume a theologain with an interest in Anthropology likely never saw a green foot manifest from the clouds to stomp on some poor unsuspecting order army. This way GW can have their cake and eat it too, with Gork and Mork as simultaneously a significant god that may manifest to their believers and take part in the history of the realms... but also keep such a powerful force that is abstract and mystical while opening up the Destruction Tribes to new and varied Gods/Godbeasts to worship and field. In other words GorkaMorka can fulfill a massively important Meta role within the cosmology of the realms as a mysterious God that inspires worship and doubt.
  4. You want some amazing Chaos Spawn or an insect based Beast of Chaos Army or even some wild looking Spites to proxy for Kurnoth Hunters, I think these will fit the bill! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/04/10/the-hive-mind-finds-clandestine-new-ways-to-eat-its-enemies-with-the-von-ryans-leaper/
  5. I am glad you enjoyed my idea, I also think it puts Gorkamorka in a fun position of an almost mythic hero that has somehow been involved with these beings.
  6. I feel like the actual starter is completely unknowable with all the rumours swirling around. My personal guess is the rumored armies are the ones that I think might end up getting support in the way of models and each time someone catches wind of a potential army it is suspected they will share the headline box. So far I have heard the following candidates for the starter set: Kislev, Cathay, Tomb Kings, Brettonians, Beatmen, Chaos, Empire, Orcs and Goblins. Personally I feel like the Tomb Kings and Brettonians making the most sense. Honestly, I can imagine all of those barring 'Chaos' getting support with Chaos having mutual support with AOS. I do think it would be so dope if they used Old World and HH to release new Daemons.
  7. I would love some named Ogor units to lead the tribes and also add more narrative potential to the best destruction faction. Personally, I want to see Jorhar as the God(beast) of Winter. A Massive Frozen Skeltal Bear with icicles protruding from the gaping hole in its chest from whence spreads the colds of winter across the mortal realms searching for its lost heart. Much like Kragnos it would be available to all destruction factions but is the patron god of the Beastclaw raiders. But this just fits my desire of destruction gaining a pantheon of gods based on natural disasters.
  8. That was my precise hope to have the book(s) be a controversial text within the diegetic setting of the Mortal Realms. Different scholars might view the work as a good scholarly source to learn about other cults and gods, but each would likely view it as fundamentally flawed when discussing their own faith. Also a certain mistrust regarding claims about the bizarre nature of the Dark Powers, or delusional cryptic references about Olde Ones from a bygone world. Having the prologue/epilogue mention that the texts exist in most academies and libraries across the realms, but making reference to how rare it is to have complete unaltered versions of the texts. I would keep the author anonymous so that i can include accusations of the authorship within footnotes of the text. But for my own purposes, I imagined the author to be a Kharadron Anthropologists that kept their name off the title due to the culture's mistrust of the gods, the reason that so many were accused of authoring the text is due to the true author using various individuals as sources for their text. But above all it would permit the idea of including a natural way to expand upon the pantheon of gods while also keeping the primary gods as central like the Olympians. But overall, it was a silly notion I had and no ability to actually execute.
  9. That sounds fantastic and reminds me of a series of works I was tinkering with before abandoning based around the Gods of Pegana by Lord Dunsany Just expanding on the myths and legends of the Mortal Realms from the perspective of an inhabitant. But I lacked the elevated prose stylings to really convey that mystical/mythological kind of story telling. It did give me lots of fun narrative ideas for my own setting and beliefs and stories that would be shared in the beliefs of my armies. It was a fun project that I wanted to split into four titles covering the Grand Alliances. Order - Introducing the Eight Gods of the Realms and the Demi-Gods and different beliefs of various Order aligned cultures Chaos - An investigation of the strange abstract pantheon that includes Daemons and abstract Gods. Death - A closer look at Nagash and the Mortarchs, with a section on the whispered Gods of Death. Destruction - An exploration of the Animistic faiths of the Destruction tribes and how they tie to the many myths of Gorkamorka. I was planning on having each story include an introduction and postscript by Sigmarite priests denouncing the books as heretical, and slowly reveal more about the author as a student of the arcane akin to Faust. Just to try and introduce a little more narrative structure for readers. But the overall goal being to add a little more mysticism back into the setting by showing more of a worms eye view of the gods. But I think your idea is much more interesting and could be used to tell broader stories that would expand the scope of AOS in fantastic and interesting ways. I could almost see my idea being subsumed into this greater project.
  10. It's like the plot of a medieval fantasy version of a Beckett play.
  11. It is funny, I am vocally not a big fan of Space Marines. But between tenth on the horizon and starting a small Necron Force I decided to get some Space Marines for pick up games and just to build and paint. My opinion on them has only shifted insofar as I can say the Primaris proportions are much more aesthetically pleasing than Space Marines of my childhood. Overall they still feel like the same thing repeated into an entire army with little distinction, it is as my earlier post indicated they are simply always wearing a new hat. I don't understand how there are like 40 variants of the same theme, and yet CSM seem to fill the same roles with like half the models despite Chaos having unending possibilities with mutations and demonic possessions at their disposal. I have seen 40k fans level this charge at SCE and I get it to a small degree as their are some recurring elements and themes upon release particularly with their infantry. But the different cavalry, monsters and weapon types are much more visually distinctive. I know people can tell the difference between a Bolter, Lasgun, Flammer, Plasma pistol and 30 other fictional forms of gun at a glance, but to me they are signifiers without a referent. Whereas a Spear, Hammer, bow, and Sword I can immediately see the difference between. I suppose you could argue that the Vehicles of the space marines add variety but they are almost all very boring boxes with guns. As opposed to Dragons, Chariots, Angels, Gryphons, and an ugly Goat Pegasus that was hit in the face with a frying pan... aka the best one!
  12. I have said it a million times and will say it a million more:
  13. Ghur is associated with Gorkamorka, and also the Era of the beasts kicked off with the reveal of a new Destruction God so I think that it is less the Beasts and more the setting and narrative that tie this edition so readily to destruction. Personally my hope was for each faction to have a focus on their more bestial armies with Beasts of Chaos, Skaven, Daughters of Khaine, Seraphon, Idoneth Deepkin, Sylvaneth (Kurnoth), Ogor Mawtribes (BCR), Orruk Warclans, Soulblight Gravelords and Flesh Eater Courts getting some much needed attention this edition. Of that list, only Orruk Warclans, Seraphon and Sylvaneth got any big releases and Sylvaneth did not get any new Kurnoth units.
  14. Ghal Maraz is the titular Warhammer after all. I did like when they warned us not to leave it out in moonlight.
  15. My hope is that Yndrasta and her troops are besieged by Kruelboyz and Kragnos so they go to find an ancient ally in the Great Hunter Kurnoth and in doing so find out he has been hunting the great beast Morghur. Eventually Morghur and Kragnos come into conflict and Yndrasta gets caught in between Meanwhile in the underground of Ghur; Duardin, Skaven, Gnoblars and the ghosts of the dead fight for lost holds, mines, caverns and dungeons. Grombrindal reveals himself and his search for the ancestor gods on behalf of his patron Grungi. We will also have check in on the Dawn Bringer Crusades as a means of investigating the state of the various realms. The Ghur Dawnbringers bringing a human perspective on the central conflict. Finally as the doors of Azyr break open from a victorious Kragnos, a wounded Morghur escapes the collective effort of Kurnoth, Yndrasta and Kroak, the chains of Slaanesh once more rattle. Finally Malerion decides that the time of isolationist rule has ended. Sigmar has proven his failure to lead the Gods and the lord of Shadows emerges to bring a stricter form of Order to the realms!
  16. I want to know how bone tithe rebate works? Do they just send back a finger bone of Great Grandma?
  17. My hope is for a focus on siege experts but as the Sacrosanct Chamber had the Ordinator and Ballista I would also hope it would not be at the exclusion of some fun infantry, cavalry and monsters. But yes I just think that Siege warfare opens up so many options for both offensive and defensive unit types, scenarios and playstyles. Even if they are slightly more effective in a parallel ruleset. I also think that it gives GW a chance to make some really cool terrain and let hobbyists go wild in their own interpretation of how to imagine the defensible terrain of their armies. With that in mind I think that my Ogors will just do what they have always done and rush their mounts headfirst into a fortress and then proceed to punch and kick it until they are the only thing left... but I somehow loose on Objective points.
  18. It is strange I am fairly indifferent to what type of armour the Stormcast wear, only that a Stormhost other than the Hammers of Sigmar get some love. Also I hope they open a new chamber preferably the Runiation Chamber as a chamber focused on siege weapons and then we get improved siege rules for AOS. I have said it before and I will say it again, a list of building types (wall, house, gate, keep, tower) with stats built around different materials (wood, stone, steel, arcane) would be easy to implement. Plus siege mechanics would open up a lot of the ranges that GW is struggling with: Ironjawz with a Grond styled battering ram, Fyreslayers with Pyroclastic rock munitions, siege towers on Idoneth crabs. Like Boarding Actions it could be a series of companion rules.
  19. I was a little conflicted regarding my choices for Death and Destruction. I feel like Chaos and Order have clear poster factions, but despite the love given to Orruks in the lore I feel like Gloomspite get more attention from fans. Similarly I feel like OBR were kind of set up to be a poster faction but the love from GW seems to be more on their treacherous cousins although Nighthaunt are a serious contender. With that in mind it would mean that we could get a slight break in releases from Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness as Destruction and Death would have more of a chance to share the spotlight in terms of big boxes.
  20. I know people might not like this idea but with the 4 grand alliances having a Poster faction that takes the place of one of the armies in each edition's starter set and then rotate facing off against a less supported faction would be a nice possible solution. I could see GW using these as the primary faction for each Grand Alliance although I could easily see cases for other factions: Order - Stormcast Chaos - Slaves to Darkness Destruction - Orruk Warclans Death - Soulblight This way they can have a focus on big iconic armies and continue to support the smaller ones with a major release while also avoiding having a single army become Space Marines 2.0. I never understood why in 40k they did not at the very least switch between Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines with each edition.
  21. Oh please tell me this will be real... GW terrain typically falls beyond my budget but this would be worth at least a cheap box (assuming there are various sets of different costs) or a Warcry terrain set if those are coming back
  22. I have been waiting for Maneaters to make my decision on Bloodbowl vs Updated Maneaters. But City Ogors feel like they might easily fit the role. I have a Beastclaw army so Maneaters are the best themeatic fit for Infantry based Ogors for my army.
  23. I would also add the community (although smaller and more niche) is extremely open, positive and overall showcases a ton of excitement. One claw and we will foam at the mouth for Flesh Eater Courts, Beats of Chaos, Chaos Dwarves or the often rumoured Silent Vampirates of Umbraneth! I am dipping my toes into 40k but it is weird how much less excited people have seemed over a range refresh of one of the coolest factions in their entire game than we are over an old dwarf reading battletomes. I do see the systems converging bit by bit and the old grudges getting buried. All of this to say, I just finished a yearlong work contract and built my backlog of Stormcast Eternals and I am really excited to have time to paint them! Soon they will join my Slaves to Darkness and Ogors in loosing matches against my much more capable friends!
  24. So according to @Whitefang's hints what is in and out for CoS going forward? Also I am very interested if we will start seeing square bases in certain boxes when Old World drops as I think the new Seraphon and recent S2D releases seem very likely to have cross play between the two systems... am I hoping for Beasts of Chaos release with square bases in 4th... maybe...
  25. I say stick with them as proxies they are great models and you put the time and effort into them! Plus there is something thematic about Phoenix rising up for a second life.
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