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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I wonder if we will get an Oghram style campaign. I feel like even the most ardent Stormcast Fan would want to give the other army the win as AOS fans seem to really like to share the love within the community. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/07/07/global-battle-situation-report-the-end-draws-near/
  2. I am 100 percent down for this if it results in naval battles and halflings that are too small for me to paint.
  3. Lies and slander, Chaos Dwarves are objectively the most popular faction. My data taken from TGA Rumour thread is as scientific as any sales figures! Next your going to tell me that Vampirates are not going to be in a starter set with Silent People! Or that the Malerion vs Kurnothi Warcry Set is not being announced any day now... Leaked Box art for 4th edition:
  4. I am excited for this set, I hope it is at a slightly more entry level cost than the other sets but the terrain is great and I am up for adding some heroes to my Stromcast and giving my friend some vampires and terrain. He did get us Leviathan to split and this might be a fun surprise in return.
  5. The things that popped into my head were Ogor Gorgers and Flesh Eater Courts.
  6. Lots and lots of Space Marines in this preview haha. Cities of Sigmar: Loving the sculpts so much and that hero is amazing, as much as I want to make a deathly city just painting these in my own heraldry seems really rewarding and fantastic. Marshals: we have seen these before and they continue to impress and will allow for a varied builds and I expect to see so many unique takes on these heroes. Alchemite Warforger looks great and like a fun and characterful model though seems like an unwieldily thing to carry onto the battlefield. Free-guild, so many great and diverse head sculpts and varied body types makes me so excited to see more of their lore and see people develop stories around them. Love the inclusion of the priest Cavaliers, I am a sucker for some cavalry. Lioness of the Parch: That is a centre piece and what a Manticore can’t wait to see it take down my learning chaos manticore. Horus Heresy: I have a Chaos Knight army that I still need to build (Magnets are still beyond my skill set), and possibly one day I will be able to afford to add these. I think it is also a sign that bigger Garments may one day arrive. Underworlds: Plaguepack: Vile Secret of NHIM. Every new Skaven model shows how amazing the Skaven refresh will be. I think these look great and really fun. If rumours for 4th edition prove true than the Skaven half will look amazing. Warcry: Monsta-Killaz: These are so dope, love that hero and the baboons… the clutter grot and the monkey’s can easily make their way into Critters and Keys! I was sad they didn't announce a new boxset or season. Old World: Now I am caught between the Bretonnians and the Cities of Sigmar. If I do make a cities army I feel like some Bretonnians will make their way into it. I feel like Old World will be a bit too costly for me though so I am still leaning towards Cities. Legions Imperialis: Looks really neat, makes me hold out hope that we can see a similar epic scale for Old World some day down the line. I do think if I get into a game of this scale I might try a historical game instead.
  7. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! It is all in the Eyes of the Gods now, here's hoping I roll for Dark Apothosis rather than spawndom. I am going into to tomorrow's preview rather blind, so I am really looking forward to the reveals of course I am still unbelievably hyped for more Cities and rumours about rats. But I am most excited to see any news about my personal favourite game system Warcry. Also I can't wait for them to straight up troll us by kicking things off with a regular Space Marine Lieutenant for Horus Heresy as opposed to a Primaris Lieutenant...
  8. I just had a job interview yesterday: if I get the job the reveal will be nothing that I am interested in personally, if I don't get the job I will immediately want to start a new army.
  9. Okay, how have they not revealed this terrain officially yet. It looks so great and can be so easily adapted for siege mechanics or just more robust terrain rules in general. Finally I feel like it will be of interest to Old World, Middle Earth, HH and 40k fans... so just give it to us!
  10. Considering that they are doing HH reveals I bet you that Space Marines will have more models revealed than Old World and yet they will still be salty! Either it is 40k or Choas Dwarfs are using much more advanced weaponry than their Hobgrot allies.
  11. So as someone that just started their journey into 40k, I cannot tell you how hyped I am at a preview with no 40k! Old World, AOS lets go! Give me some beasts on square bases and I am in!
  12. This is likely covered elsewhere but I just went through some images for the leaked Crypt of blood and I noticed it was a snowy board... it made me curious if we know if the next Warcry season will also be set in Andtor? It would go nicely with my snowy army themes.
  13. You are much too kind, this simply just came out of my fervent belief that each grand alliance should have an army of duardin. However, I am 100% on board with having more diverse representation of death (and chaos) of all the races of the mortal realms, Dried up Dryads, Obliterated Ogors, Expired Aelves, Killed Kroxigors, Deceased Duardin and even Gone Gryph-hounds.
  14. I still hope that we get a death option for Duardin that is something more unique and ceremonial to separate them from the skeletons and zombies. I keep thinking some kind of mobile stone terracotta/sarcophagus-golems would be really cool. Just little broken pieces showing the skeletal remains of the Duardin inside. I think it could be the basis of a unit within any death army or the basis of a unique death faction. If the latter I think it would be cool to have the army have distinctive subfactions dedicated to Gazul and Nagash, primarily to show that there are other Gods of Death but that Nagash continues to try and monopolize on the dead for his Skeletor Ambitions.
  15. Starting to realize that between Cities Ogors joining my Mawtribes and using my Stormcast as Auxiliaries maybe a City Army is less unrealistic than I first thought... although still a long way off! Now if I run the men at arms as Marauders I would be waisting money not playing this army!
  16. Looks like i found my maneaters! I am also getting closer and closer to building a city army and my lack of money and space is getting scarier and scarier lol
  17. I think these would be fantastic! Ogor characters are always so rich and characterful in terms of sculpts and lore. I would also love to see Jorhar as the next Destruction deity. An undead god-bear with icicle protrusions from where Baergut removed its heart. Like Kragnos it could lead any destruction army but have ties to Ogor Mawtribes and particularly Beastclaw Raiders. I am still hoping that we get manifestations of disasters for the Gods of Destruction and blizzards would make a nice follow up to earthquakes.
  18. I really want to get into Malifaux... I have some 40k projects with some friends, then I can make my band of magi cslinging undead steam punk cowpokes...? I admittedly know nothing about Malifaux other than the models are amazingly up my alley.
  19. Glad you enjoyed the joke, I often feel guilty as I play 3 factions (S2D, SCE and Ogors) and all of them are spoilt for choice when it comes to models. We need some nice pristine buildings for your Gargants to crush, and my Stonehorn/Thundertusks to smash! I hope the Dawnbringers books introduce some actual siege mechanics. I still think developing a profile for buildings based around the basic type of building (wall, fortress, gate etc.) and material (wood, rock, steel, elemental etc.) could lead to some cool and easily adaptible rules for any type of terrain piece. Possibly have the type of building represent the number of wounds and the material represent its save/resistance to damage? But I also hope we get an equivalent for boarding actions to represent city streets, dungeons and mines and I also think a season of nautical warcry terrain and rules would be amazing... so I guess I am just interested in varied battles lol.
  20. As much as I am excited for the potential Neave reveal and more cities I am weirdly just wanting an update on the potential City terrain... and I don't think I will use it for my own collection. I just want to see it in batreps and for it to appear at my LGS.
  21. Oh deeper sea creatures could also introduce a lower caste of deep sea dwellers that even the Idoneth view as legend, soulless aelven mutants that arrive in secret with more fishlike appearance lead by cephalopod-headed horrors. --- Although I would much rather AOS, I think between this and the possible Kroot Rumour engine I am thinking it would be really cool to get a fully fledged Tau Auxiliary army to flesh out minor Xenos in 40k.
  22. Chaos Dwarf hats are a getting pretty wild in the Mortal Realms! I am thinking this could be something Tyranid or Idoneth related?
  23. I know we were hoping for new Cities models today, but I for one am excited for our new Scuttle Trog!
  24. Warcom: We are excited to reveal the upcoming range of Skaven with AOS 4.0 updating all of the previous resin kits and some choice plastic kits. Certain units are too iconic and still hold up too well to be updated so you can continue to purchase the much loved Nightrunner models for Clan Eshin:
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