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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Okay, this is a huge pet peeve of mine. Why on earth did GW not make Tyranids a species in Warhammer Fantasy (or update in the move to Age oF Sigmar) and give each unit the ability to be built without silly bio-weapons? Similarly why on earth did they not give Seraphon a sprue of cool crystaline blaster weapons for some sci-fi goodness. The fact that Demons are the only faction that can truly work in both has always irked me when Giant Insects and Star Lizards could easily join them in crossing between Science fiction and fantasy.
  2. How it feels waiting for a new model today:
  3. My friend offered me the Space Marine side of Leviathan and despite thinking the models are fairly cool and well sculpted looking at how to build it out into an army is just such a headache. As the tanks are all boxes but cannot all work with every unit, some models are locked to chapters but also everything can be run with generic space marine rules. Somehow. I am supposed to remember the difference between the various armour types but I can't tell Gravis from Phobos at a glance despite one being heavy and the other light... and somehow they are adding even more? Personally I cannot tell the difference between a First Born, Primaris and Horus Heresy miniature. There is also so much unit redundancy that it actually hurts my brain. Worse yet, I am suppose to be able to spot the difference between made up sci-fi guns from across the table. Like I cannot fathom how people keep track of this stuff, nor can I understand how anyone can build a list when any given unit has like 4 variants vying for the same battlefield role. I do like the theme and paint scheme I have devised for them, but I think I will trade my half of the box for hopefully chaos demons or cities of sigmar. Stormcast have this to a certain extent, but the signifiers are much clearer and the range is smaller. Thunderstrike armour creates a massively different silhouette, but the units are also armed fairly distinctly from each other. The Warrior Chamber models tend to be boring and generic making them easy to identify, Sacrosanct wear tabards and cary around weird crystal vials, Vanguard are hunters and wear pelts. Finally their mounts are distinctive fantasy creatures and their heroes are often easily identified as distinctly ornate or possessing angelic wings. I doubt that Stormcast will maintain even this level of distinction in the long run but I am very hopeful we never reach space marine saturation. I do think that Stormcast have the most annoying naming convention of all time where Paladins or Dracothian Guard with Hammers and Paladins with Axes have different unit names rather than simply Paladins or Dracothian Guard. I know I have complained about this many times but actually looking at Space Marines in depth has actually made it worse rather than better. Whereas starting Stormcast has really simplified my understanding of the army. Now back to rumours any idea when we will get future Warcry news? I still am very interested if the terrain is shifting to the Crypt of Blood and the Andtor setting or if that is just a one off for the new entry level starter set.
  4. I honestly hope they use the name Umbraneth... 😱
  5. Does the Blacktalon series hint at any artillery for the cities?
  6. I kind of liked the idea of Wanderers in Cities as they felt like a natural extension of the idea of a city not bound entirely within its walls. Namely that they can represent hunters and scouts as there would need to be outposts for the defence of a city in the mortal realms. I think this is even more true of the Dawn Bringers as their would need to be scouts and searchers to help find fertile lands and also find others if the company ever got separated upon being attacked. But I do get that does involve a bit of explanation as just having Robinhood elves hanging out in the city square might not look as good as say some more militarily styled dreadspears. I am also realizing that the old black dragon is sticking around so if I go cities I will likely go for a proxy and maybe look at Creature Caster or Dungeons and Lasers for a proxy. Also I would one hundered percent put a Duardin onto the Steam tank to give them a more prominent largerscale hero model as well.
  7. I am with you here, the Corsairs and Duardin look fantastic, and I am sad to see the Wanderers go. But at the same time most people are hoping for updates and luckily we have the old world so I assume people are expecting the models to have some level of availability. Personally I think that people will see how great these models look together once running mixed factions. Also there was so much redundancy between the Aelven ranges so luckily people will still be able to run their Phoniex Guard as Black Guard and their Phoniex's as Dragons. Honestly I am quite thankful how many models survived the culling.
  8. Secretive Chaos Cultist in Ulgu are going to be absolute fire. Morathi's flitartions with Slaanesh worship in the Old World the Secretive cults of Tzeentch in a world of courtly murders and intrigue, Khorne creating blood lust in imperialistic lords looking to take space beyond the realm, Nurgle sowing sickness deep in the shadows. Lets not forget the Great Horned Rat and his minions in the darkness beneath and the strange Bestial forms that can crop up in a land of perpetual shadow. But yes some spikey elves with a mirrored mask where you turn the mists into colourful Tzeentchian haze will look utterly amazing.
  9. Glad to finally get clarification, RIP Shadow Warriors/Sisters of Avalorn you were my favourite of the city Aelves. I do like that it settles that if I go through with my city plans that I can theme my force around a port city with Duardin roots, populated by humans, that hire mercenary aelven pirates, with a Stormkeep in the centre of the city.
  10. What about those of us in the frozen wastes of Andto... I mean Canada.
  11. I think we are pretty safe on that from what we have seen thus far. Expect winged monsters, strange shadow magic, mirror faces and strange geometry for Ulgu:
  12. It is funny, I love the edginess of Dark Elves. Michael Moorcock interpreted for goth teens and I am totally excited to see what is done with the God of Edgelords with mommy issues in AOS. Plus if we get the Light of Eltharion, the Spirit of Durthu, the Avatar of Khaine and the Eidolon of Mathlann... is there a chance that we will get the shade of the Darkblade? I think the thing about Dark Elves is that they are not relatable in anyway. I used to joke with my friends that if I won I'd be happy to have won a game but if my opponent won I was happy that they killed the fascistic slavers.
  13. Reminds me of the State Alchemists in Full Metal Alchemist, but in an older style.
  14. I know this is a little arbitrary but I am holding out so much hope that the artillery has an integrated crew to help emphasize the various types of fantasy races in the Cities range. Having a Duardin crew member and a human and Aelf head option for the other crew member(s) would just be so great. I feel like we will get just human or duardin crew and that is what I am expecting but it would just make me so excited to see better integration of such a cool and key element of why I love the cities of Sigmar!
  15. Well if it is a Flesh Eater, it could easily be an injured noble lord being carried gently to the tournament field to witness a friendly jousting match... when the reality is much. much more disturbing.
  16. It went okay but since I haven't heard back I think my user name ended up being unfortunately apt.
  17. Oh I was just making a joke about how often things that appear to be for a medieval fantasy end up as 40k from these rumour engines... hence the link I included. I am very confident this is FEC and it looks amazing!
  18. Okay that has to be Flesh Eater Courts... waits for reveal and it ends up being Blood Angels
  19. Funny part is that I am leaving it up to fate, I am planning on trading my half of Leviathan on Facebook and will be looking for demons or cities and which ever I get I will make my next project. I am leaning more towards demons as they will work alongside my Chaos knights and can be run in AOS and 40K. If I don't get any interested parties then I will be painting my Marines in rose colours (even found some cool waterslides for nails), and theming them as Dark Angel propagandists that act heroic to take the publics eyes away from their more nefarious wetworks operations... so the bases will be covered in skulls to juxtapose their heroic images lol
  20. If I run Cities I am really thinking I might lean into the Last Alliance side of things and mix in Aelves and Duaridn with Stormcast to make a true soup army and then make the Men at arms suitable Marauder proxies to really get the most out of the army from a hobby perspective while also saving some money in the end. I am learning 40k with Necrons so right now the idea of running any unit without a hero in it feels weird and I am looking at my Slaves to darkness and wondering would Varanguard get to lead knights and I am very excited about that possibility lol
  21. I think the most fascinating aspect of the cities reveal is that everyone has that one unit so far that feels a little strange, out of place or isn't up their alley. For me so far they have all been hits, but at the same time they retain that strange AOS feeling of the culturally uncanny... namely there is something just a little unfamiliar in terms of the cultural referent. An anachronistic element or a sign of high fantasy that abstract from the familiar. Stranger Critters for Critters and Keys on bases are a great example of how these break from the historical but also feel at home in medieval tapestry or manuscript or the manticore being typically associated with Chaos and destruction now a centrepiece for an order army is another way they challenge expectations. I actually think seeing these models contextualized by battle hardened Irobreakers and cut throat corsair mercenaries will make them look all the better. The second you see that massive Ogor standing behind a shield wall, the improvised turret will look much cooler as you realize the Ogor is providing the unit with muscle but also a higher vantage point of the battlefield. This makes me more hopeful that we will be able to combine heroes and individual models to units like in 40k for 4th edition.
  22. Maybe it is the black powder weaponry mixed with plate armour but they still feel fairly renaissance to me. I think a more vibrant scheme would help sell that idea though, and the lack of ruffs and pantaloons does make it a little less iconographically renaissance, but I don't think was necessarily standard to all fashion of the era, but I am no expert. http://myarmoury.com/images/features/pic_spanish02.gif Although maybe the point is that these are intended to be a little more anachronistic to allow people to paint their models to fit a more wider range of periods and themes?
  23. Wow, these are fantastic. I even wrote a short story involving what is in essence a Blackpowder squire for my friend's city of Sigmar Army experiencing the siege of a chaos army... so these totally hit home for me.
  24. Plural miniatures but singular reveal, my guess is that we are getting a unit previewed. Hope it is multiple reveals but I am expecting only one.
  25. I feel like a narrative focus on Ulgu would require a split focus with Hysh. In other words I feel like the Lumineth and Malerion will be at war as the Stormcast uncover a vast network of Skaven in the realm of shadows, gnawing away at Slaanesh's chains bringing the mortal realms to the brink of Disaster and Malerion, Morathi, Teclis and Tyrion are too single minded to see. Plus I want Stormcast in heavy coats, with golden face masks, truncheons and torches. A specialized Strike forces that are there to deal with plague, poison and nightmares... but also used to patrol the streets of Dawnbrought cities and raising suspicions on the Angelic Stormcast within these newly founded city states.
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