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Posts posted by Neverchosen

  1. I believe it is fairly obviously going to be an announcement for the upcoming 3rd edition with an Indomitus style box, featuring an epic conflict between Nagash's new Robotic Skeletons of Chamon and Sigmar's newly opened Primaris Space Marine Chamber. 

    I actually think that we might get a hint of an upcoming faction. I feel like with the delays from COVID the hype cycle has died down somewhat and having a silhouette or some other minor tease may occur. Although, I love Warcry and I am surprisingly excited about this new Death Warband for Underworlds. So I wouldn't be that upset if we don't get a hint of an upcoming faction.

  2. So to get things back on topic: there is something I have been meaning to ask related to Underworlds and new releases. A number of people see the release of certain Underworld factions as being potential hints for upcoming factions. I am just curious if this has any basis in past releases?

    I know that Zarbag's Gitz predated the release of Gloomspite and Godsworn Hunt predated Slaves to Darkness. However, both of these releases were still tied to legacy factions. So I am curious how long between the release of such Underworld warbands and the release of their respective battletomes? Also was there ever a case in the past like Skaeth's Wild Hunt, Rippa's Snarlfangs, and this upcoming undead faction in which the Underworld warbands felt so wildly idiosyncratic to preexisting factions?

    I am easily won over by rumours of Kurnothi and 
    Gitmob Grots/Grotbag Scuttlers due to the existence of these Warbands but I am curious if I am simply being foolish?

  3. I can't speak for anyone else but I think it would look fantastic. I do think you are posed with an interesting conundrum, do you make the Jezzails look high tech and sleek or do you beat them up and go low tech?  I think ether would work extremely well and I really hope you post the results 😁

    Also since it appears you play 40k, if you go high tech Skaven maybe you can proxy your Skaven as Ratlings for 40k or Killteam?

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  4. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Well blow me down mate that overturned Caravan idea is brilliant!! Damn that has me excited for something that doesnt exist!! Looks like I have a new hobby project!! 

    The Warclans Burroughs is another fantastic idea but I am 100% behind you with the modular terrain. I'd love the ability to make a massive fortress, I dont even play competitively and I'd still buy that kit up just for fun.

    Thanks, I feel like you are the only fan of my many awful ideas. I do believe that Destruction and scenery really go hand in hand and I was quite sad when Orruk Warclans did not get a unique piece. 

    I feel that the key to a modular fortress is to sell it in various pieces that function individually but also allow players the option to expand their fortress according to their own gaming needs. If someone wants a single tower or even just a single wall to defend that would allow for a mini siege scenario and not be overtly cost prohibitive. On the flip-side someone else could create a massive multitiered castle with layers upon layers of walls, gates and towers. I think that many of GW's former attempts at fortresses were too large or cost prohibitive; whereas this idea would allow people to build to their own comfort level. Furthermore, people really enjoy using their own scenery so hopefully the rules would permit some permeation and allow people to use their custom pieces. But as I stated including the tower in a starter set would be great start as it would incentivize people to purchase from GW to create a more unified castle. Which I think would be the best of both worlds as it would not penalize people while also encouraging them to purchase from the company. It also allows a natural expansion for most armies as they would require some combination of siege engines, flyers, wall scaling units or heavy hitters to batter down gates.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    In the future potentially every Faction could have a piece of Scenery. What Scenery would you like to see for which Faction? 

    Personally I'd love to see a massive Gargant encampment ramshackle hut. Or a massive wooden throne made from felled trees roughly hewn together.

    I feel this warrants its own thread. Here are my initial ideas with no thought towards balance or gameplay:

    Chaos: S2D: I think a chaos realmgate showcasing their control over the Eightpoints would be cool. It could function similarly to the baleful realmgates. Or maybe it permits the summoning of a single demon unit depending on the mark of your general (Furies, Horrors, Bloodletters, Deamonettes, Plaguebearers).
    DoT: This one is hard, but something mutated and strange. I keep on settling on an obelisk with tentacles and eyes. Obvious effect would be to increase spells but I would like it to have a chance of changing dying heroes into chaos spawn like with Gavespawn.

    Death: LoN: I think getting an actual piece of scenery to represent their Gravesites would be great.
    Nighthaunt: Maybe an ethereal gallows or some such. Any unit slain nearby gives a chance of healing a certain amount of wounds, as the enemy spirits are sent to hang instead of the nighthaunt?

    Destruction: Warclans: I feel a ramshackle bunker that could be garrisoned would be neat (kinda like the burrow in warcraft 3). 
    SOB: I think an overturned caravan with trapped survivors for a potential meal would be great. Functionally similar to a mawpot but with the giants having to physically go there to grab a snack to heal.

    Order: Cities of Sigmar: A Brewery with Bugman signs. It would could be garrisoned and maybe provide a chance to heal, maybe on a roll of one they become inebriated and get a minus one to hit.
    Daughters of Khaine: A sacrificial alter you could sacrifice units for benefits to spell casting and prayers
    KO: Some kind of port to allow ships to repair.
    Realm lords: An Aetherquartz rock (shaped like a cow). It will could allow a replenishment of Aetherquartz once per-battle?
    Stormcast: I think that some kind of religious icon like a statue of Sigmar that benefited prayers would be sensible.

    Neutral: But above all I want some reasonable siege mechanics and a modular set of towers and walls to create a small fortress or even have the towers be defensible on their own. I have argued before and will again this would be a really neat inclusion in the next starter set to encourage learning a new set of siege rules and encourage players to buy modular scenery that would fit with the starter set without being draconian and preventing players from using homemade scenery. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, NeoSoul said:

    Basically, I'm just wondering what GW's approach to try to balance the different armies is.  I know video games aren't exactly the same but to make a comparison still, some companies tend to heavily nerf the top contenders, others will try to mostly buff up the underdog ones and then you have others that do both at the same time.

    I somehow missed this post before posting my response.

    Games Workshop's typical approach to updates works through editions and army's individual battletomes. We are currently in the second edition of Age of Sigmar and all of the armies have updated battletomes. When Games Workshop creates a new edition it will usually go through the various armies and eventually update the individual battletomes. They also will look at the units point costs and update them to help counteract the inevitable powercreep that occurs through the lifespan of an edition. In cases of poor wording or broken mechanics they will create an errata to help better balance the battletomes. These point updates and erratas are published online for free. There are also additional books like the annually published Generals Handbook and various campaign books that may include additional rules and updates but typically function more as supplements as opposed to replacements.  

    The nice thing about AOS is that the core rules, warscrolls/unit profiles, and the points for every unit are uploaded online. Although, owning the battletome will give you rules for your specific faction and some other key mechanics like magical items and battalions and is an irreplaceable resource; it is still possible to play some basic games just using the core rules and provided warscrolls. 

    Regarding the lack of centrepiece for Ossiarchs: Mortek Crawlers, Katakros and Gothizzar Harvesters are all very impressive looking on the tabletop.

    Also it is possible to play a pure Mortal Nurgle army (although some demons for summoning are always handy), and to play Slaves to Darkness without using the older less appealing models (I assume you are talking about the old Marauders). 

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  7. Welcome Neosoul.

    I have noticed that a number of your questions have been answered already so I thought I would jump in and mention some of my own experiences in re-entering the hobby. Overall, I have found the community really open and welcoming which is a relief as I am a fairly shy and unassuming person. Do not freak out about playing 2000 point battles right away, as smaller battles will let you focus on the rules and slowly building your army. Also, Warcry is a really fun and rewarding game system with a much lower cost of entry. I think watching Battle Reports on youtube can really help you learn the rules and discover more about the different play styles of different armies.

    I think that the three armies you chose are all fantastic options and fit the rule of cool.

    I play Slaves to Darkness and it is a very straight forward army that also allows you to build up and move into other chaos factions as their models are useable by most other chaos armies. So you can add your chaos warriors and knights into a Maggotkin of Nurgle army without relying on Grand Alliance Chaos. I feel like Slaves to Darkness is also a good bet just in case any of the other God specific factions grow on you through exposure to playstyle and lore. I am constantly debating which direction to move my Slaves to Darkness as I want to eventually expand them into a specific God focused army. (Slaanesh is my favourite but it is also sadly one of the most problematic armies, which is making me lean towards Tzeentch or Nurgle).

    Maggotkin on their own are a fantastic range with really cool rules. They are very durable and fairly straightforward in terms of playstyle. I think that they are also cool as they allow you to include Skaven, Beasts of Chaos and Slaves to Darkness models to varying degrees without breaking your allegiance. In this regard I feel they are the most holistic of the god specific factions. 

    Ossiarchs are really cool and have amazing rules, but their rules seem a little more idiosyncratic and may have a slightly higher learning curve. Do not let this dissuade you from the army as they are competitively very strong and have an amazing model range. They will eventually get a start collecting set, but as they are a relatively new army it may take a little time. Some of their models are useable in Legions of Nagash without breaking allegiances, but it is not as open an exchange as between Slaves to Darkness and Maggotkin of Nurgle.

    Also in terms of cost of entry: Start Collecting sets are all very good value and for some armies just buying start collecting sets is enough to get you a fast and inexpensive playable army.  Every year they release Battleforces which tend to be the best value for your collection but they only release a limited number of battleforces and for only a handful of armies (typically 4). There are also lots of places that trade and sell armies second hand that will save you some money, but often require more work if you are interested in the hobby side and making sure that the army is personalized. 

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  8. 7 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:

    Have there been many rumors about this? I hadn't heard any.

    It mostly seems to be idle speculation, largely fuelled by Blackstone Fortress winding down and rumour engine pictures that appear to be for already established armies. This has lead to speculation that there might be a new Warhammer Quest game primarily focused on undead but it is just as likely that these are models from Warcry or Underworlds.

    I wasn't hoping to fan the flames regarding this speculation. I was simply curious if the people who were speculating or hoping for a new Quest game saw this as proof for or against. Sorry, for any confusion I may have caused. 

  9. I wonder if Crypt Hunters hurts or helps the rumours of a new AOS Warhammer Quest game? 

    On the one hand it seems like it will be made redundant by a new Warhammer Quest and it also uses none of the models from the recent rumour engine pictures. On the other hand it could be a simplified gateway project that will hopefully draw more board game enthusiasts towards GW. It does fit close to the undead theme I have seen people speculate on for a new WHQ, and it does have a cool tile set that might even be transferable between the two game systems. Either way, it appears to be an interesting product but one I will likely have to pass on personally.

  10. 5 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

    My very random predictions for battleforces:

    OBR, Slaanesh, Fyreslayers, Mawtribes and a dark horse candidate of Cities of Sigmar.

    I would be happy for literally any of those choices. 

    I would love it if the battleforces were able to provide the option to help build something with greater unit diversity than what is available in the start collecting sets. So I think a Mawtribes box focusing on Gutbusters or a Cities box focusing on Freeguild, Wanderers or Ironweld would be all be really cool options.

  11. So I have been thinking about the inclusion of terrain in the new 9th edition 40k Start Collecting Box and it made me think of AOS and the possible content of a 3rd edition box. I feel like GW included the terrain as a means of encouraging players to learn the brand new and really interesting terrain rules. I am one of the people who is looking forward to the possibility of more refined siege rules in AOS and for those rules to be really expanded in 3rd edition. Then it occurred to me, what if we end up having a small watchtower or small walled gatehouse in the starter set, but somewhat fewer models?

    They could initially do a push of a collectors box like Indomitus before shifting to the starter set to allow people a chance to quickly build the starter armies. Personally I think this would be a fun incentive to buy the starter sets even for players not directly interested in the armies provided. However, people may not be happy with fewer models. Also if they took inspiration from 40k, the smaller sets with cardboard scenery may be less than impressive.

    Presumably it would be themed around a defender and attacker. I think the obvious lore choices would be Stormcast vs. Orruk Warclans, but I think that making it Duardin vs Grots might be really cool and lower the amount of plastic in the box.  I know that this is not likely to happen and if terrain were included it would likely be some ruins—but I think a siege of Azyr Starter Set would be amazing.

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  12. 1 hour ago, RedMax said:

    Not really a rumour, but I just notice that some battletome did not get theire FaQ translated.

    I think it may have been a mistake done during upload of the FaQ, but after checking other language, it appear the both Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans dont have any translation for last FaQ (07/20/2020).

    Is it possible it to be a first sign of limited support of this factions?

    I know there is a lot of general anxiety on this forum over Cities of Sigmar at the moment. I personally think that this anxiety is largely unfounded, but I do imagine that Cities will probably look quite different in a few editions time. However, I feel like the recent push for Gordrakk's invasion of Azyr signifies that Orruk Warclans will continue to get support... therefore I have to assume that this is just an oversight.

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  13. 4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I wonder what Mega Gargants from the various Realms will look like? Gargants of Chamon covered in metals, Ghyran with cloaks of Vines and Crowns of thorns, Ghur covered in Skulls, Scars and Tattoos, Shyish flesh stripped to bones and Hysh, Enlightened Gargants wielding Bo Staff and doing Tai chi.

    I have been putting a lot of thought into how Mega Gargants would work aesthetically for different armies. One thing I keep wondering is whether or not GW would release specific upgrade sprues to make them fit certain grand alliances. Namely they could release a sprue with a zombified head and torso for Undead or a different sprue with mutant beast-legs and tentacle arms for Chaos and maybe a helmeted head and pauldrons for order. But your suggestion made me realize that doing a sprue for different realms could actually cover those bases and more.

    However, I have no clue how well GW upgrade sprues sell and if there would be much interest in this idea at all? I also am worried that this would be very cost prohibitive and untenable for most collectors or even GW. Maybe this could be something that would be of greater interest for forgeworld as I believe they have some upgrade kits for Imperial Knights?

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  14. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    AOS 3.0 Slannesh is Free would be a fantastic kicking off point for the Chaos side of the narrative and the Siege of Excelsis the same for Destruction.

    I am much more interested in learning what Slaanesh's machinations have been  while in captivity. I keep making the argument that having unfettered access to Malerion will have allowed the Dark god to stroke the Draconian lord's ego, if not turning Malerion to Chaos at the very least turning him against Sigmar. Similar whispers could have reached Tyrion's ear maybe imploring him to look for a certain sword which was just mentioned in a recent Warhammer community article. I feel like through Slaanesh's corruption and lies none of the Aelves will truly be able to trust each other. But there are so many more plans Slaanesh could have woven in captivity and I feel like Slaanesh is just as dangerous in bonds as when free. I also like that Morathi, who followed Slaanesh in the past, will likely be the most resistant to plots of the Prince of Pleasure.

    However, I don't think freeing Slaanesh will necessarily prevent these stories and I personally do eventually hope for a return, but I am much more invested in exploring the idea of these vain lesser gods trying to tangle with a true force of nature such as one of the Chaos Gods. 

    As for the next edition I like the current defence of the Eightpoints taking narrative centre stage for Death and Chaos, as I am part of the bandwagon that is hoping for more defined terrain and siege mechanics. Meanwhile, Gordrakk's seige of Azyr would likely be the central conflict and the basis of a starter set. It will be fun to see Death and Destruction putting Chaos and Order on the defensive for a while. Maybe freeing Slaanesh will be the culmination of the story as having the Fab Four* back together will finally repel Nagash's invasion.

    *The Great Horned Rat is clearly Pete Best 

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  15. I dunno if being close to the release window of a new edition means no new factions, especially if we are roughly a year away. Particularly as AOS designed armies with second edition in mind and they updated Space Marines just prior to the new edition. 

    I feel like a new order and death faction could round off this edition. Order is hard to predict as I feel that Aelven forces have been well explored and Duardins and Humans could use a day in the sun. Death will probably expand on one of the subfactions of Legions of Nagash, Soul Blight seems to be the favourite bet.

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  16. History has shown that the prevelant view of Vikings as violent horn helmed barbarians is highly inaccurate. Instead like most historic cultures they were a people of diverse beliefs, hopes and ideas.


    Slaves to Darkness jettison dull reality in favour of violent horn helmed, heavy metal mutant, demon worshipers. You may never win a game but you will look awesome losing. Furthermore, you have the mortal realms in a stranglehold. So any lose on the tabletop is only just a pyrrhic victory for the opponent. 

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  17. I like the lower value and I am okay with the idea in theory: 

    But only if they guaranteed the unit would work for specific armies. I would pay a little less for an additional random Slaves to Darkness or Idoneth model, but I do not want to randomly get a model for a different faction that I would have to trade away for the thing I wanted. I would be a fan if the loot boxes were available as a cheap but random booster set for every army, making army building a little easier and giving more varied unit variety in future games. Even if it was something I am not currently in need of for my armies a few push fit models or a new hero would likely see the battlefield on occasion or be fodder for a kitbash. But overall this seems like a bad direction and a predatory gamble style marketing ploy. Although, I am guessing that 9-10 of the 'Imperium' loot boxes will be some brand of Space Marine. So once again Space Marine players will probably get the benefit that every other army needs more.

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  18. I am getting better at not just jumping on all of these and yelling Malerion elves, but I immediately thought Black Guard when I saw this. I assume it is something undead and cool but still a cool draconified Black Guard is my hope.

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  19. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    'It won't be too long until we return to the Mortal Realms, and we know there's some pretty BIG things on the way when we do!

    Direct quite from WarhammerTv on Facebook!! Maybe an August release after all for the Sons?!


    I sincerely doubt I will be able to afford a full Sons army especially as I have somehow ended up with the beginnings of an Imperial Knight army. But I will try and buy a single one to run as an ally for my current armies. But I am more excited to see what you think of them and see all the interesting conversions and paint jobs that the community will unleash. 😇

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  20. 6 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Oh they are a ton of fun.

    But If your going for like the top places on an event, You won’t play gitz.

    Still for a beer and bretzel game, or even in some semi-competitive games, they can do pretty well.

    That is perfect for me. I am a rather shy and non-competitive person that much prefers friendly games with people I know. I was dragged to a tournament once when I was a kid during WHFB days and had a massive anxiety attack. Luckily, I have a good group of friends that I mostly introduced to the hobby. I think that Gloomspite Gitz seem to balance fun, cool models and interesting mechanics and goblins are pretty easy to bring into other game systems like tabletop RPGs. I have been holding off on them as I keep hearing rumours about Grotbag Scuttlers and I am secretly hoping for Pirate themed sky grots.

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  21. As for the cost of Sylvanth it seems largely tied to the fact that they function around terrain mechanics involving a piece of scenery called Wyldwoods. They gain certain buffs for fighting in and near the terrain and can use them to teleport models across the board. They place one on the board at the start of the game and can summon further wyldwoods through various means (notably through spells). I assume for friendly games three would be an ample number but I have never played the army. The Warcry set Souldrain Forest seems like a decent deal but again I do not play the faction and have no great insight into their cost. They can also summon Dryads which are their basic infantry unit which I can imagine adds to the army's cost as well.

    I will say that the Sylvanth start collecting set seems like a pretty good value netting you a monster, a hero and a big unit of Dryads. The unit size in the box is a little awkward though as they are a minimum of ten but the box comes with 16. An additional unit should net you 30 though which seems like a decent sized unit or a good number for summons. There are probably further hidden costs like units might get bonuses over certain sizes or possibly due to Spite units being very low value for points and a high cost for models?

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