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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Everyone, you are putting to much pressure on our new leaker asking for info on your own personal factions. Instead we should be conducting more specific questions based on what we do know like: Will the various stand alone Space Marine chapters get new models, and will the next Primaris lieutenant be using a reverse grip on their power-sword and do they have a bolter, a heavy bolter, a heavier bolter or a bolter fist? Joking aside I have not been playing much lately, but these rumours and the Dawnbringer event have me really excited. I also think the cities and FEC hype have one hundered percent added to my anticipation. Unfortunately all my friends that play have been really busy lately.
  2. I like how much of current Aelven lore is simply, these armies can be souped but they hate each other. Idoneth are like my favourite Order army narratively due to how they essentially can sensibly align with practically any Aelven faction, but have a once bitten twice shy relationship to the Aelf Gods... also they are creepy sea people. I also think their stealing souls kind puts them on the outs with other Order Factions.
  3. I hope this does not set off the boards notoriously sensitive automatic censorship but GOT DANG THOSE ARE SOME FINE LOOKING MINIS!
  4. I personally think that the FEC will receive a terrific but not huge update. If I had to tarry I guess for a small release it would be as follows: Ushoran - Large centrepiece model likely around Beast Radukar sized Varghulf - Probably using the Cursed City Model as a base Cavalry - Borowing the horse design from the Corpsemare Stampede Batswarms - Using the bats in the Grymwatch as inspiration. Possibly a dual kit for the infernal and haunter Courtiers if they are not simply replaced as the name of the unit champions, with the Varghulf taking their respective battlefield roles. Between the Abhorant, Flaymaster, Ghoul King on foot and the Marrowscroll Herald, the Crypt Ghast Courtier may be seeing the end of its life as a custom fodder model. So I can imagine a 'small release' like this that would replace their resin model and expand on the little hints we have gotten for more FEC from Endless Spells and Underworlds. Personally I hope for more but I would be happy with this as a stop gap before even more extensive future updates ver the years including re-sculpted ghouls. Edit: Hopefully the Whitefang react means that the Small release is incorrect, as I think a big Flesh Eater release would be amazing! Or maybe I was wrong about the Courtiers or the Underworld/Endless Spell hints?
  5. I wonder if they might tie the Silent People to the Flesh Eaters in some unexpected and interesting way. Like maybe in their delusions the Flesh Eaters view them as Faye Folk and protect and serve them? Then the army can have some monsterous bug creatures that are unlike the Nurgle flies or the Sylvaneth's more insectlike spites?
  6. So it clearly seems FEC are going to become even more amazing!
  7. Now if this doesn't happen I will be greatly disappointed! Just like the idea of listening to this as my Chaos Warriors wreck my friends skeletons in the streets of his Necropolis!
  8. So there are more pictures of the scenery in the book, are we ever going to see it?
  9. Now I am also curious if i should go back to my City Ghost Idea??? I am so conflicted by the different ideas I have and so into these city models lol.
  10. I love them all, I would also love to spread the basing details and critters across Aelves and Duardin to continue to tie it together. Love this army!
  11. I am really hoping it is a solo one giant team. Probably impossible to balance and would be banned from anything but the most friendly games... being Blood Bowl that would mean playable in all games as Blood Bowl players seem awesome lol
  12. S2D With a mix of Chosen and Varanguard and lead by the true Everchosen SLAMBO!
  13. I am in a strange place where I desperately want spoilers of all the new units but not images until they get nice reveal images.
  14. I think that if they truly are one half of the launch/starter set I would be surprised if we do not see both revamped as it seems GW likes to have a somewhat vanilla sub-faction represented in the box. So I personally imagine easy to build clanrats and stormvermin (or some other elite Verminus unit) but likely not an alt build option as I was proposing which I sadly never suspected them doing to begin with as GW loves to stagger such releases and force people to buy multiple units at different prices.
  15. I feel like the easiest thing for getting a complete Skaven refresh involves something GW doesn't love doing namely having the basic and elite infantry share a box with slightly different builds. Clanrats/Stormvermin, Nightrunner/Gutterruners, Plaguemonks/Plague Censer Bearers.
  16. Some thoughts: -I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army, -I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash and Gazul for major subfactions. -I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous painting https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/ Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship.
  17. I remember stating a few times on here that Aelves needed the overhaul and focus for narrative and lore reasons. Namely they were last seen devoured by a chaos god who was in turn chained and bound between dimensional planes. I think that they did a fantastic job between the Lumineth, Daughters of Khaine, and Idoneth Deepkin. Obviously we still need to see a return of Malerion (and Tyrion) but the lore and direction of the Aelven factions seems to be solidly guided and understood now. Which means that it is time for the Duardin to get some much needed love and attention. Yes Duardin were in a much better place at the start of AOS in terms of lore, narrative and tabletop presence but since then have continued to slide into the background and their is little for them in the current setting driving their conflicts and stories beyond Gotrek and the set up involving Grungni. I think that they will take centre stage in the narrative going forward and with Chaos Dwarves being hinted at and the thought of them reclaiming their old holds across the realms, I feel like Duardin are going to be a major presence in the next edition. The fact that we might get Skaven as the enemy faction in the next edition box makes this feel even more pressing and interesting.
  18. The current models have two toes but my Guess is a Crypt Infernal Courtier Of course I will never say no to Halflings on Chocobos
  19. All I want is the option to build Maneaters from each realm!
  20. Not only Warcry but lots of Key Sniffing Critters available in this set! I absolutely love this set they look like something out of Mordhiem.
  21. Yeah, and an additional plus is that simpler models make the more dynamic and ornate models stand out more.
  22. Lets put your equation to the test: - Infernal Guard (Blunderbuss or Greataxe) and Hobgrots -Chaos Trogg Thralls - Bull Centaur -Lammasu/Bull Taurus - Hellcanon Might need room for a generic hero or two but otherwise your math checks out.
  23. I keep imagining the idea of the Fyreslayer lodges with the most Ur-Gold summoning a flame wreathed avatar of Grimnir that can go absolutely wild on the battlefield. I am imagining a massive Duardin god erupting from the ground. This will divid the Orthodox Fyreslayers with their Avatars from the Reformists that see Gotrek as Grimnir incarnate. We also need a Magmacanon that taps into lava veins to belch forth destruction. Alongside Magmadroth Cavalry I would love a Magmadroth Chariot.
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