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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I am just so happy I can make my smiley dragon with no accessories 🤩
  2. @KingBrodd Tall Gitz coming soon to Sneaky Gitz which is quickly becoming one of my favourite recurring comics on Warhammer Community https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/26/sneaky-gitz-khorne-gitz/ Still hoping for a big finale for Dragon Week but I am simultaneously not expecting a reveal but hopefully a hint. Actually I am going to guess we will get a showcase of artists different take on the new dragons today.
  3. These are all fantastic points, but my own personal excitement is genuinely coming from the ability to mix and match elements making the dragon more uniquely my own. I think strangely enough I will accomplish this by taking the more generic elements of the two dragons to create a more traditional looking dragon for Table Top RPGs and to fit within my Stormcast army: Karazai's horns and forearms. Krondys' face and neck with no armour. I feel like our good friend will have way too many notifications next time they log on.
  4. That is so exciting, it also looks like I get to choose the horns on top, I think I will go for a wild dragon that is still smugly confident and smiling, also going for a neutral build lets me more easily proxy between both Super Dragon Bros. ...assuming I can ever afford the kit 😅
  5. Does this mean I can have my smiley boi without strangely redundant armour! 🐲➕🙂➖🛡️ = ❤️ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/25/krondys-and-karazai-are-so-incredibly-detailed-even-their-sprues-look-majestic/ Realized people are probably more interested in this image that shows the scale of the dragons as I am probably too excited about customizing my dragon:
  6. This is the weirdest news story... sooo how does this effect releases? Also I feel like this is the work of Skaven gutter runners framing Nurgle... the bigger global news story that effected our hobby... now that sounds like the work of ol' Nurgle.
  7. But DoK got the hero and only some endless spells if I remember correctly. With both Gloomspite/Sylvaneth and Ossiarch/Ogors boxes only one army had a major update and the other just a single hero. I am now suspecting that Fyreslayers and Idoneth will have to duke it out to see which will get more releases... The new IDK champion enters the hallowed arena to face against a fiery foe. Only one can gain favour with the masses and grow their army's ranks. As a magical spell is cast a wave of mystical water raises forth and an opposing wave of enchanted magma flow towards one another. Over the roar of the crowd a shrill trumpet rings in the air and the Idoneth champion lets out a mighty incantation 'Surfs, up dude!' and the rival Fyreslayer lets loose an ancient battlecry in response "cowabunga"! Through the mist and sizzle of the steam a clash of steel is heard and a champion has been decided, as the mist recedes standing victorious is the mighty Primaries Lieutenant with hover board! Aquamarine Space Marine lineup coming this Xmas season: You know they are different because we painted them a different shade of blue!
  8. Part of me really wants dragon week to be building towards something, but we already know that it is promotional event for the SCE Dragons. But still just drop a narrative piece indicating Sea Serpent/Dragons, Galrauch, or Malerion's relationship to dragons... just some hint of what they want to do with Dragons going forward. I would even be fine if it was not for AOS and we were getting a plastic Scatha for Middle Earth, or a New Tryanid Model based on a dragonfly... just something to make Dragon Week as special a celebration as we all know it to be!
  9. I feel like it is pretty much a foregone conclusion at this point. I hope that the new IDK hero makes Namarti units better. Clearly we need a speed freaks styled box based around surfing.
  10. Sneaky hints... my personal favourite marketing strategy! 🤩
  11. It is funny that all these new dragons, which are soo cool but outside of my budget, have made me learn to really appreciate the Dracothian Guard so much more. Many dragons in myths do not actually feature wings including my favourite in Tolkien's legendarium Glaurung. Furthermore Dracoth actually more likely resemble 'descriptions of dragons' from explorers encountering large crocodilians and monitor lizards. I also think it is funny how people are obsessed with the taxonomic features of dragons which are non-standardized across cultures and regions even within shared borders. Even Tolkien described various dragon forms in his legendarium, with his original visions of dragons including mechanical iron dragons. In other words, I am going to rock a unit of my budget dragons and run my Dracothian Guard with pride! I may save up for one of the big dragons as I truly love dragons and they look really cool I will also keep my eyes peeled for them on second hand markets. Look at what was posted right after my love letter to dragons, lets hope they make this an actual annual tradition: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/22/dragon-week-the-draconith-are-taking-over-warhammer-community/
  12. The most unpopular opinion of all is also the best opinion of them all: Smug Dragon is the best dragon! If I get a dragon I will still probably build it as Karazai, as I intend to use the dragon outside of Warhammer, and I think the more generic unarmored build will work better for tabletop roleplaying games. But I might make this my first magnetized build or I can hopefully ditch at least the Vambraces. Actually on that note I also really like the Stormdrake and the dracoth riders as well.
  13. If we are getting more nurgle stuff I really want to see some pestigors. I hope they are a horde infantry unit to balance out the emphasis on elite small units in their current army. As for Nurgle dragon, I made a thread entirely dedicated to dragons so I am on board with that idea but would rather pesitgors as the omission of nurgle and khorne beasts is feeling more and more of a slap in the face.
  14. Rumours, in the rumour thread... I think you are in the wrong place my friend! 🙃 Joking aside I cannot tell how likely any of this is but the undead Silent People are making me excited about the possibility of a Hollow Knight styled faction and I am all about it! However, the amount of things in that post that feel like wish listing gives me serious pause. I hope they are right as a lot of this sounds really cool... but I am hoping to see some level of evidence before writing a wish list of all my favourite undead bugs.
  15. I have never quite understood how the God of sex, drugs and rock and roll is less popular than the Gods of nerds, flus, or being angry all the time? Of course I prefer undivided as I like to mix and match my narrative elements and motivations, but if I were to choose a god the one offering pleasure would be the obvious forerunner... Tzeentch is a close runner up but I do not know if I would enjoy having feathery mutations and strange tentacles. But I like Chaos to be a transgressive rejection of social norms, particularly within the diegetic settings of the game. Within the grimdark of the 401st millennium there is only one God that knows how to Party! In the annals of the Old World only one god was punk rock enough to have both Dark Elves and Chaos Warriors worship them! In AoS there is only one God who even when bound in chains is a greater threat to civilization than almost all other threats combined simply by offering what is most wanted. Slaanesh is one of the few evil gods whose worship actually makes sense... Slaanesh provides an opportunity to possibly reject at least a part of these cold dark worlds, but at the price of losing yourself in your own excess and pride. I feel like Brad Goodman would be a great champion of Slaanesh and Little Rudiger here would make a fine Demon Prince:
  16. On the one hand these dragons do not fit my initial list... on the other hand a friend gave me a bunch of second hand Stormcast stuff so now my planned 2000 point army is now a thing of the past and I should just go all in on dragons! But in less selfish terms, I think once again this could have been seen from a mile away. The two responses for the dragons were to raise their points or lower the points of everything else to have them be more competitive. As power creep slowly takes place over the edition I expect to see the dragons slowly climb their way back down and maybe I can fit more of my new Stormcast into my lists.
  17. Thank you for sharing, it was important for Games Workshop to make this statement in light of recent events. But more broadly I think it is clear that Games Workshop needs to make this statement more apparent in general, as the messaging is often lost in their fiction and on their fandom. Satire at it's most polemical often carries the largest burden. From Johnathan Swift's A Modest Proposal to The Colbert Report, there is always the possibility that people cannot differentiate satire from reality. I cannot understand how hate groups feel so utterly vindicated by a story and narrative designed specifically to criticize their specific beliefs, yet here we are. But I also think that burden falls on GW with things like the over representation and romanticism of Space Marines and the Imperium in their marketing, narratives and also within their actual releases. But this is truly endemic to so many other fan cultures and geek spaces, but seems to be a larger issue within the Warhammer community than most. Also a huge thanks to the mods on this site for being such lovely, positive and accepting people. They have really made this community a positive one and I am happy to be a part of it. Wow this is amazing although I must confess I was thinking of simply starting one of those 40K armies for the sake of learning a new system and was being a little tongue in cheek. But if I had half your kitbash abilities, I would quickly grab the Ossiarch and Necron boxes and create Bone Construct Necrons and Chamon themed Ossiarchs... Thanks, your ideas are always a major source of inspiration and I truly love hearing more of your developing narrative. I am still planing on doing a more formal post on the narrative board about my own armies. But I am also trying to develop some overarching narrative for the surrounding regions alongside my friends. Namely I do not want my little narrative to feel like it exists entirely within a vacuum. Working right now on developing my friend's Tzeentch army and the idea of the Mortal Leader being a chronomancer as he uses a converted thousand sons lord as his general.
  18. This issue is having the battleforces fit within my shared little narrative between my armies. Currently it is focused on a region abandoned by its heroes as they waged war against Chaos with some ascending to Azyr and others joining the forces they once opposed. The original inhabitants of the region a tribe of noble ogors wish to prevent their return as they bring only war and bloodshed. I am thinking that the Slaanesh worshipers are an easy fit with my Slaves to Darkness. They will be a dedicated faction within the army worshipping a specific god creating schisms. The Bonereapers can represent the abandoned people of the region left behind when their heroes fell to Chaos or Ascended to Azyr... although I still fell like Nighthaunt and FEC better fit the bill of tragic lost souls. The Lumineth might represent an outside force like the Sea Peoples of the Bronze age. As my Stormcast and Slaves to Darkness were amassing forces the Lumineth showed up and tried to steal Sacred Ogor land. Now they will get caught in the middle of an epic holy war readying their own agenda as a sea fairing and colonial threat. The Necrons, Sisters of Battle and Admech... now those will be a little harder to explain... 🤔
  19. Wow the 40k ones look fantastic, still going to try and hold off unless I get that job I applied for... even then I should invest in what I have. But Slaanesh, Lumineth, Sisters of Battle, Admech and Necrons are some of my absolute favourite armies...
  20. I love all of these boxes and I am very tempted by each one, but also I feel like I might take a pass for one reason or another. Revenant Legion: This is a really awesome starter for Soulblight and an amazing looking way of getting into a cool army. It has a fantastic centre piece, blood knights and all the amazing new infantry models. I am going to bow out on this one though. It is fantastic but it is also my best friend's main army and for his own purposes he has all the relevant models that he needs. Sybarite Blade-Carnival: If it had a Keeper like last year's Tzeentch set with the Lord of Change, this would be an instant purchase for me. As it is it is still my personal favourite of the Battleforces, and with some help from my Slaves to Darkness it could be an easy 2000 points of Hedonites of Slaanesh. However, the lack of demons would require me to buy a Slaanesh start collecting box and the twins (discount Keeper proxy)... for summoning purposes. Which would inflate this from being a cheap additional army into an expensive long term investment. My favourite chaos god is always just out of my undivided reach. 😭 Vanari Shining Host: Now this is what I am talking about, covers battleline and gets me some of the best looking units in one of my favourite factions. Just adding Teclis pretty much jumps it to 1700 points and also avoids the archer spam that makes everyone hate playing the faction (yes I know Teclis is a problem too but this is to keep my army small). Honestly I might take the plunge even though I do not really want to start a new Order army project after just investing in Stormcast. Mortisan Tithe-Echelon: Really great starting point for OBR. This is another contender but it is also an army played in my group of friends. I think my friends are all secretly agents of Nagash. It is strange as it really seems to have no themed focus and literally get you everything you will eventually want for OBR. I really like it but for my money I would have needed Nighthaunt or Flesh Eater Courts to not double on my friend's armies. Still tempting but less so then the Aelves and Slaanesh. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I might make one my big holiday purchase, or I could treat myself to Be'Lakor, Smiley the Dragon or some nice Varanguard. Who am I kidding my Ogors still need Emotional Support Gnoblar buddies!
  21. As someone that does not subscribe to Warhammer+ does Loremasters tie into releases at all? I know that Chaos Space Marines are on the Horizon, but if this indicated anything about AOS or Slaves to Darkness that would be pretty cool. What would be the best possible scenario for me would be if this was a tie in for a Legion of the First Prince battleforce. Although I doubt they'd ever make something that was equally such a great deal for both 40k and AOS as I think it would disappear immediately. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/11/17/which-chaos-god-does-belakor-really-serve/
  22. I feel like the printed tomes should be a limited time collectors item... I went into a hobby store today and there were so many outdated tomes. Just do a limited edition run with a second printing on demand and idiots like myself who still like physical copies can pick one up. But even for me, I would only get the Slaves to Darkness tomes and get the rest of my armies digitally because even I think it is cumbersome and wasteful... even if I like pretty artwork. Also I hate that my books are so outdated in like two months... but again there is a market for these collectors and GW can do their favourite thing ever which is make it a collectors item and jack up the prices.
  23. I just want to know the order of upcoming Grand Alliances for AoS, at least that lets us speculate. I can see why they wouldn't do this as 40K players would want the same and see several years of just Imperium/Space Marine releases ahead... 😪 Also, I really want some focus in this down time giving us rules for the late 3.0 armies (Soulblight, DOK, LRL and HoS) getting some Battle Tactics, Grand Strategies, New Path to Glory rules and modern battalions. Don't care if it is White Dwarf or Warhammer Community but this should get seen to in order to at least let some of the recent releases function more fully in line within 3.0.
  24. I doubt it will put the rumoured 40K favouritism to rest, but I am still hopeful we get the Nurgle release on time. But yeah the future after that is looking a little bleak. I do think that this is why a roadmap is a good idea though as it would keep discussion of Age of Sigmar more alive.
  25. I am holding out on either Nighthaunt or FEC for death because I have a friend that already plays OBR and I am thinking of rounding my collection off with a death army... but if it is Slaanesh for Chaos, I might forgo Death for something more seductive... 😉
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