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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I have just convinced two friends to start playing on the rules being free today! I love warcry and can never find players so this is exciting news! Let the madness begin!
  2. I keep imagining that Oxyotl will be featured in the lore like Archaon and Be'Lakor as a major hero that is too powerful to be in Warcry but has a dedicated warband...My big hope is that Oxyotl will feature in the narrative as an opposition for Morghur at the climax of the Era of beasts! I am really gambling a lot on two factions barely featured in this edition of Warhammer but i keep hoping they are being saved for a reason!
  3. I have honestly thought Oxyotl would fit in Warcry since the announcement of the system for that reason. I was really hoping for a faction of Chamelon Skinks stalking the eightpoints under command of their ancient captain! But using that concept in Ghur is even better Oxyotl can be AOS' version of the Predator! Is that how Kill Team is working I feel like we will have a similar structure for these boxes... but I really hope you are right!
  4. Darn I was hoping they'd be in a set fighting ogors... can't win 'em all I guess!
  5. Isn't that what Alpha Legion is? Also Morathi for Baroness!
  6. Yeah I think leaving her as is makes her feel unique in a beasts army like a different form of atavism than the rest which always seems fitting for sorcerers to look unique especially with Chaos were the winds of magic impact the character's differently.
  7. Those Familiars are fantastic! Will I get Warhammer Plus for such amazing critters? Also smart choice on giving the sorcerer some hooves and horns as it would make a decent bray shaman. Also looks like we have our bone player and staff rumour engines confirmed.
  8. Thanks I am doing very well so far but it did occur during an unfortunate time for my job. I am also a day behind my partner and she seems a little worse today setting my expectations for tomorrow. I am hoping we get a reveal of a potential Deamon Vanaguard/Combat Patrol as I am feeling Be'Lakor right now and would like to have some daemons to play around with in AOS and 40k
  9. I am excited at the prospect of a new big preview. Hopefully we get some more dedicated Age of Sigmar reveals although I am so excited about Warcry that I kind of just want to see the next set that I cannot afford. But all I can think is why couldn't it be this weekend? After this whole pandemic Nurgle senpai finally noticed me and gifted me with his blessings... 🤒 Really could have used the pick me up! Oh well I shouldn't be so selfish I am getting my big chaos fix soon enough.
  10. Cog Forts will come before Malerion... so maybe in a decade 😒
  11. Valkia, Slaves to Darkness releases, new Khorne, Seraphon rumour engine.... possible Ogors in Warcry! Everything is coming up Neverchosen... now give us Beasts of Chaos, Malerion and Chaos Dwarves and I will shut up.
  12. I mean we do share a love of Ogors! Also my least favourite of the Chaos Gods puts Khorne head and Shoulders above most armies haha. I actually think my love of Undivided might influnce my taste somewhat as I feel like Khorne feels a little to similar to my standard Chaos Army... of course painting my Chaos Warriors red probably did not help matters much at all. 😈 As an aside I even began attempting a colour scheme for World Eaters with Bone armour: And Goblin green base just because... so less of a dislike of Khorne and more just a feeling that Khorne is too close to what I currently collect.
  13. I feel that Khorne day was really fun and exciting but also showed why Khorne is my least favourite Chaos God as everything felt overly familiar and not in a exciting way. Loved each reveal on their own but together it was a little monotonous. Still do love the Meme God... just the least of the four Underworlds: Skullgrinder Herax looks great awesome sculpt and for all the whining about physique I would absolutely not be willing to face off against this crazy looking Gwar Band Member. HH: Neat and I like the early Word Eater Colour scheme a lot. The helmets have a fun Samurai Kuboto meets Space Marine Helmet but a little standard... but all I can think with thos Pauldrons are that they'd make fun Ogor Gutplates. ❤️ 4OK Deamons: Loving the Demon rules and I am pretty much on the verge of just grabbing the Slaanesh and Tzeentch boxes before they vanish... but I am somewhat hopeful for a Demon Combat Patrol/Vanguard boxset. 40K World Eaters: I was really excited for this release but the Berserker is pretty simple... I was hoping for it to be more ornate and a little more baroque. Very well executed model but not my favourite overall design. Still have high hopes for some more fun and complex designs but defiantly less fun than Thousand Sons and Death Guard infantry. I do like the demons and bestial side of Khorne.. more Flesh Hounds, khorgorath and Slaughterbrutes. But above all else get us some Khorngors!
  14. Hey Gencon AOS News? Will I actually check out Soulbound?
  15. I love lord of the rings and the game system but I think i will duck this release... if they go into the first age then I will make a Nargothrond army but otherwise I will stay strong and keep my hands clean... Maybe a small shire army... or a Rohan... or maybe the Knights of Dol Amroth... or a third age Erebor army? But you know... just a little army.
  16. Yeah I love the use of gods in the setting! It feels like the Mahabharata or the Epic of Gilgamesh more-so than say the Trojan war. I do think that the timeline of the narrative is a little alienating though as it makes sense that Malerion would hide away for thousands of years until his army gets the right mix of angsty post punk/goth aesthetic nailed down... but in our real world time line it is taking too long! Oh and I guess narratively it makes having central mortal characters a little difficult if the stretch of eons are but a drop in the bucket for a god. I think it is funny that people flock to primarch's who are functionally gods, but are weirded our when cults of worship develop around similar beings in a medieval themed environment? I do wish that they made it more clear if the embodiment on the table top was the literal god or an aspect or avatar of the God. Because having Teclis get defeated by a swarm of skink blow-darts or Nagash defeated by standing next to dangerous terrain would likely impact their cults to some extent? But if it was a temporary expression of their power that had appeared temporarily on the battle field it would be an easier pill to swallow and would make me more inclined to use them... without wondering about the strange narrative implication of the Goddess of Life is personally digging into a rat burrow to toss hands with a swarm of rodents. I do construct my narratives in a way where the gods are not known to the extent that people do in the lore. Like I try to refer to Sigmar as the Storm God or Warrior King... I just like to have my narrative feel like it is more timeless and less orthodoxly tied to lore. But I simultaneously feel like Be'Lakor would make a great general for my army and not create any contradiction in referring to him as the 'Sovereign Shadows' or some silly thing like that?
  17. I remembers getting into AOS and seeing the Malerion art, Mistweaver Saih, Tenebrael Shard and the Daughters of Khaine and thinking oh Malerion will be next... and nothing... for years.
  18. Hence my use of the largely nebulous and entirely nonsensical term 'proper' it is kind of like how Rogue Trader also was an interior setting but did not feel like this current release. I cannot really afford to drop cash on a new Warcry set.. But if they had Ogors vs Legionaries with some Ogor or Chaos terrain then I would be an absolute fool not too get it!
  19. The new kill team box is cool and leads me to wonder when we will see a proper AOS dungeon crawler Warcry set? Also the use of the Space hulk as an ongoing setting makes me feel more confident that this edition of warcry will use that Ghurian Map as a roadmap going forward.
  20. I still like the idea of GW putting up files for retired models and lines. No clue if that would be feasible but I think it would be great.
  21. Back to AOS talk... so those Leagues of Votann sure are spiffy! I am loving the update for Warcry online and cannot wait to jump back into it... of course I now want to build my pile of untouched Stormcast minis to give my chaos cultists and Ogors something to rail against. In terms of actual rumours I feel like the combination of World Eaters, Underworlds, and even the Warcry map means that Khorne fans are going to have a really really great time soon!
  22. Stop showing me Leagues of Voltan! I can't afford a new 40k army that is not Chaos related or super elite and cheap to play but these are just sooo far up my alley!
  23. For Warcry single releases we also got the Ogroid Myrmidon and the reboxing of the Chimera... I think that this edition seems like it will be more richly supported though.
  24. Nice Doug will deep dive into the lore side of things! 😁 Just got my 4th shot and it is a long weekend... Time to deep dive on some warcry. Should probably use the time to base my Ogors... one day... one day!
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