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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. I feel like Imperial Knights show that GW will keep their big army separate for folks to purchase a separate tome.
  2. I think the important part is that it represents faith in a way otherwise not present in AoS which is a representation of Animistic practices. It makes sense that the people's of destruction would worship gods of disaster with Gorkamorka functioning as a mythological hero that has encountered each of these gods of destruction. This way you have: Order - polytheism Death - monotheism Chaos - corrupted form of pantheism Destruction - animism
  3. I want Destruction to have a massive win over both Chaos and Order but I also feel like Games Workshop cannot really fathom how to write a complete victory for Orruks or Orks. Namely Storm of Chaos really showed me that Games Workshop could not really comprehend how to write a true Orcish victory. I do think though that they are really good at writing groups that totally through off the narrative and introduce a sense of narrative disharmony like the Skaven or Grotz. I am hopefully wrong here but I also do suspect that it will be the case. Ironically I hope that the Dawn Bringer narrative within Ghur ends with the Destruction factions just decimating the exapansionist efforts in the realm and that Ghur remains 'untamed'. I feel like that would be a fitting and narratively coherent ending.... but I still want Morghur to be the big bad of the realm that partially shares it's name.
  4. I feel like Death in 2.0 gives us a fairly good indication of how things might shake our for Gork and Morks proudest this edition. Death had a starting army, a new army and one massive overhaul. I feel like destruction will shake out a little differently with the starting army being a subfaction and with any Gargant model updates being essential a massive boon to the army. So if I had to guess I will say I expect the following: Orruk Warclans - Big narrative focus but we have the book and I do not expect a significant level of support for the rest of the edition. Ogor Mawtribes - Nothing massive in terms of release but I do think we will get a new plastic hero and something cool in warcry. Son's of Behemat - Mega Gargant expansion King Brodd Style! Gloomspite Gitz - I think that we will update the rest of the line and get a few new units. New Army - Possibly a new Grotbag Scuttlers, Troggoths or a completely brand new army? I also really hope that Kragnos gets some friends and the animistic pantheon of destruction forces grows with each book. A god of blizzards, tornados, drought or any other natural disaster would be awesome! Make them usuable in each faction but also thematically tied to specific armies like Kragnos and the Kruelboyz. Bonus guess: Beasts of Chaos and Seraphon will be the big bad and the good guys of this edition's narrative, with the forces of destruction throwing a massive spanner in the works for both sides leading into the next edition...
  5. As stated there is no romantic love in this tale. I am just borrowing the theme of warring families and ironically using the names of those characters. 😁 Two households, both alike in violence (In foul Varanspire, where we lay our scene), From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-crossed enemies take each other's lives, Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death further their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-marked hate! In terms of my overarching narrative honestly the daemons will just represent the embodiment of the war ravishing the north lands of my setting unleashed from the conflict between my other armies. The specific gods aren't that important it is just that I can most easily make a Slaanesh and Khorne army and thought it would be funny to theme them around a twisted take on the Monatgues and Capulets where Romeo and Juliet wanted each other dead. Okay moving on from my silly justification of ironic army themes. I think you are correct about Kill Team with the number of articles we have received in the last week. Is there any chance of the Daemon Prince releasing as otherwise the Daemon army did not receive even the pre-requisite one off character?
  6. I created a double post so I will use this for separate question: If we are getting a King Brodd upgrade sprue what would it entail? New head and weapons options?
  7. Mostly trolling... or rather juxtaposing. I was considering having the army themed around opposing factions United under Be'lakor' s command. But was totally going to name the two sides Capulets and Montagues and give them inverted colour schemes. But this is primarily because I am stealing my name's from Shakespeare and wanted a story with two opposing sides. I was thinking of running Sigvald and Valkia as the titular duo of star crossed enemies.
  8. If we get Ogors in fall, Chaos in winter and have Stormcast already then my backlog is in serious trouble... Especially with some daemonic plans I am concocting. I am thinking Khorne and Slaanesh and building a bloodier version of Romeo and Juliet... sad I never found Wrath and Rapture.
  9. I will be buying a king of war frost giant pretty much immediately
  10. @Whitefang and @Grim Beastiesjoining in thr discussion this a fun time on the forum! I am looking forward to next week's reveals but I am at the busiest point in my job and will likely miss on the reveals. As such I shall forgo speculation and post pure hopes: 40k - full squats and Dark Mech or Exodites HH - Something that isn't a space marine or tank... maybe a jet...? Underworlds - Khorne Warband and the first two fighters of the next edition. Grotbag scuttled vs a chaos dwarf AOS - Malerion tease and the Destruction times.
  11. Let's get really crazy Primaris Lieutenant! With ornmentation... ... wait I think I might have actually guessed it. 😡
  12. Seraphon? Exodites? Something Else? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/23/the-rumour-engine-23rd-august-2022//
  13. I feel like Tzeentch as mint chocolate chip would look really cool!
  14. I think with the Grand Alliances are actually a really nice concept that could be expanded upon in interesting ways. Namely I think with the introduction of Auxiliaries the ally system can be reworked to make Grand Alliances important and also allow armies to ally outside of their Alliances. I think that allies should be allowed to be taken from any army in your grand alliance no matter how much they hate each other to represent a shared goal despite antagonism. However, I feel like Auxiliaries can only exist between armies with shared history and cultures but can exist independent of Grand Alliances. I also think that Grand Alliances really should make their way into a more cohesive set of allied games. Even if it was a small as sharing a grand alliance you can choose to share command points.
  15. @MitGas@Twisted Firaun Tzeentch is one of my favourites usually vying for top spot of the pantheon... But this is how I like to take my Chaos: Why worship one God when you can try and supplant all four? -Slambo! Plus we all serve Tzeentch's machinations in the end, from the holy armies of Chaos to the lowliest heretics of Stormcast.
  16. So many good options... but there are two that are ties as my absolute favourites: And runner up the entire Nighthaunt Range!
  17. I have convinced my cousin to play them as he played Dwarves in Fantasy and he is 100 percent on board... now I just need to make some inter dimensional balrogs for them to fight. Part of me is also considering scratching my Malerion itch with some dark elf space pirates to try and loot the Asteroid Mines of the Leagues. I would give them classic sci-fi green skin though... but now we are veering even further off topic in a great way lol
  18. I only know one place in my city that has either currently... I am also a roll with the punches kind of person though so I am not in a huge rush and I am clearly just trying to get out of my friends peer pressuring me to play 40k hahaha
  19. Okay, I feel like i have to get the Slaanesh and Tzeentch Start Collecting before they are gone and then mix them with the Khorne Combat Patrol and get a quick undivided army.. Nurgle seems completely gone from my area. although part of me wants to go Wrath and Rapture style and get Khorne and Slaanesh as enemies under Be'Lakor... Flesh hounds have always been my favourite daemons. Either way my 40k army will be a sneaky 4th AOS army mixed with some Chaos Knights. Either way excited about the new box also to get my new Chaos Spawn and random mutants aka Accursed Cultists.
  20. Before we get Malerion we got actual Squats... so I think we'll get both beforehand. I am pretty sure at this rate we will get Tomb Kings before the edge lord leaves the shadows
  21. Amazing piece hooefully we get something soon. I know it is even more unrelated But I always imagined Melkor/Morgoth to have a similar silhouette in the Silmarillion. I will likely never collect the new shadow elves but I so badly want them to be a thing just to see their models and read their Lore. Also between the Spirit of Durthu, Avatar of Khaine, Eidelon and the Light of Eltharion... I am really hopeful for a Malus Darkblade reimagining!
  22. GW Facebook Team: "In the dark" you'll want to stay tuned for our exciting new announcements! TGA: Malerion Confirmed @Whitefang sad react
  23. I was so sad that the Anvil of Apotheosis was not included in the core rules. I think it needs some tweaks and simplifications to make it balanced and also intuitive for friendly games but it is so fun and adds more flavour to the game.
  24. Tzeentch is one of my favourite Chaos Gods but when I see the art I almost forget about the others! That is fantastic!
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