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Everything posted by Neverchosen

  1. Haha, I have been so busy at work I had barely even realized it was coming out. Beyond the amazing cover art and vanguard box I need to remind myself that I cannot afford.
  2. Not sure if it has been posted but in the flurry of fun new models lets not forget some exciting current news with KO reviews coming out.
  3. Nice reveals especially for a chaos cultist such as yours truly, but also nothing groundbreaking. Tempting things but with a tight wallet and some robots and stormcast on the back burner that are going to get my attention I will hold out. Tau - Farsight looks great and that boarding patrol is literally everything I love about Tau. Farsight also seems like an interesting character and I hope Tau get a big release next edition. I have a nostalgic connection to Tau as they were the newest faction when I entered the hobby as a young teen. Orks - Snikrot, really nice sculpt and I like the boarding patrol set, but when I look at the model I keep thinking how it would make a pretty easy AOS conversion. I still confess to preferring orcs in fantasy and orruks in AOS to their 40k counterparts, but I do think the 40k ones are growing on me with the updated sculpts being really amazing. Khorne - What a model, I have complained before about Khorne's designs feeling a little redundant alongside slaves to darkness but I think the design language of their more recent models are making Khorne more and more unique and in a way that is reflecting the whole range. Rather than simply chaos warriors with less armour and more skulls they are wicked cultists that worship sacrifice and are mutated in to brutish monstrosities. The Vanguard does remind me a little of my earlier gripes but just adding this hero to the fore and some daemons and it gives a new narrative distinction to the army that make me want to shout Blood for the Blood God! Slaanesh - Visually my favourite Chaos faction outside of Undivided (S2D and Beasts win everytime). The new hero is really cool but for all the speculation... not getting an Umbraneth Vampire Elf does sting a little. There is also a slight awkwardness to the postioniing of the legs although I think it has more to do with the angle. But Torso up this model oozes the cocky grace of a Slaanesh champion ready to humiliate their opponent with martial prowess and superior fashion. The Vanguard also exists to remind Khorne and Tzeentch 'we have the most recent update with the best sculpts' honestly every model in that box is fantastic. Although I feel this spells the deathknell for the last of the Daemon Start Collecting boxes RIP. Overall fantastic stuff and for me Khorne takes the day.
  4. Hope your Goats arrive soon, I had a wild time getting my Necrons (got the 9th starer set so I will also corrupt some Space Marines to chaos), so it could just be that the fates want us to stick with our standard armies. But sometimes you just need some goats and robots to change things up.
  5. My unsolicited opinion on Old World... I will likely use it as an excuse to make a Beastman army but will still likely go halves on the starter. If the starter includes a human faction I will paint them as Ghosts and run them as proxy nighthaunt in AOS. Although, I did just start a necron project cause I am as bad at timing as I am with finances.
  6. Khorne "I hate magic" Sorcerer "What about Blood Magic?" Khorne "Go on..."
  7. I remeber my models had to be specifically placed and I even numbered their bases... So derpy but I still love these models. I think I was 14 or so when I painted them...
  8. I heard it was actually the opposite of this. Namely that due to their iconic status Seraphon and Skaven were actually not having the same sales issues of other outdated model ranges and thus were in less need of getting updated? But according to that logic then Space Marines are likely the worst selling army, haha.
  9. Beasts of Chaos and Skaven are really interesting because their modern models are tantalizingly amazing. Like it is very obvious when they are updated they will likely become the best model ranges but with each modern release the classic models ages become more and more apparent. Like all of these modernized version of chaotic beasts are just beautifully sculpted
  10. Oh my friends, welcome to the darkside... The only rules are take your shoes off at the door in the Varanspire!
  11. We can get a new type of Slaangor unit and get both
  12. Games Workshop has really broken these releases into waves recently, I suspect that a big monster will come from seraphon if not now then before too long. I do hope this is the updated Salamander/Razordon
  13. I think it also poses another interesting question about the leaks that I think is important. Namely some of the discrepancies might be related in unforeseen ways. Like possibly Games Workshop is testing a few different rules sets for a possible tenth revamp while also looking at metrics for keeping rules as a carry forward and thus a number of leakers are honestly presenting on their info. Similarly the debate about Dark Angels, Blood Angels and so forth could boil down to one being used as the aesthetic basis of the Dominion/Indomitus style box maybe with a unique character such as Yndastra and then the other faction featuring as the aesthetic basis of the mainline starter boxes... but using the exact same models minus the named character. In either case you get conflicting information and the resultant leaks all seem plausible even if they pan out differently than expected. Also all the rumour mongers will be embarrassed when the Final Book is revealed to be Arks of Omen Archaon and he kills the Emperor creating AOS 40K... pew pew edition.
  14. 💯 this. Gotrek fits that niche to an extent but these two are ideal center pieces for any order army.
  15. It really pains me because I have actually loved 3rd edition of AOS fantastic lore, models, loved the core rules updates. But unfortunately I will join the chorus of stating we feel quite forgotten this edition. I don't think it is simply 40k as Horus Heresy and Middle Earth got some much needed love. Honestly this has been the heyday of Necromunda.
  16. What we really need is Beasts of Chaos Vs Skaven starter set. Stormcast will need a break once Kragnos has wrecked their home.
  17. Yikes, anyone here able to 3d print me the parts to build a 3d printer? But unfortunately in my small condo unit that is a bit of a no go option. Luckily my backlog can keep me company.
  18. Think you can slide that by lol 😝 In all fairness releasing the Leagues of Votann reveal on April first was hilarious.
  19. Yeah that was my hope that they are a possible build from the Saurus kit. Although knowing GW I can imagine it being an eventual upgrade sprue tied to Warcry ala Kill Team.
  20. If the Saurus do not come with ornate masks/headdresses like that to build a temple guard unit I will be very salty.
  21. I have said it a million times and will say it a million more, bring on more animistic destruction gods based on natural disasters. I want a Blizzard God (Yhetee), A Drought God, a Storm God, a Flood God, and a Volcano God (Vulcatrix reincanated). Each one empowered by Gorkamorka with a hilarious story.
  22. I assume that is not including the Chamelon Skinks we got from Warcry. That is a ton of love for our favourite scaly Mesoamerica star lizards!
  23. Games Workshop giving us Unique Armies in starter sets... Then gives us Horus Heresy.
  24. I think that is because we are in a strange position where if it is Order vs Order the most logical pair up is Lumineth vs Malerion/Umbraneth as they are Light and Dark Binaries with a history of conflict. But it is assumed that if it is a conflict beyond the scope of order it will default to Stormcast as the poster boy faction that directly opposes the enemies of order. However, Kharadron vs Smiths of Hashut would be a terrific way to break from this kind of narrowed view on the Grand Alliances and concept of a primary heroic force. Of course the fact that the Era of the Beasts did not kick off with a Seraphon vs Beasts of Chaos starter set with updates to all the Destruction ranges, Skaven and an introduction of Kurnothi, prove I do not understand how Games Workshop handles anything. Honestly, I would like something entirely unique like Kharadron vs Sylvaneth with an eye towards an environmental conflict. Give us KO cutting down forests and the Sylvaneth striking back.
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