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Everything posted by Phasteon

  1. I don’t know about that tbh, Annihilators are on a 2+ Save most of the time and still die pretty easily most of the time to a mix of chip MW, lots of wounds or 2-3 high damage wounds rolling a 1 for saves. A 3+ or even 2+ Save means that you will shrug off most of the damage but it certainly doesnt make you ‚unkillable‘ If someone stacks multiple layers of +1 Save, most of the time its a) on a unit with 4+ or worse base Save so he is saving on 3+ at best b) on a unit thats relatively weak to MW (little wounds and/or no ward/or very expensive) c) very predictable which unit gets protected (eg Protectors with Castellants Lantern + Mystic Shield) in which case its either b) or d) best to ignore them and try to kill something else, nobody can give all his units a 2+ rend ignoring Save* * „But I need to kill his unit or I lose on points because I cant take the objective!“ Well, thats a good strategy by your opponent then, If you cant handle that he probably deserved to win. Ask yourself why you dont have a strategy against that? (eg assassinate the Castellant and the Wizard handing out Mystic Shield THEN going in) I think save stacking is no general problem, as we are also see more and more MWs via 6+ to hit/wound get implemented in the game. Armies like KO that rely mostly on -1 rend shooting can easily adapt because of their superior mobility. Save stacking is actually a good thing, regarding how oppressive KO were in the end of 2th - now you can just take it to the chin and counterpunch if the KO overcommits.
  2. I‘d go with onedrop and leave 70 pts open for „Inspired“ Triumph. As long as Fulminators and Annihilators hit their targets at 1500 w/o godlevel heroes you should have won. I‘d take „Call Aid“ over Steadfast March though for more Board Control if your Liberators bite it. Hope you‘ll rock it - make them fear the Hammers of Sigmar! 🔨
  3. I might go for Vendetta and make Bastian the general as he is pretty tough to take down and killing the enemy general should be possible. Losing the general trait is not that tragic and by preserving Bastian you also deny kill the general tactic and secure +1 CP from General being around. I‘d go for Tome + Thundershock on Imperatant to debuff the enemies line.
  4. I like Hammers Fulminators because of battleline. I have little to no points to spare and having either a required battleline AND hammer unit or just another battleline for „hold the line“ is quite nice!
  5. Its Age of Sigmar, no need to be a ****** about it. I actually played only twice against LRL so far, funnily enough with Kruleboyz once which went quite successful. LRL are strong but I value the tricks Kruleboyz can pull off over pointy ears MW shooting.
  6. LRL are pretty expensive for what they do. You can just counter them by putting cheap wounds on objectives or by wards. Kruleboyz are an extremely gimmicky army, with their biggest trick being blocking LOS and high MW alphastrike with 27“ range shooters. We are in no position to call LRL overpowered because in every other match up (ignoring LOS being the sentinel thing hardcountering our main strategy) we come out on top.
  7. They are all pretty solid for their cost. Each warband comes with a unique ability you absolutely can build around and with less than 100 pts and battleline in an idolators army they can work competitively no problem. That being said, its absolutely 100% not necessary for warbands from a niche system to be THE competitive unit. I‘d absolutely field 3 of them for my cheap battleline, but then again I‘d never play STD in the first place.
  8. At least the relevant ones. Unpopular Opinion, GW did a great job introducing new characters. I know everytime a new big name was introduced everyone assumed it would be another old WHFB name returning (eg Settra as Mortarch of the Necropolis). But from Vandus Hammerhand, Gordrakk, Brokk Grungsson and Volturnos to Katakros, Kragnos and Bastian Carthalos - they are all awesome! Some of them may be lacking some proper depth via novels, but they are all still very young! The more background gets introduced the more those characters appear in actual lore. I give you ANOTHER unpopular opinion though: I actually like that the lore of those new big names is pretty thin at the moment, because it creates an interesting myth around those characters. I remember reading the Iron Dragon novel where the name Brokk got dropped as he is the most legendary Arkanaut and that was sufficient for me to go „Oh he is that relevant, even Zilfin-KO talk about him as a living legend!“ Sometimes thats enough to create hype for a character, as it leaves details to my imagination.
  9. Worked on Bastian yesterday evening, what a boss! I‘m fielding him next sunday in a 3k match - really looking forward to it 😍
  10. I really like Skaven, but I share the opinion that they are outdated modelwise. Pretty much all finecast / metal models need a rework or be replaced by something new. I think Gravelords nailed it. Pretty much old Vampire Counts but with new flavor and many new awesome models. Sooner or later they will do it anyway.
  11. I like the app, it‘s well designed. Regarding this topic in general, I dont think free warscrolls (yes or no) really is a relevant question. Most people I know that are interested in AoS dont give a ****** because they buy a tome anyway and/or use the internet. And lets be honest, we ALL know where to get rules for free.
  12. You dont have to write the word trash to actually mean trash, you know that right? And you want to tell me that nobody in this thread trashtalked the whole tome or the ruleswriters (also the FAQ team) the last weeks? Also I dont „HATE“ people that disagree with me generally speaking. You obviously disagree with me and I harbor no hard feelings against you. But yeah, generally I hate people joining a forum just to write „Everything in this tome is bad, capitalistic, uninspired ****** and GW is either incompetent or hating this faction!“ - just for the record, nobody exactly wrote it like that - but thats the message they are sending.
  13. Ok, I might have overreacted a bit on that one. I‘m gonna enjoy the SCE games I‘m having this weekend, with my perfectly designed and very strong battletome that leads me to victory again and again. What a good job GW did. 10/10 and its just getting better as soon as I got Bastian and Drakeguard. What a wonderful time to be in the hobby!
  14. Let‘s be real here. Stormcast are in a VERY good spot again, most people talking about actual game experience are more than happy, some dude at warhammer world even pulls of victory after victory it seems and every batrep I‘ve watched so far they made a very good performance + in my own games I‘ve never experienced them to be such a potent force before. Everyone talking trash about the army is either exaggerating massively, which is nothing new on the internet, especially in this forum (Which has a VERY negative atmosphere all around), or just tries to troll other people, ruining their fun for the army / game in general. If someone like @Ragest called the Lord-Imperatant a marketing trick to force me to play Annihilators at the LGS I‘d literally shut him down, telling him to annoy someone else. The internet is the only place people are anonymously allowed to talk such nonsense without any real consequences, in reallife people would either shut them down and put them in their place or avoid them.
  15. Unpopular Opionion: WHFB and all its antiquated rules are dead for a reason. I don‘t think old world will exactly work like WHFB did, because it wouldn‘t be succesful.
  16. 3 Models, so 15 Wounds - the bird is a companion, but holy ****** are they good for their points. You basically have the Knight-Azyros + Knight Judicator combined in one scroll, with some kind of Praetor-Style Bodyguard. I wouldnt call them an auto include as 265 are still a lot of points and I would probably prefer Bastian, but they are definately a solid pick imo. But without translocation and menagerie trait the tome is trash tier and we all should sell our models or better burn them so nobody else needs to play this frustratingly bad designed and boring army! *irony off*
  17. 4+ as you „do not use the attack sequence (hit roll / wound roll).
  18. I wouldn‘t go down that path seriously. If I would truly believe they nerfed it because some angry kids cried loud on social media, I‘d be really sad. If they got rid of things like Mws on 6s for Judicators or nerfed the Vindictors Save to 4+ I‘d be with you on the „they just nerfed it because of internet hate“-train. But tranalocation and the menagerie trait CLEARLY stood out as something ridiculously strong. Options that were so much better than everything else, it was unreasonable not to take every game. As much as I dislike those people crying for nerfs / buffs all the time - regarding those 2 fixes they were absolutely right.
  19. Oh my argument is very valid, because SBGL is an army with mostly low Save models, also its a 12“ aura (in fact i think its 9“ iirc but it doesnt really matter) so you can dodge it or just shoot the 80p model. The command trait on the other hand (besides being 0 points) works on an entire army, no matter what positioning and its on a model with tons of wounds thats hard to take down anyway. The trait ist still good, probably the best in the book - just not an absolute nightmare for armies with mostly 4+ to wound (like OBR for example) Just because a mechanic exists in some other form doesnt mean its no problem to give it for free to an army of high wounds / high saves monsters. I think actually YOUR argument is not valid.
  20. Where are those 40% coming from? You claimed EVERYONE‘s game so I‘m included as well and I don‘t feel that double turns ruin 40% of my games. Actually most of the time priority doesn‘t even matter for my gameplan, except me or my opponent goofed hard. Your perception of the game is dangerously flawed and I say that because you claim to organize events. I dont want to imagine how you talk about the game and its mechanics at said events. I criticize you that hard because I know many LGS owners that behave just like that, thinking they know everything about the game systems they sell while in reality being pretty mediocre at best, all while being overall pretty negative about the systems, in worst cases even claiming they speak for the MAJORITY of the world wide gaming community. I think its some sort of self esteem issue working in retail. Maybe it‘s because they are frustrated that they are just selling someone elses product because they neither have the resources nor the knowledge / skill to create a successful product themselves.
  21. A trait that can grant a whole army based around tough monster units -1 to wound is just stupid. Anyone defending it is not better than those haters crying for unreasonable nerfs. The FAQ changes were legit and good for internal / external balance. period.
  22. We all knew translocation would get fixed, it was such a standout autotake ability that completely ruined the internal balance. Same goes for the menagerie trait. Its crazy how anyone can cry about those changes.
  23. Thats because you never actually cared about AoS lore. I played the Firestorm campaign with friends at our LGS for weeks and whenever I see a map of Aqshy I know „Yeah there is the place we fought over!“ or if I see furios peak „Thats where my Vostarg live!“ I care for AoS lore and I connect places with stories I read / campaigns I played. I to follow your example never deeply cared about WHFB Lore so if you name the river Reik I don‘t care at all. Just be honest and say that you dont like it and dont want to like it.
  24. You need to analyse your games, even if you won. Ask yourself 3 simple questions: - What went well, and why? - What went badly, and why? - Would something be better if I changed a unit? If you don‘t have enough arguments you need more games, if you know that things went badly but you don‘t know what to change you need more games. If you win everytime and have tons of reasons why you know your list is good. Important note: Play different players and if you can, different areas. If you always face the same guys and win all the time it may be that they are just not good at the game, so learning from those games is hard to impossible. New people, new armies, new playstylew, new meta. Helps answering your 3 questions. Good Luck, I wouldn‘t play your list btw tbh. Takes 0 advantage of Hammers of Sigmar (eg Named Characters, Fulminators Battleline) and has little to no punch. If someone showed up with that list I knew I would win no matter what I play.
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