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Posts posted by elfhead

  1. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    The Lore article is out. I really need them to make this guy into a hero unit. Like NOW. hahahaha


    This is an amazing piece of art. So cool to see these colors which look like classic dark elves in a Lumineth art piece. The wizard looks awesome and seems to have a 'river' rune on his staff... Looking forward to seeing this color scheme on some actual models. 

    What I really like about the fluff is that it seems like they sorta recreated the old world lore with the fall to decadence and the civil war. But that is now in the past, so the Lumineth are, in a way, picking up the story where old world lore ended.


    Earlier I seem to have misremembered how eatherquartz was described in the core book. I still need some more clarity, which I hope the army book will offer. I'd like to incorporate the excessive use of eatherquartz into the lore for my Slaaneshy elves. I also read up on what 'aether' is or was in the real world. There are some interesting things that the ancient greeks thought it was. they actually thought of it as a fifth element (actually the first element). More recently scientists thought of aether as an explanation for how light moves... 



  2. 9 hours ago, lordreaven448 said:

    I'm feeling dumb, but how would that indicate Vampire pirates?

    It doesn't really. But if you really want Vampire pirates to be a thing the mention of a harbor in Shyish is enough to get excited I guess:P

    • Like 1
  3. I think the owl is for bloodbowl. We already saw a bloodbowl freeman with a squirrel, so another Forrest critter makes sense. 

    I’m hoping GW had something to  put focus back to Lumineth for a moment when they finally get released. I’m afraid new40k will steal the spotlights te coming months and Lumineth will just get released, that would be a big anti-climax after the rediculous Amount of hype they build. Especially because the range already seems to be smaller than what was implied.  

    • Like 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    The Lumineth were unfortunately a victim if the virus. They should've realistically been released in April with 9th Edition now in May and then Sons of Behemat in June. Because of the delay GW has had to stretch out its hype and marketing with the Lumineth Lowdowns and not wanting to show all of the range the longer the lockdown has gone on. It's probably fatigued a few people and those who dont like the range have been quite vocal about it as time has gone on.

    Yeah, I understand all this. I just hope they make an effort to do a little more than just release the models and that's it. Just one more good article (where they talk about more than just the rubble on the bases...) or even surprising everyone with a model we haven't see before. 

    • Like 1
  5. in one of the studio previews they showed a treeman for blood bowl with a squirrel. maybe one of the other members of this teams has an owl hiding somewhere?


    I was thinking about the Lumineth release and I really hope GW has a trick up their sleeve to create a tiny bit of hype when releasing them. with the release of new 40K around the corner and hype building for the giants, the Lumineth have faded a bit to the background. 

    • Like 1
  6. Like a lot of you, I've decided to thin out my backlog because I've got some more time on my hands now that I have to work at home (no more commuting). When the End times happened I bought some of the models I always liked but never owned. I always loved the wood elf hero with great weapon and the wood elf spell singer. A few years later I've finally put some paint on them. not the best pictures though😑









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  7. Te snippets of lore we’d got this last few days suggest the mountain discipline makes up the bulk of te fighters. I wish this would have been mentioned before, instead of the emphasis on the 4 elemental disciplines. The way it was handled suggests 4 different kinds of warriors. With the new lore it makes more sense we get only te mountain troops and basic troops.

    allthough I think we’ll see the other disciplines in later releases. 

  8. 10 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    That is also from the Beastgrave terrain set - along with the huge skull the Bonegrinder has for a helmet.  That kit has a few really tasty bits in it.  I linked the product in the GW store in a previous post.

    I hope they come back and show more of his Gargant conversions when he is further along.  I am really curious what his plans for the Colossal Squig are.

    You can follow him on Instagram, he goes by sonofbehemat.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    (traitor stormiest) Thats an interesting concept 

    We already have evil heavy armored knights, chaos warriors.

    If I'm not mistaken Space marines were inspired by the succes of chaos warriors, and the succes of space marines probably inspired the creation of stormcasts. I think making traitor stormcast would be very unnecessary. It's also unlikely lore wise.

    • Like 4
  10. I was wondering if the release pattern maybe could be more like the sisters of battle. The amount of hype building is almost similar and the SoB started out with a limited edition box and then it took a long time for different kits to be released. I think they still aren’t complete. They still miss the seraphim (flying sisters) I think? So maybe Lumineth were meant to start releasing in April and then the rest would have been spread out? 
    to be honest I don’t keep track of the 40k releases closely, but I thought the first sisters box hit in December 2019 and the last kit would have been released last month if I’m not mistaken? 

  11. I think a lot of you have voiced what I've been thinking about the uncertainty about the new range a lot more eloquently than I can in English, so I won't go further into it.

    While waiting for any models being released I thought it would be fun to tinker around in Blender (3d) program to see if I could create some Lumineth scenery. Here is a screenshot of what I've been working on. I'm currently in the process of trying to prep the file for 3D printing, which is always harder than I expect. But if it works I might make this available for others if it doesn't turn out too expensive. Let me know what you think.



    • Like 8
  12. I've thought about this for a bit. 

    I think the problem you have is about contrast. If you side a light color for the bone (ivory) and put red/yellow in the recesses it won't look as good because you don't have enough contrast to make the 'flames' pop. Ik think you'll need to go from flames to black/dark brown and then paint the ivory bone color, but leave some dark between the ivory and the flames. to enhance the flaming effect mix in some orange with the dark color around the flames to make it look like the fire is casting light on it surroundings. 

    for subtle differences in color I would suggest glazing, using a small brush and really thinned down paint to get subtle different hues for the flames. 

    The ivory color itself I would use a brown color like ballon brown and then work unto ushabti bone with a further highlight of ushabti bone mixed with white. 

    I think you'll want something like I did on the skull on this banner?




    • Like 2
  13. If this is the complete range I would really appreciate it if they just plain tell us. I’m fine if it is. We’ll probably see the other subcultures and Tyrion in the future, just like new stormcast chambers. 
    I’ve got lots of models lying around before I can justify buying into Lumineth so I can wait. 

    • Like 5
  14. The shadow elves for warcry look awesome. Combined with the shadespire warband the DoK are having a good time. Excited about non-chaos warbands for warcry. 

    kinda disappointing to see just one Lumineth model, which we already kinda saw before... I find it a bit frustrating to see another new army before we’ve seen the entire Lumineth range. 

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